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3rd Cup Round 1, New League Config, Season 2 Week 9

Date June 1, 2008

3rd Cup – Round 1 running

Tonight’s live IRC Draw went pretty well, thanks for over 300 people taking part in our channel.

All Round 1 Fixtures and “Tree” (every Round’s Fixture will be done by a random draw) are published in our Cup Section now.

We please all teams to start contacting your opponents and schedule your Round 1 game. Don’t forget all scheduled dates have to be entered in our Calendar. If you are new to the league we recommend reading the FAQ and Rules.

Round 1 Details:

  • Win-Mode: 2 Map Wins (Maps ending in a draw count as draw)
  • Map-Order (set by league): 1. cp_pro_granary 2. cp_badlands (if needed: 3. cp_well 4. cp_gravelpit 5. cp_dustbowl)
  • Schedule Deadline: Sunday, 8th June 2008, 23:59 CET
  • Game Deadline: Sunday, 15th June 2008, 23:59 CET

If you have problems contacting your opponent, you are supposed to open a thread in our Challenge Forum. For any other problems/questions/issues feel free to use the !admin command in our IRC channel #etf2l @ QuakeNet.

Official new League Config

We lately had some changes on our League Config and updated some commands. We please all teams to update their servers with the new config. This config has to be used for every ETF2L game. Remember it has to be reloaded after every map change.


All thanks goes to AnAkIn for working out a new config!

Season 2 – Week 9 started

2nd Seasons’ last Week started yesterday, but due to the summer problems of many teams we will add one more Week for any postponed games which can’t be played earlier. We will have some look through every Division in the next games and have some talk with affected teams.

Please schedule your Week 9 games as soon as possible and add them to our Calendar.

All Season 2 games have to be played and entered by Sunday, 15th June 2008, 23:59 CET.

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