Season 8 Award Winners
February 7, 2011
After thousands of votes we are ready to announce the winners of the ETF2L Season 8 Awards. Thanks to all voters and congratulations to the winners.
Player Awards:
- Most Valuable Player:
Shintaz (Epsilon eSports)
- Medic of the Season:
F2 (Epsilon eSports)
- Demoman of the Season:
Extremer (Epsilon eSports)
- Soldier of the Season:
Gear (Button Bashers)
- Scout of the Season:
Shintaz (Epsilon eSports)
- Sniper of the Season:
Jh (Epsilon eSports)
- Upcoming Talent of the Season:
Skeej (DW.twitch)
Team Awards:
- Fairplay Award:
Team Refuse
- Most Surprisingly Good team:
Button Bashers
- Division 2 Team of the Season:
Only Rockets Love You
- Division 3 Team of the Season:
- Division 4 Team of the Season:
Team Effort
- Division 5 Team of the Season:
Vier // blu
- Division 6 Team of the Season:
Sektor gaming
Frag clip of The Season:
Taimou (Gamerzone)
You can have a look at the full Award History and medal count of all seasons here. Also be sure to have a look at the full season 8 history and winners over here.
Most importantly, Team Effort won.
Arx + Kaidus should have won their classes :(
Skeej’s win is very much deserved.
+1 War, +1
You guys don’t know flisko??!?!
+1 for kaidus deffo,
and awesomeness from taimou:D DEATH FROM ABOVE
Congratz Skeej! You’re still fucking ugly though!
Sneis should have been in the soldier vote!!!!
did jh even play sniper this season? All i’ve seen is shintaz
i was mind controlling him
like a dark archon
Really good Season for German Teams !
Congratulations to everyone
So Shintaz won scout of the season even though he spends most of his time playing sniper and spy, and jh wins sniper of the season even though he’s literally played sniper like 4 times the entire season.
Oh well, I guess people being rewarded for being nice-guys isn’t the worst thing to happen in this world. Congrats to all the winners
extremer didnt do anything out of the ordinary of what he usually does, but kaidus put fb back on the map. which really makes him the mvp too. people still voting jh cus of auto-aim and he didnt even snipe. im sure if you asked people why they voted for the people they did im sure most of them wouldnt have an answer
Gratz Skeej, and all the others ;)
Div 5 team of the season: Perilous Gaming (2%, 25 Votes) though they got the highest amout of points, but 2nd lowest team of the season.. hmm… should be them for only giving away 1 map and a draw.
<3 Taimou.
Congrats to everyone,guys!
vier blue in div5 ? oh maan
Funny eh ? We have the best fanboyz in da world
gz trick17 <3
Well JH was tearing things up as sniper in the Obscure match in the finals. That was a large reason for voting for him, especially when I hadn’t had time to keep up with the other matches. The shots he was pulling off were amazing.
I know skeej
Hehe jh & shintaz nice guys? hunh? Never thought i would see that! :D
JH rarely went sniper this season, and it was decided so internally, until the Final on Obscure, where we put our hopes on winning the map with JH sniping. Seeing the Final had a huge amount of viewers, and JH did own…well there you have it.
>.> rly will? ^^
congrats everyone named here and everyone who’s not :)
Shintaz should have been disqualified from the MVP vote for skipping the grand finals. A real MVP would have played in them no matter what.
i give my demo award away to ryb
vier blu cause of banana’s wrongly ban ( again)
MAD? i admit
dont me mad lawl
dont be mad lawl
ups doppelpost
F2 should have won the MVP award imo, but I guess medics are still underrated.
Also, jh does deserve the sniper award, he was very important in the final on obscure and players who excel in important games always get a few extra points in my book :)
No domination award? buhu ;)
vier blu cause of banana’s wrongly ban ( again)
MAD? i admit…
everybody knows that banana was just to good for div 5 so all the other teams got mad and accused him cheating, then they payed loads off money to the admins to ban him again!
Fuckin Shintaz!
What a joke.
F2 wuz robbed.
where is the domination award? :(
Vier blu cause of bans? I mean guy’s you were like in 4 or 5th place in div 5b, doesn’t matter or care, but just kinda unfair that team which basically even wasn’t in top3 now is div5 team of the season. There is a lot of other teams who deserved that spot. But I guess community power is too strong.
p.s I don’t have anything against you guys, just sayin`
haihaihaihaihai <3 skeej
Natijs dude, if the results reflected reality, half of these would be different.
gtz skeej, totally deserved upcoming talent
also gtz to gear, deserved best solly imo
dunno bout the rest
Trick17 FTW
5 from Team Epsilon got an award. lol
fucking attention whores!