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Season 10: Provisional Divisions

Date September 14, 2011

The ETF2L staff just set a new personal record: Only 24 hours after the sign-ups for the so-called “Season 10!” closed we are able to announce provisional divisions! The seeding has been very difficult for us due to the estimated higher skill level in the upcoming season. We decided to add another division 1 and 2, rather than declining 50% of the applications for said divisions.

>>> Season 10! Provisional Divisions <<<

Please note that the seeding is not yet final. We reserve the right to still shuffle the teams around a bit.

If you are unhappy about your team’s current seeding, please take a deep breath and look at the other teams in your division. Maybe you are in good company? If you still feel unhappy, please contact an admin on IRC or write an email to [email protected] and explain your situation. We cannot, however, fulfil all requests and we apologise for that in advance.

Here are some possible reasons why you might not have gotten the desired seeding although you beat a team from a higher division once:

  • The other team earned its spot by promotion.
  • You did not send in screenshots to justify your application.
  • The screenshots you sent in were not sufficient.

The following teams still have less than 6 registered players on their roster

  • Absolutely Flawless
  • Die!
  • Eccentric kunoichi´s!
  • Fools team
  • n2o-gaming.TF2
  • Shooting Guards
  • tabbata
  • Team Concrete Est
  • Turntable Crusaders
  • vier // yellow
  • Zombies Ate My Neighbors






If these teams do not have 6 players or more on Friday, 16th September, 23:59 CEST, they will be replaced by a team from the waiting list – which brings us to our next point! If you did not manage to sign up in time you can still join the waiting list. We expect some teams to drop in the first 2 weeks so the chance that your team will get the chance to play is high.

>>> Sign Up for the Waiting List! <<<

In case your team does not exist anymore or wants to drop from the league, please let us know as soon as possible. This might give a team from the waiting list the chance to play.

And now for something completely different: We added a new advertisment on our page to buy new shoes for ashkan. Please give your opinion here instead of creating multiple threads about it.


  1. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    How many tropical fruits can you find on the provisional divisions page?

  2. ashkan said:

    Boy, I can’t wait! Them new shoes is gon’ look mighty fine with my s9 medals!

  3. Morphine: (Cat Enthusiast) - 一一═デ︻ said:

    10 bananas

  4. Morphine: (Cat Enthusiast) - 一一═デ︻ said:

    or 13, with the sneaky Orange !

  5. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:


  6. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    13 is actually correct, dat slow net

  7. Childish Gubbino said:

    CanFo stop hating just cos you like melting hats.

  8. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:


    also, diggy v old diggy :D

  9. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    More like fake diggy vs real diggy :P

  10. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    I skipped 4 divs, tf2ez.

  11. Ace said:


  12. The Man with many Faces: spire said:


    …too soon?

  13. Califax: dyn. said:


  14. Nana-chan said:

    Very disappoint. Prem needs some PINK.

  15. Califax: dyn. said:

    Div1’s team “Twitch” doesnt seem to exist? And where are NVC/Walker’s “Level up”?

  16. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    twitch = truls gaming

  17. Mark: Phase said:

    Hmm I’d maybe switch yyt and Equilibrium, but that’s just me.

  18. Mark: Phase said:

    ^ Or maybe Crack Clan, considering how it’s basically the ESL winners/dominators.

  19. Spike Himself: TC said:

    That was quick o.O

  20. WLL said:

    where is dotpiXels? ._.

  21. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    I’m disappointed you didn’t hotlink all the teamnames. Lazy badmins ;)

  22. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    inb4 shitstorm

  23. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Mark, Equilibrium won Div1 in S9 and as such is guaranteed a prem spot.

  24. M0re said:

    2groups in d1 kinda defeats the prem/d1 system. Just drop 8 of those teams, shouldnt be that hard when you look at the list.

  25. evokje: WiK? said:

    +1 m0re

  26. ups said:

    I think m0re has a point there.

    Well done on getting the list sorted this quickly.

  27. doks said:

    if there would be 1 group in div1 it would push 8 div1 teams into div2, 8 [if they removed the 3rd group in div2 – 16] div2 teams into div3 which would then again push 8 or 16 div3 teams into div4 – which would all be unfair imo. The years go and obviously there are more high level teams. I doubt people want to practice their asses off to stay in the same division.
    doks out

  28. Spike Himself: TC said:

    The news post quite clearly states that another div1 brakcet was added because the only alternative was putting those teams in div2. And we all know what happens when more than 2 teams are seeded into a lower div..

  29. M0re said:

    doks yes I know math. Hence it would balance the div system back to normal and not like now when someone is searching for d1 games you can roll them 5-0 in 7,5minutes.

  30. M0re said:

    (like us as we really are div6 team in disguise) hah

  31. Mark: Phase said:

    “Mark, Equilibrium won Div1 in S9 and as such is guaranteed a prem spot.”

    Yeah but they’re a completely different team now (and must have played about 2 PCWs since)

  32. WLL said:

    Equilibrium without Haunter? GL in Prem :–)

  33. davesan: epx^ - Panda said:

    could always implement a new div similar to other leagues – add an invite division!

  34. doks said:

    M0re if you are prem then how about arrange pcws against teams insted of “searching” in IRC ?

  35. M0re said:

    I dont know whats your problem, maybe you’re afraid that your shitty team will drop to div5 or something. What I described happens with around div2-3 Finnish mix teams.

    But you can argue all you want, everyone with a brain knows what needs to be done and thats that. You can have a quality div1 games (which you would actually spectate) or you can have a div1 filled with d2-3 teams and make it less intresting.

  36. doks said:

    My problem is that you are not prem first of all bro :) But gl

  37. WOODY[ said:

    +1 m0re

    doks, please stop talking.

  38. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    ?? ckras is sick, prem material easily.

  39. doks said:

    i maid my point and this guy just calls my team shit without any reason – admins do your work – thank you :)

  40. WOODY[ said:

    inb4 2 month ban for saying dg is a shitty

  41. WOODY[ said:


  42. M0re said:

    I know we arent. I even put div6 in the form where you were asked when joined a league what div you think you’re.

    also I can quote myself “(like us as we really are div6 team in disguise)”. But still we would beat half of those div1 teams in 7,5minutes so thats gotta tell you something when div6 team can do that….

  43. vero :<: (^-^)v said:

    While I’m not unhappy about being placed where we are placed, I do at the same time think that M0re has a point. With only one d1, personally I wouldn’t been unhappy to go d2 as it hopefully would have shaped up to be fairly competitive then.

    Still I can also see that it is a bit of a dilemma for admins, there are teams placed in places other maybe are more worthy to go, but if you promise someone promotion, well then you do. My question then is the following: If the league can be played more continuously (e g S11 starts, say, two weeks after S10 – I haven’t done any kind of math w.r.t. Christmas). Would that possibly help to balance things out, over one or two seasons? I think, that for the promotional system to be truly relevant the league must be more “active” all over the year.

    So, another question for the future: Would this league benefit from a reset, say, once a year. If you look at the spring season, it was a bit of a joke with regards to drops and couple that with a large period of “inactivity” (or not, for some) i e summer. Would it be possible to place teams in their proper div and reset things? Is it even necessary (I’m not sure). Obviously, if you win your div you ought to be a contender for the higher one – but should it be set in stone? Not that his is anything you could implement without warning a season before. I see the big problems with a suggestion like this, but thought it interesting none the less.

    All in all, I hope it is going to be a good season though!

  44. doks said:

    That may be true M0re but also a lot of div4 teams might beat div2 teams. You might say that`s not important on that level – but you cant really ask for the admins to follow every team and know what they are capable off.
    Also – someone here mentioned before to make an invite division which i think would be awesome. The really highest level teams could go for it and make room for the new and upcoming teams in the other divisions.

  45. M0re said:

    @vero thats what I’m saying that it would balance the divs more evenly in the end.

    @doks I think you just described prem

  46. doks said:

    Well aaaanyway.
    We have vanilla
    The map pool is fine[i guess]
    If the teams wont drop like last season we are in for an amazing season.
    GL, HF & DD [don`t drop]

  47. M0re said:

    yeah, hf and play the game :). Sorry for calling you out doks, no reason to do that.

  48. Mark: Phase said:

    Also not really to complain but we signed up for d2 based on there being 8 teams in division 1 (at least, that’s what we thought). Had we known there were actually 16 teams in division 1, most of which we’ve beaten, we would have signed up there. It’s all good though!!

  49. rarecandy said:

    Was kinda hoping for a place in div2 but can’t really complain since we’re short on screenshots. Nice divs!

  50. stvv: WUL said:

    @vero, you may be happy to be moved down a division so that div1 is smaller, cool.

    But its not that easy, if div1 is made smaller, lets say 4 teams are taken, they get moved to div2 obviously, where 4 teams from div2 will be moved down and so on and so on, which will obviously piss other teams off. Not to mention teams in div3/4 want to be moved up and that will completely deplete there chances. I like the look of Div1, i think it will be a good season and GL to all the teams this season and good work admins getting the provisional seeds done.

  51. tasKu: e-famous said:

    so many div3s!

  52. Snyyppis: RLM said:

    Too many div1s and div2s, please change them back, you’ll be glad you did in the end…

  53. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    This has actually brought us back to the old situation: div1 was the top div and there were 2 div2s. Only the names are different now :D

    Whiners gonna whine, I’m surprised there’s no LAWL NICE DIVS topic yet.

  54. doks said:

    skeej you gonna jinx it :/ now no one will make one.

  55. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    Close enough

  56. tramsig: -><- said:

    After half the season you can merge the 2 div1:s because of drops anyways :P

  57. vero :<: (^-^)v said:


    I can see the problem full well, and while I could accept d2 for us (if there was only 8 d1 teams) I’m not too sad about our current predicament ;-) That’s why I was pondering whether a “reset” was a good idea. Needless to say shrinking the divs to 8 would also cause problems if you didn’t extend divs like this. I also think it will be a good season btw.

    However I feel that people set too much store at a number (prem, div1, div2, etc..) and seem to forget that the skill related to these divisions are not set in stone. If you play in d3 or d2 does it really matter as long as you play against people of an equal skill? If you do play against people of an equal skill isn’t that the div you are supposed to be in? Now I know it’s not that easy, you work toward a goal, and div3 has another connotation than div2 etc but it would be nice if the different skill tiers could be straightened out, I honestly believe it would benefit everyone in the long run. Though I also guess this tangent another debate that’s been going on forever =)

    Also, I feel the need to mention now, that the solution provided by the admins with two d1’s isn’t that bad an idea and under the circumstances, perhaps even the most feasible one. So thanks to admins who have sorted through all us shitters with screenshots :D

    And have a good season!

  58. stvv: WUL said:

    People saying the divisions are too big, mainly 1 and 2, i do agree, however a lot of the teams in those divisions are really close in terms of skill/play whatever you want to call it, they will all have good games against each other. Pushing teams into a lower division is going to completely throw it off, since there is a fairly big difference going from div2 -> 1 in team work and DM, if this happens its going to completely mess up the divs. I dont know about you guys but i’d rather see a close division with lots of teams playing very good exciting games against each other, rather than seeing 3/4teams completely demolish the other teams and those be left at the top.


    I dont like the amount of teams in div2/1 but, in the end i’d rather have teams being put where they belong competing against teams of their level and not just dominating a table lower.

  59. Coco: [d¿s] said:

    What are you guys even talking about. competitive TF2 is being played more and more, eventually teams get better, so the higher divs are getting filled up. The days when the TF2 scene was dominated by just a few teams is about to end, and that is actually a good thing imo.

  60. vero :<: (^-^)v said:

    Yes, but a division should not represent a certain skill tier, rather a percentile of the scene.

  61. stvv: WUL said:

    Well it still doesn’t make sense to put teams that you know will beat all the other teams in that division, its just not fair on those teams that have worked to get to where they are to be playing against teams that are clearly better.

  62. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    after the screens you shared doks i would not shout to loud.

  63. doks said:

    ^ 12yo ?

  64. Farah said:

    Vero, I think that’s precisely the problem. The role of divisions isn’t precisely defined(judging by the discussion here). If divisions do represent a certain skill tier, then there would be grounds to increase the size of a division as the size of the skill tier has increased(as, presumably the admins have decided that the division 1 skill tier is too big to be merely accomodated by one standalone division). However, if divisions represent a percentage skill tier(e.g. top 1% or some shit), then increasing the amount of subdivisions would only be justified by a significant increase in the amount of teams signed up – and even then one can change the percentile that a division represents and tailor it to the amount of subdivisios you want.

    I’m a div6 noob so I don’t claim to know whether divisions represent percentiles or skill tiers, I’m way too inexperienced to understand that. What I do know is that the seeming uncertainty of what divisions represent clouds up the discussion and causes misunderstandings.

  65. atomic said:

    11 bananas <3333333

  66. mustardoverlord: :) said:

    guys I have an idea

    can we get stv uploads/tf2logs for all the div1/prem games

  67. Mark: Phase said:

    It’s been a rule for two seasons that all prem games upload their STV demos. Of course it hasn’t been enforced though.

  68. lolage: TSPAG said:

    tf2logs would be sick

  69. Ehehehehehehe said:

    http://etf2l.org/teams/12996/ is on the list for some reason…

  70. Crasp: (Legend) - BACΩN | - бекон said:

    Fixed, it was a mistype, the 6 should be a 4.

  71. [ETF2L] Divisões Provisórias, Configs e Prémios « said:

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