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Soldier 1on1 and Pyro 3on3 Cup: Sign Up Phase – Phishing websites

Date June 21, 2009

Soldier 1on1 and Pyro 3on3 Cup: Sign Up Phase

Alea iacta est! Polls are closed and over 550 players decided: the next two fun cups will be a Soldier 1on1 Cup on cp_turris_b3 and a Pyro 3on3 Paintball Cup on cp_pyropaintball.

Sign Ups for both cups will already open today, at 19:30 CEST. As there will be only 64 slots each, be sure to sign fast if you want a spot. Round 1 will start in the next days and schedule will keep to a strict 1-week-rhythmus. Both competitions will be finished before the summer period.


  1. [Create a team]. Choose 1on1 or 3on3/4on4 as team type.
  2. Add yourself to the 1on1 team or at least 3 players to your 3on3/4on4 team.
  3. Enter at least two contact methods.
  4. [SIGN UP!] – *UPDATE* Both cups full!
  5. You will be automatically added on the Waiting List until an admin verified your submission.


  • strict 1-week-rhythmus
  • Sign Up start: Sunday, 21st June, 19:30 CEST
  • Round 1 start: ~Tuesday, 23rd June
  • Final: ~22th July

Soldier 1on1: Details

  • Map: [cp_turris_b3]
  • Gamemode: Best of 10 rounds (first one reaching 6 points wins)

Pyro 3on3 Paintball: Details

  • Map: [cp_pyropaintball]
  • Gamemode: Best of 19 Rounds (first team reaching 10 points wins)
  • Rules: Pyro only, Flaregun only

Phishing websites

As of late, a new phishing website has emerged. This particular website pretends to be the steamcommunity website, and it does a pretty good job at looking like that. Please make sure, that whenever you log in to the steam community or the steampowered website, the URL is correct and that your browser bar displays a lock icon on a green background saying “Valve Corporation”. If you can’t see the green lock, or are not on one of these 2 websites, never give out your steam login details.


  1. Extremer said:

    1v1 engineer would’ve been the best thing that happened to tf2…

  2. eviscerator: Impact - ©. said:

    about phishing websites, I’m recieving many messages from steam friends that ask me to add them to their new “steam accounts” by clicking on a link that’s clearly not a valve’s one. Watch out that.

  3. DouGie: CotC said:

    yeah I just got the same as you eviscerator…=/

    looking forward to some pyro paintball :)

  4. AnimaL said:

    how can u score a point on that pyro map?

  5. dAyKiLLeR: (Legend) - farm! - it's a farm said:

    sry it wasnt the correct version. updated now!

  6. The Pledge said:

    First to 6 points at turris 1on1 cup? Seems pretty long tbh. First to 3-4 seems more logical.

  7. GeneSIS^: [MIPC] said:

    gief dl link kthx!

  8. David said:

    Pyropaintball link broke

  9. AnimaL said:


  10. Atty: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    Only 64 slots and they are full in just one hour?!?!?!?

  11. myNax said:

    moar slots :(

  12. cheetah: fa» - [SpA] said:

    double the 1on1 turris please :)
    and lower the best of to e.g. 7

  13. Ran: rebeLion said:

    Great, was really looking forward the turris cup but all slots got taken like instantly. Also as already said best of 10 is too much, a round can take quite some time if both players are about the same level.

  14. FrAgola said:

    what about server cfgs?

  15. Atty: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    Same here , Ran :(

  16. AnAkIn said:

    There is hundred or thousands of Steam phishing sites…there are new ones coming every week and others ones disappearing. This is nothing new :/

  17. robben: Kot=Brot said:

    +1 che
    played turris vs a strong opponent, it took 23 minutes to do ONE point. Best of 5 or 7 Plz

  18. cheetah: fa» - [SpA] said:

    I forgot spots, so again:

    double the spots in 1on1 turris please :)
    and lower the best of to e.g. 7

  19. cheetah: fa» - [SpA] said:

    you could also introduce a technical K.O.
    if you get a 3-0
    so possible result would be: 3-0, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3

  20. Fluffy Meowington: TC.Potat said:

    First engineers dont win then the cup is full in a matter of minutes, what is this madness.

  21. eskimo_tim said:

    “double the spots in 1on1 turris please :)”


  22. Digiwill: =[IDK]= said:

    got an incoming chat request like: i’ve got a new steamaccount add me .. url was like steampowers/blabla told him to fuck off