Hammer Time
September 19, 2011
Just a quick post so that we can announce these. The following players have been found cheating and will be banned:
Silleh – Wallhack – 1 year ban
Zero – Wallhack/Triggerbot – 1 year ban
Excello Invite Starts Tonight!
In other news, our friends at Excello are starting their ZOWIE TF2 Pre-Season – Invite competition right about now. Stay tuned to our other friends VanillaTV, who will be starting off what looks to be a great night of casting with Infused.Tt vs Relic!
Expecting more :(
Cy@ Total
silleh, fuck yeah!
Proud moment for me and spelling<3
kinda ironic that the mix I got suspected in had a wallhacker/triggerbotter in. n1 admins
Silleh – Wallhack – 1 year ban
Havent you banned enough innocent people
lol :D
This is a beat, uh, you can’t touch.
bye silleh(((((
oh wait, different movie.
http://youtu.be/YzFJcZ-MqqU is that silleh guy?
it is.
I seriously don’t see why silleh has been banned. I have known him for years and play with him frequently along with being in many teams with him and I can honestly say he does not hack. I would be willing to stake my steam account on it.
GG for banning yet another legit player
i now silly 4 years he no cheat racist admins destroing t2f
I knew silleh from back when he ragequit a lobby after I griefed him using sv_cheats 1 and spawning the pumpkin bomb. Shame about the ban!
good job etf2l :p
you must be fucking horrible at this game if you have both wallhack and triggerbot.. and you still play div6? :z
Silleh is such a machine, he can switch between flicking and pure tracking at any given time, and land the sickest headshots and then continue to suck ass. I wonder how.
I tought that was called aimbot, not wallhack.
Silleh’s ban was overdue anyway, he should have been banned for avoiding a ban by hacking on his second account (which got banned as well btw) much earlier.
The videos on his account that are obvious aimbot are actually just using timescale, i know because i was there. It was done for a joke, like the cookye one ages ago.
He’s not a hacker, just good at games, you all jelly.
Played with Silleh, definitely not a wallhacker :P
i bet hes a nice guy too!
I’m pretty confused. When this Silleh kid was mentioned way back wallhack wasn’t even what he was suspected of, so how the fuck did you come to that conclusion? Urgh, ETF2L.
this time no french, no russians, but two british, lololol
@WLL Yes, nice guy – all the innocent are tbh
Exactly Flippy. Exactly.
good shoot admin
No more bans please.
Can we just occasionally make up some fake players and ban them to act as a deterrent for spackers?
Or alternatively an AC solution that people have faith in…
pretty sure he is not a cheater. played him weeks ago in mge scout vs scout once, he did play well but not outstanding. he definetly has good aim yet i won.
mixed with him recently a few times (i did medic) and spectated him several times while being dead. he tends to have great moments and his aim in general is great but he misses shots like every other person. seems to me like someone who just figured out how to aim as scout/sniper, and makes people mad by playing confident. quad/beavern #2 if you want so
What a silly ban haaar haaar
Who is in the AC team atm anyway?
his aim is legit. Told me he only used the wallhack to kill helberg :P
silly rabbit hax r 4 kids
guys, listen to xiu xiu.
he won him he cant hack. the same guy where scouts kill each other with hitscan weapons.
why is everybody talking about his aim?
Silleh – Wallhack
Fml uk is becoming the new france.
i know he was banned because of wallhacking. only mentioned my impression of his aim since there were comments coming up regarding his “dodgy” aim. didnt mean to imply anything else, should have made it more clear.
also ipz: great english-skills right there. maybe invest more time into your education rather than obsessing with me and stalking the etf2l site at night ;)
Wallhack = Wallhack. If you install a wallhack just to fool around with, then don’t be surprised if you get banned. GG Etf2l.
Hammer Time
Amazing how ETF2L are still able to roll out anti-cheating bans without an anti-cheat team.
Daleth there is one :)))
Crap, I tracked somebody through a bridge last night listening to the uber sound and timed it right (I then went ahead and missed every shot :D). Please don’t ban me :(.
Oh wallhack, you so silleh.
Lol, just played with Silleh few days ago and called him a hacker, he said that I’m noob.
And yeah, I’m not that Zero who got banned, lol.
Im not sure if wallhack would be the thing he should be banned for imo.
Hes got prem track aim but for some reason he plays div 5 (?)
Idk why anyone is moaning, thats a good job by ETF2L imo.
And for the love of god please stop inviting me to ‘FREE *INSERTNAMEHERE*’ groups and such stuff because ETF2L have a better idea than me (and most of the people in the group) over who might be hacking.
Besides, those groups also achieve nothing but wasting your own time as once ETF2L have made there minds up there is no going back.
Sorry for grouchyness.
It looks more like hes aimbotting. His crosshair is always locked on the enemy neckbone.
I’m also curious about who is doing the banning now?
I love how everyone is like “oh i played silleh one time a trillion years ago so i know for sure he doesnt hack”. Or “hes a nice guy so he cant hack”. Do people not understand that being nice =/= not hacking…
idNk, thats the video i was talking about. we used timescale for a laugh then, i’m the scout running around doing nothing.
he got banned for wallhack, not aimbot/triggerbot.
Boring when you’ve never heard of the people getting banned :(
Those guys get banned, yet this sisu kid still walks around actin legit…
just lol
god bless etf2l
Good job ETF2L, one asshole down.
sisu should be next, dat bitch is so obvious!! now he’s gone ‘travelling’ for a year
rofl running away from the LAW more like
my sides are splitting mate, soooo funny..
“Known him for years”, here we come!
Fucking british cheaters!
Player , banned 5 years. Reason: Generic “specced him for 5 mins once and he’s deff legit” cuntpost.
Sorry that english is not my mother tongue xiu_xiu but still is it the most stupid thing to say that you played him and that you think he is he is legit. Cause nobody fucking cares…
sorry for he is he is :) pick on it
eat currywurst bitch
sauerkraut marsch!
gg total