Rule Reminders & BBall Cup at Excello
October 4, 2011
With week 2 commencing, we felt that some teams could need a little reminder on the gravelpit rules as well as on some other rules.
Gravelpit Reminders
The following is a full quote from the general rules page.
4.4 Gravelpit and Gorge: 2-3 Rounds using ABBA format
cp_gravelpit and cp_gorge have to be played with 2-3 rounds (possible overall results: 2:0, 0:2, 1:2, 2:1). In the first 2 rounds the ABBA format will be used.
In the case of both teams taking one round (1:1) there will be a decider round. In the first 2 rounds the teams should note the final cap time of the first team attacking. The team that has the best cap time (or more caps in the case a team did not cap all points) can choose if they want to attack or defend first in the 3rd round. Remember to reload the config between rounds, so teams can be switched.
Example: Team A attacks and sets a time of 4:56. Team B then attacks and caps the last point faster then Team A did, setting the score 1:0. Next team B attacks first and sets a time of 5:28, team A then attacks and caps faster. The score is then 1:1 and a decider round will need to be played. Since Team A’s attack time of 4:56 was faster then team B’s 5:28 they can choose who attacks first.
Golden Cap rules do NOT apply to cp_gravelpit. Whichever team wins the map will receive 3 points in the League standings.
- On gravelpit, you will have to upload at least 2 screenshots of the scores at the end. If you play a decider round, you need to upload 3 screenshots. For an example how the screenshots have to look like, see this match page.
- If you forgot to upload all screenshots, you can still add them through the “Add Screenshots” page.
Other Rule Reminders
- All players are required to record Point-of-View demos during all matches. Failure to provide a requested demo will be punished with a minor warning per player whose demo is missing.
- If you ever wondered why an admin set a default date for one of your matches, the schedule deadline has been exceeded. You can see all deadlines on this or this page.
- None of our admins is a master in mind reading. We can only know what is written on the match page. For some useful tips on how to get a convenient default date, check out this thread.
- Did you know that wildcarded matches get a default date 7 days after the wildcard was used?
- To reschedule a match you do not necessarily have to use a wildcard. If both teams agree, you can simply propose a different date and ask your opponent to accept the new schedule. In case he does not agree, you can use a wildcard up to 15 minutes before the scheduled time. It is polite to inform your opponent of the use of a wildcard in advance.
AC Updates
The ETF2L Anti-Cheat IRC bot has a new AC command. The old command, !acrequest, will not work anymore. From now on if you want to talk to an AC admin type !acadmin in #etf2l.
Excello and Albert’s Bball cup!
In other news, on Wednesday, 5th October, Albert and
Forsak3n will host the first TF2 2on2 BBall tournament over at our friends of Excello. If you have not signed up yet do not waste any time and create a team on You can sign up on this page. Please be aware that you are required to check in from 19.30 CEST to 20.00 CEST. The first round will start right after the check in at 20.00 CEST. For more information please see the original newspost.
“None of our admins is a master in mind reading. We can only know what is written on the match page. For some useful tips on how to get a convenient default date, check out this thread.”
Link to “this thread.” ain’t workin!
Yep the full link is
So a copy-paste gone wrong there, change it into
and it should be fixed!
Fixed, thanks for letting us know.
There is a pretty new bball pickup channel made by nTraum.
/join #bballtf2.pickup @ quakenet
It currenty lacks players. Bot up and running. Server available.
Give it a try.