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ETF2L Radio – TCM vs Epsilon – Ubercharged Semi Finals!

Date September 5, 2010

Let’s not beat around the bush – we’re casting the Ubercharged Semi Finals! TCM-Gaming vs Epsilon Esports, both of whom attended i40 and one of whom will be looking for revenge, join me with my two co-casters  Torden and Exfane for what will be a great match.

Follow the action live on ETF2L Radio

  • Starting Sunday, September 5th at 21:05 CEST
  • Hosted by Dave,  Torden and Exfane
  • SourceTV:
  • Mumble cast: fakkelbrigade.eu / port 64740
  • Join #etf2l.radio for shoutouts

See you there!


  1. Extremer said:


  2. torden: broder - syster said:


  3. Dave: Mafia - wMiC? said:

    lol torden.

    not lol extremer.

  4. Pricee: has $w@G said:

    awesome game :D

  5. Nick: ⁄⁄nν said:

    Why do I always see these newsposts the day after they happen? :(

  6. wat said:

    same as Nick.

    recordings maybe?

  7. fuo: iSlam - BUNCS said:

    Nick, I do EXACTLY the same thing as you, maybe for the last 5 times things like these have happened.

    Torden you should message me when you do stuff like this, I haven’t heard your voice in ages <3

  8. skinnie: TCM said:

    STV demos: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1868789/eps-vs-tcm-05092010.7z

    thx to f2

  9. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    Once again no recording?

    come on -_-

  10. myNax said:

    “Why do I always see these newsposts the day after they happen? :(”

    same here…