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Tonight’s Action + Coverages – Season 4: Start + Prediction Polls + Map Stats

Date January 11, 2009

Tonight’s ETF2L Action & Coverages

19.30 CET – 4th Cup: Quarter Finals – IRC Live Drawing

We will have the next IRC Live Drawing in our IRC league channel #etf2l @ QuakeNet. As there are up to six Division 1 teams we will surely have some big clash ups in the next Cup Round. But who will meet who? Don’t miss the IRC Live Drawing, tonight @ 19.30 CET!

19.45 CET – ETF2L Radio Special + Highlander Cup Final Coverage: Second to Last vs. FakkelBrigade

Right after the Live Drawing is finished, our new caster UK> UK<span id= Akill will start with a special issue of our ETF2L Radio. After some briefing about the current situation and activites in the TF2 scene, he will cast the big Highlander Cup Final between Netherlands> Netherlands<span id= FakkelBrigade and Finland> Finland<span id= Second to Last – who will gain the first ETF2L Highlander Cup title? We will know tonight!

[ETF2L Radio Link] – [Match Page] – [Cup Tree]

21.15 CET – PwnageTV Top Match Coverage: Die Doppelnullen vs. wotr2

No, that’s not enough! At 21.15 CET our old new partner PwnageTV will cast the probably most promising match of the 4th Round of our 4th Cup. The “German Team of the Season”-Award winner Germany> Germany<span id= Die Doppelnullen will meet one of the most improved teams of the last weeks: European> European<span id= Weapons of the Rebelion 2. Which team of these will make it to the Quarter Finals? This will be decided tonight in a Best of 3 on gravelpit, fastlane and turbine!

[PwnageTV Link] – [Match Page] – [Cup Tree]

Season 4 start

We would like to give you another reminder our new Season 4 is officially starting today! We please all teams to contact your week 1 opponent now and fix a date with them! You have 7 days to get in contact and schedule your match.

Note: If you talk to your opponent by steam, IRC or ICQ we recommend you to make a screenshot of the chat or save the log.

Note 2: Sure you can also already contact other Week opponents and schedule your matches for this Season. Please be sure you stick to our announced Schedule (for exact dates look at our Events Page [Link]).

Also our Season 4 Waiting List is still open; if your team hasn’t managed to get a spot in Season 4 feel free to join our Waiting List. If a team is dropping out which suits to your teams’ skill level we will contact and replace you. [Waiting List Sign-Up]

Season 4: Prediction Polls

Like at the start of every Season we also created prediction polls for our three top Divisions. Who will win the Season 4 Title? Who will gain the 1st place in a 2nd Division and will automatically get promoted to Division 1 in Season 5? Vote below!

Prediction Poll: Which team will win the Season 4 title?

Total Voters: 468

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Prediction Poll: Which team will win Division 2a?

Total Voters: 432

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Prediction Poll: Which team will win Division 2b?

Total Voters: 441

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Season 4: Map Stats

Last but not least some statistics about our recently closed Map Pick Phase. Which maps have been picked how often in which Division? Have a look:


    516 24.7% cp_granary
    506 24.2% cp_badlands
    289 13.8% cp_well
    225 10.8% ctf_turbine
    197 9.4% cp_gravelpit
    156 7.5% cp_fastlane
    51 2.4% cp_freight_b3
    41 2.0% cp_dustbowl
    28 1.3% pl_goldrush
    27 1.3% pl_badwater
    20 1.0% ctf_2fort
    15 0.7% cp_labor
    13 0.6% ctf_mach4
    4 0.2% ctf_well

Total 2088

Division 1

    26 28.9% cp_granary
    21 23.3% cp_badlands
    14 15.6% ctf_turbine
    8 8.9% cp_well
    7 7.8% cp_gravelpit
    3 3.3% pl_badwater
    3 3.3% cp_freight_b3
    2 2.2% cp_dustbowl
    2 2.2% cp_labor
    2 2.2% pl_goldrush
    1 1.1% ctf_2fort
    1 1.1% cp_fastlane

Total 90

Division 2

    44 27.2% cp_granary
    39 24.1% cp_badlands
    21 13.0% cp_well
    20 12.3% ctf_turbine
    19 11.7% cp_fastlane
    8 4.9% cp_gravelpit
    5 3.1% cp_freight_b3
    1 0.6% pl_goldrush
    1 0.6% cp_dustbowl
    1 0.6% ctf_well
    1 0.6% ctf_2fort
    1 0.6% ctf_mach4
    1 0.6% pl_badwater

Total 162

Division 3

    104 28.9% cp_granary
    91 25.3% cp_badlands
    47 13.1% cp_well
    36 10.0% ctf_turbine
    32 8.9% cp_gravelpit
    23 6.4% cp_fastlane
    10 2.8% cp_freight_b3
    4 1.1% ctf_2fort
    3 0.8% cp_dustbowl
    3 0.8% ctf_mach4
    3 0.8% pl_badwater
    2 0.6% cp_labor
    2 0.6% pl_goldrush

Total 360

Division 4

    139 27.6% cp_badlands
    121 24.0% cp_granary
    67 13.3% cp_well
    58 11.5% ctf_turbine
    45 8.9% cp_gravelpit
    28 5.6% cp_fastlane
    15 3.0% cp_freight_b3
    9 1.8% cp_dustbowl
    6 1.2% pl_goldrush
    5 1.0% cp_labor
    5 1.0% ctf_2fort
    4 0.8% ctf_mach4
    2 0.4% pl_badwater

Total 504

Division 5

    129 26.1% cp_granary
    113 22.8% cp_badlands
    72 14.5% cp_well
    55 11.1% ctf_turbine
    46 9.3% cp_fastlane
    44 8.9% cp_gravelpit
    8 1.6% cp_freight_b3
    8 1.6% cp_dustbowl
    6 1.2% pl_badwater
    5 1.0% pl_goldrush
    4 0.8% cp_labor
    4 0.8% ctf_2fort
    1 0.2% ctf_mach4

Total 495

Division 6

    103 21.6% cp_badlands
    92 19.3% cp_granary
    74 15.5% cp_well
    61 12.8% cp_gravelpit
    42 8.8% ctf_turbine
    39 8.2% cp_fastlane
    18 3.8% cp_dustbowl
    12 2.5% pl_goldrush
    12 2.5% pl_badwater
    10 2.1% cp_freight_b3
    5 1.0% ctf_2fort
    4 0.8% ctf_mach4
    3 0.6% ctf_well
    2 0.4% cp_labor

Total 477


  1. waebi: ‹Con› said:


    3 0.8% ctf_mach4

    and we’re one of the lucky teams… FU GOT1 :D :D :D :D

  2. DeNeusbeer: (Legend) - HoT<3 said:

    I love you too, waebi.

  3. waebi: ‹Con› said:

    idd ;) thanks god/GOT it’s week 9 :)

  4. AnimaL said:

    lold@div 6 :D

  5. AnimaL said:


    Team CoolerMaster (5%, 14 Votes)
    Weapons of the Rebellion (3%, 7 Votes)

    LOL, cmon TCM, u can do better…