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ETF2L Public Server, Admin changes, bans, One Night Cup coming soon

Date May 11, 2011

ETF2L Public Server

It’s been gone for a while, but it’s back! The official ETF2L public server is now live for ETF2L members only!
You can find the server here:
Play fair and enjoy!

Admin Changes

For various reasons, the following players will be leaving the admin team:

Germany mvp.
Russia mihalch

We would like to thank them for their efforts and hard work and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.

Subsequently, the following players have been added to the staff:

Fake-Russia huhy – League Admin
The Netherlands Spike Himself – League & Site Admin
England konr – Anti-Cheat Admin

We welcome them and wish them the best of luck!

Additionally, England Dave and Holland RaCio have been named Honorary Head Admins for the time being. This means anyone requiring a Head Admin should contact England SnowiE. We hope to see RaCio back shortly and wish him and his family all the best.

League Bans

It is with great sadness that we announce the following bans;

Sweden WT -Triggerbot
Holland Just you – Triggerbot / possible aimbot
England / Lithuania Exteel– Second account of Europe O_oPs* (the original ban will be extended by another year)

All league games involving these players will become Default Wins for their opponents.

One Night Cup – cp_grack

Update: There are still some empty spaces for this cup! You can sign up on the Competitions page.

As part of our continuing efforts to support map-makers, ETF2L is pleased to announce another One Night Cup on a community made map! These cups are a useful tool for map makers to see their maps played in a competitive environment and draw feedback from it.
This One Night Cup will be run on Wednesday 18th May, featuring cp_grack, a map created by Iceland Vince.
You can find more information about this map in the forum thread.
Signups are open now and close at the end of Sunday. The first round of fixtures will be announced before the end of Tuesday 17th May.

Please note: This cup will run under the vanilla ruleset. The only unlocks allowed are the Blutsauger, the Übersaw and the Kritzkrieg.


  1. Waebi: ‹Con› said:

    may one of them be the random flaming of players? :) (safety)
    also, thanks to mihalch (iirc he did the status-screenshot-to-page-thingy or whatever)

  2. Ghent: Team said:

    Bought time on just you’s ban, he was reported months ago.

  3. Ghostface: spire said:

    konr admin? (I know it’s AC but still).

    This league is dead.
    Also, exteel. Most blatant cheater in the world. How didn’t anyone see that?

  4. Exteel said:

    Omg guys,not second account,it’s my third account. And still,you will see me in ETF2L. I’m master cheater! :) Just next season you wont find me :)

  5. Lukas: ti. said:

    Welocme in ban world ;D

  6. Natijs said:

    You wasted Dakkas prime season, how do you feel now? Oh wait! They knew that`s you.

  7. Exteel said:

    Nope,they didin’t.

  8. Reload: BiG - BiG said:


  9. Natijs said:

    So you want to tell me that Lithuanian buddy kitas didn`t now who you are?

  10. Wabby said:

    Biggest bit of news is vanilla 1 night cup, a preview of things to come?????!!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?

  11. caned: MEAT - LEGO said:

    Spike as admin? Surely he’ll dodge all his duties.

  12. Ramown: TIDS said:

    I’m in mumb with them now, they actually had no idea. I’m not even a part of this russian circlejerk.

  13. Lenny said:

    fucking cheaters..

  14. Su1c1deR said:

    Exteel we will FIND U!

  15. rapax24: aS♦ said:

    ROTFL at HoC and WT sniping is EEEEEEASY

  16. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    game over

  17. gold: ympocucked said:

    omgomg spy :D

  18. Sneis said:

    it seems a bit odd adding “possible aimbot” to why “Just you” got banned. Adding the “possible aimbot” takes the edge of the “we are certain this guy is cheating” that some might say etf2l has struggles with. I mean if the guy is triggerbotting isnt that enough?

  19. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    cos WT wasn’t obvious….


  20. dr icecream said:

    Wow, getting default losses for all of Dakka Prime’s games while they had no idea is quite a harsh move. We’ve been supporting them since this season and I already had an explanation, they had no idea.
    Is there a way to settle this without harsh measurements? I mean, I’m okay with the ban, but letting the whole team take the consequences for it is overkill…

  21. Leftism: W.tf - KC&LtL said:

    lol @ Vince being Icelandic. :D

    d2m maybe gone but his handywork still remains… :-3

  22. atomic said:

    dr icecream,its harsh move,but i can bet nothing going to be changed ,rules are rules :)

  23. Exteel said:

    Atomic,they found me :'(((

  24. atomic said:

    ye.. i see… you were hiding very well from admins :DDDDDDD

  25. Exteel said:

    Untill now lol.. :D i will add you on steam with my new acc ;)

  26. honeymustard: Phase said:

    Quad, Beavern and now WT. Honestly, the current AC system is a joke.

  27. atomic said:

    k,do it :)

  28. HOUSEMASTER said:

    etf2l is dying
    i mean dead


  29. Sprett said:

    Are you srs bout WT? Guys, i’ve been playing with him for a long time and i know he is not cheating, he have just grew up with fps games and are a fast and good learner… His reaction time is good, not only on tf2…

  30. atomic said:

    So exteel will get one more year added to his ban?

  31. atomic said:

    omfg,he will spend all his money on accounts,ffs played with him some time in Dead Zone <3 him
    solid soldier,WITHOUT cheats,i cant get where admins got that he is cheating,explain me pls somebody.If player isnt cheating,he will definetly try to play again on etf2l from another account …..

  32. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    he is banned deal with it

  33. atomic said:

    ye,np,but can you imagine yourself in his situation?

  34. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    sure but its over, same case for beaverN, maybe extell o_Ops was just too good for his division , maybe he is just a gay cheater, we will never know

  35. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Couldn’t you guys tell that Exteel was Lithuanian and wasn’t English?

  36. murphy: aS - aS♦ said:

    one shot one ban——>sniping is EEEEEEASY

    ah ah ah

    make pov-demo next time, …..if you are clean.

    PREC is free. ;-)

  37. Ability: BM Kappa said:

    WT :D :D

  38. dr icecream said:

    Permzilla, what was the point in knowing he was Lithuanian? I mean, his previous profile just had the european flag on it and they didn’t know him before Prime/ Dakka Prime. So what good would it have done to know that he was Lithuanian? Just like his etf2l profile said.

  39. WT said:

    Kewl,Now i know what i apparently cheat with.

  40. Flippy: LEGO - DA! said:

    Konr AC admin, ok. lol.

  41. Chaos said:

    Dribble dribble
    WP etf2l. More great decisions from an apparent bunch of geniuses.

  42. Ghostface: spire said:

    Complain about the bans all you want, angry mob. As long as you don’t pull the ‘nice guy’ card on us.

  43. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    why is konr admin

  44. WAR: GlueEater said:

    Lol konr 2gd at spotting cheaters on orange_x

  45. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    Yea go vince he might be german but he sure aint german!

  46. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Nice another one night cup :D

    Cheaters can fuck off.

  47. siN: xenon said:

    nesamone kaip pagavo :((

  48. Askior: swimp said:

    Konr AC admin.


  49. reactioN said:

    gayspider shouldnt have cheated against me

  50. d2m: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Is konr’s AC experience better than his recruitment posting abilities?

    What AC experience does he have?

    With the greatest of respect, some of these Admin appointments are starting to make you guys look terrible. Also, having only one Head Admin now isn’t going to help much. Good luck with that…

    <3 to Mihalch, you did some awesome work ))

  51. d2m: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    I think you could have phrased that a little more politely :p

  52. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Konr is an admin.

    When am I going to make an appearance on the admin team?

  53. Spike Himself: TC said:

    konr has experience in the field. Isn’t that exactly what everyone has been crying about?

    As far as I’m aware he has been trialing for the position for quite some time. If he had done badly surely he wouldn’t have been recruited in the end?

  54. Demourge: EPA said:

    Hahahahahah … konr has experience? I read his application yeah. “A friend showed me cheats, that’s how I know how to recognize them”.

    This league is just getting better and better. Especially with just SnowiE as head admin.

    Once again; Hahahahaha.

    Must be a real shame the forum ban doesn’t work on this huh SnowiE? :< ;D

  55. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    I really don’t want to, but I have to agree with Demorage :(.

    But yeah, Spike, when should I expect my stint on the team?

  56. Dummy! said:

    rofl konr AC admin, most biased bans incoming
    good job ETF2L on the rest though spike is keen enough even if sometimes has dribble-dribble logic

  57. jukebox: broder said:

    dayum coner

  58. Reload: BiG - BiG said:

    free demsii

  59. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    snowie is the only head as its only just become apparant that racio and dave are not able to fulfill thier duties, give the guy some time to appoint another head admin jeez.

    All the new admins had very long trials and did well under the circumstances.

    We are all doing the best we can, where exactly does all the abuse get anyone? we are here trying to give everyone a fun league to play in there spare time, if u dont like it there are other choices but why constantly flame the people trying thier best to give u all something?

    Demourge we have no intention of trying to ban u on here, it would be much nicer if u just showed a little more respect and spent more time playing ur games than trying to find insults towards certain admins.

    @D2M u have experience as head admin, its not like the league is flooding with people wanting to admin, we have a hat to pick people from so we pick the best of what is available, if the so called great admins or cheat spotters want to be a part of the team then we are not stopping them from approaching us.

  60. Demourge: EPA said:

    If you have no intention, then why am I banned? I see people do far worse and get away with it and I get 28 days ban over nothing? (Not like it’s the first time.)

    Insults? Where exactly was I insulting anyone? I was merely pointing out the fact that konr has NO EXPERIENCE at all, unlike some claim (as I’ve seen his application post). Not to mention he’s a .. less liked person in the community and quite a troll himself (or tries to be at least). If you truly are trying the best you can, I am not impressed.. Because if the likes of konr is the best you can get for admin positions, I truly believe etf2l is nearing it’s end.

    And I would love to play more games, but seeing more than half our division folded .. well you know (:

    And for the D2M part .. Yeah, as if you get anyone with half a brain motivated to become part of the admin team now when you lose credibility by the minute, if not second. How do you expect to be taken serious when you get people like konr to admin and apparently take months for a cheater to get banned FROM YOUR OWN TEAM no less?

    Really? .. No seriously, really?

  61. Chaos said:

    <3 demsii for putting into words what most of the community is too ineloquant to do themselves.
    Sometimes you actually have to shout at idiots before they get it

  62. The gg man: k^m said:

    konr and spike himself admins…………………………………………..lol

  63. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    “its not like the league is flooding with people wanting to admin”

    I’d guess you’d have a lot more if people actually knew you wanted or needed admins.
    I’d also guess that it would be easier to recruit admins if there was an obvious way to apply. I’m sure there are plenty of people who are keen to help to community, I certainly would be.

    Also – Demourge for admin – get some credability back! (srsly guish)

  64. blorg said:

    If what demourge said about konr’s application is true then that’s kind of hilarious, since he’s basically saying that to become an ac admin, you must cheat yourself – how else can one have ‘experience’ ? and you can’t exactly say on a league ‘yeah I cheat, can I be ac admin now?’


  65. d2m: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Demsi – Just You was the guy from CiC? Jesus, I had demos of him from when I was still an AC admin and called that along with the helpful guys who forwarded demos. That’s insane that it took so long to ban him!

    Kop – I’m not trying to be a dick mate, you know we go back a long way. I’m just saying that you’re not helping yourselves sometimes when you make controversial appointments that make half the community facepalm and wonder what the heck is happening. Incidentally, who were the bad ones in the group that didn’t get accepted?

    If I had an acceptable level of free time, I would happily volunteer to come back and help you guys sort things. I’m really sad to see the league as it is now, this is not how it’s supposed to be.

    P.S. Free Demsi <3

  66. kuma said:

    I may have more free time in a couple of months, and would be happy to help admin. Where do I apply?

  67. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    I cant argue the bans at all, Just you was proven to be cheating a while ago but due to inactivity and other issues it got held up. And im not saying there were bad apps but some did better than others and put the time and effort in no matter what an opinion.

    And demourge i should know as it was the demo;s i got from him that ultimately got him banned and the reason i booted him from my team, but that doesnt mean i have the power to finalize his ban. It was just unfortunate that these people were under investigation at a time when admins left the team or went inactive.

    But u more than anyone D2M knows that whatever we do we cant win, when u was an admin people trolled u and said how bad u were at stuff(ofc they had no idea) and now ur gone they people are still the same, nothing is good enough or right for the league.

    But certain people can believe this league is dead all they like, i’ll still be here trying to get things working till no teams sign up anymore so to me its still very much alive but sure its going thru a sticky spell atm

  68. Chaos said:

    Free Demsii
    Appoint D2M as head admin (yes he trolled and got trolled, but he got shit done right!)

    I get that as admins, you’re giving up your free time and we’re grateful for that. But there has to be some sort of discipline for stupidity and a good reason for you to hold the position. If I was working in a charity shop, I would have to not only prove that I’m worthy of the position, but prove that my intentions are honorable. If someone there is doing a bad job, it’s not the charity that really suffers, it’s the people that need help. This example is not as extreme in etf2l but it’s the same basic principal.

    Thousands of people rely on etf2l to be the hub of the TF2 competitive community. A few people in charge, creating a circlejerk, making bad decisions and serving themselves will inevitably ruin the experience for all the participants in the league.

    <3 this league, but it's breaking my heart

  69. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    It is still just laugh out loud worthy that Spike and Konr are admins.

    I guess Spike wrote a really long letter in his pro English and got the job, as for Konr, well I have seen the way he pesters people so it does not surprise me he got the job either, i.e. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME BE ADMIN, repeated daily for a couple of months.

    How about etf2l post that they need admins, where you should sign up and areas that you are looking for, i.e. ac, site, league etc.

    Oh also, how about stop recruiting people from the lower divs who have fuck all idea about the top end of comp TF2. Before we know it we will have Tickus in charge and all the unlocks will be allowed.


    TF2 is dead.

  70. WAR: GlueEater said:

    Spike is a good addition tbh, at least he’s smart and not a complete biased tard like konr is.

    Not only that but if you look at the others AC experience…

    huhy, afaik has none, might work hard etc. but he is also too impressionable by the community, as is konr, Gubbins befriends cheaters which is fucking controversial enough as it is but at least he seems more distanced from everyone in recent times.

    I mean, konr just has experience from “catching suspected people on cp_orange_x, and den mi fwiend showed me sum cheets and told me how dey work :3”

    fyi, he deleted that AC application from his blog :(((((

  71. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    so an admin going to explain the decision behind konr’s appointment?


    I think I would fit a league admin role well, would actually sort out the majority of problems :)

  72. ashkan said:

    1. Complain about AC admins not working fast enough.
    2. Say that all AC admins should be kicked.
    3. ???
    4. Profit.

    These comments are so pathetic, they’re not even worth responding to.

    Good day. I say good day.

  73. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Yeah the all should be kicked and actually recruit decent ones

  74. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    apart from huhy <3 huhy.

  75. Crasp: (Legend) - BACΩN | - бекон said:

    I accidentally the whole admin team.

  76. Cheez said:

    Are the entry requirements for admins act like a retard on the forums for a few months and be under 16 (or at least act like it)? Personally I preferred it when admins acted at least a little like professionals, sad to see admins posts having the standard template of forum ‘trolls’ (idiots).

  77. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    TROFL, aimbotting in div 6.

    What you know bout Grack?!

  78. huhystah said:

    hihi matt!

  79. Phantom ^_~ said:

    ITT: Troll admins, league in disarray. Bring on ESL.

  80. dr icecream said:

    I’m just going to put this bluntly:

    Get D2M in as a temporary admin, so he can basically see the difference between how ETF2L was two years ago and now, make a list of what’s going wrong, and just start reforming all of that.

    Two years ago, people only used to moan at D2M for being a douche, and he just dealt with it (banning meh :<), but he got the job done, the other admins did their jobs and everyone was happy in ETF2Land. The group of people that used to complain was only consisting out of 10% of the entire player database AT MOST, now it's the other way around, the 10% that doesn't complain about something is probably the 10% that doesn't read the forums.

    Oh, and free Demourge, I think he may be a douchebag, but he gets his facts straight everytime and tells people his opinion, as harsh as they may sound sometimes.

  81. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    is this the right time to ask for the medals?

  82. Tafka said:

    Having “Cheaters” sub-forum might be more useful than AC team :)

  83. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Give me a team of minions and make me Head Admin with absolute power; none of this committee bullshit.
    I’ll turn this shit fucked league around in two months.

  84. WildCard said:

    dr icecream: That so called 10% who doesnt complain is most likely because they left etf2l ;)

    Thats the reason i dont rearly care anymore about these apointments :D as wont effect me in anyway.

  85. Sylosin: MEAT - evCon. said:

    congrats Spike.

    good to see cp_grack getting some exposure also

  86. tack: kp/ said:

    I’m happy playing in etf2l, because they are not dumb enough to put 500k in some log which is actually making you play with 10fps, amen.

  87. atomic said:

    ffs, I don’t need that shit medals from valve.Fake staff…

  88. konr: idd. said:

    @Sneis: I agree. We focused on the triggerbotting and I’m not sure why it was written in the post that he might aimbot.
    @Dr Icecream: It’s what happens when a team plays with a cheater. It isn’t fair to the other teams either when they lose their games to a cheater. It’s the lesser of the two evils I guess.

    Stop hating lol. If you have a problem with me, feel free to add me on Steam and tell me about it. If you have a problem with the AC team feel free to comment on something you don’t know about. At the end of the day I know what to look for and I have time, so I get the job done.

    tl;dr stop post on forums add me if mad kk xoxo

  89. Reload: BiG - BiG said:

    I agree. We focused on the triggerbotting and I’m not sure why it was written in the post that he might aimbot.

    If you have a problem with the AC team feel free to comment on something you don’t know about.

    Just 2 random quotes :D (safety smile)

  90. konr: idd. said:

    The post isn’t made by us it’s made by the head admin (in this case SnowiE) :)

  91. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Just no konr, no.

  92. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    Someone fix my computer and i’ll the time in that is needed!

  93. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    *put in the time

  94. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:

    Dutch hacker.. makes me sad!

  95. MAG^^^: {DnF} said:

    Put a link/status of the public server on the website or it will eternally be empty.

  96. R4 said:

    Server is everytimes empty :(

  97. BLondey said:

    “Possible aimbot”..

    Its like, the mighty antil33thaxors team is not sure.

  98. gryzor said:

    It was my revenge! Get Snowie on board, harass d2m out, let him trick you wish all his nonsense you surely would fall now — I fall into a happy drunken haze in gryzor-land and watch while ETF2L crumbles down into… well.. no need to be mean, but:


    *evil laughter*

  99. Taimou said:

    gryzor y u so retarded