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3rd Cup Top Match Coverage by PwnageTV tonight!

Date June 22, 2008

After PwnageTV coverages of showmatch 4 Kings vs. fragDominat and Season 2 game it’s a farm vs. wotr2 at the last two Sundays, we are having some very interesting 3rd Cup Round 2 match-up tonight. The highskilled American team USA misChief will meet the probably most improved Russian team of the last months, Russia dmg, who recently won the Division 3a Division Title, with 13 map wins and only 1 loss.

PwnageTV will cover this Top Match with a live stream and a commentary. Their show is starting at 21.00 CET. Feel invited to a close fight between 2 Top Teams who both want to reach the 3rd Round of the biggest Team Fortress 2 Cup in history!

>>> Pwnage.TV Live Coverage <<<


dmg.: Russia NeoN, Russia steel, Russia uN1c, Russia RED, Russia iKami, Russia f

misChief: USA Trimmer, USA Revzempoe, Canada Swiff, Canada FREIGHT_TRAIN, Canada FlorJackson, ?

1st Round Results

USA misChief vs. Italy Titans – cp_pro_granary 10:0 | cp_badlands 8:0

Russia dmg. vs. Germany Plan-B – cp_pro_granary 4:2 | cp_badlands 4:2

Map Order

1. cp_gravelpit

USA misChief [0:2] dmg. Russia

2. ctf_turbine

USA misChief [4:7] dmg. Russia


USA misChief [0:2] dmg. Russia

One Comment

  1. NeoN: boys said:
