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DemomanSoldier  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

China 36 Styles of Dead

Posted by Sprite: | Last Online:

S28 Aiming for Mid Playoffs/High if we're good enough

Things didn't work out with sc0pez, looking for either a pocket or a demo

if you are wanting to trial pocket you better be vocal and know how/when to take/call ubers.

Add Sprite for everything and anything

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  1. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    keen gamer good chance of making open playoffs SeemsGood

  2. Vouri said:

    This team leader is not a high division player. If by some wonder he manages to get 5 players capable of playing high together, the most likely next move would be cut him and get an actual high player. His experience is made up of lobbies and killing low mid players in lobbies/mixes, and he is not capable of even medic any higher than mid. I know ETF2L is easier to climb the divs in as the player base shrinks but Sprite is an example of a player who is attempting to cheat his way into a division which he does not deserve to be in. Please, do not give this player even a glimmer of hope in reaching anything other than a midtable mid team at best.

  3. Dolly: tfc - TC said:

    round 2 boys

  4. binkkye said:


  5. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:


  6. hugo: wG said:


    The sosig has been dropped

  7. Sprite said:

    why do you guys feel the need to bm my rec posts when i’ve spoke to maybe 2 of you? and not even over mumble either, you form this opinion of me from your circlejerk lol.

  8. FabiCut: Primes - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    I don’t know if any of those guys have ever played or even talked with sprite. He might not be high but he is at least playoff mid level. Although he is a meemer he is also a pretty good player. He has amazing game sense and knowledge about literally every situation. He does like demo reviews every day and just playes at least 6 hours a day. He might not seem as experienced when you look at his etf2l performance but that was mainly because he had to play with us (I told him to leave us and get better long ago but he wanted to carry us, didn’t work).

  9. FabiCut: Primes - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    I don’t know if any of those guys have ever played or even talked with sprite. He might not be high but he is at least playoff mid level. Although he is a meemer he is also a pretty good player. He has amazing game sense and knowledge about literally every situation. He does like demo reviews every day and just plays at least 6 hours a day. He is extremely dedicated to this game. He might not seem as experienced when you look at his etf2l performance but that was mainly because he had to play with us (I told him to leave us and get better long ago but he wanted to carry us, didn’t work). He improves on a daily basis and with decent enough teammates who actual care (not like us) he will definitely be prem by season 30. If he plays in the combo and is allowed to maincall (when people follow his calls, unlike us) he can rekt shit up because he thinks so far ahead.
    Don’t just listen to those gentleman who just want to bm him (for whatever reason). Join his team then play some games and then make your own opinion about him. Its well worth a try.

    But he’s Scottish so be aware

  10. HarMala: ᴹᵉᵉᴹ said:


    yer bby ;)

  11. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:

    only gaz plays in ringo?

  12. HarMala: ᴹᵉᵉᴹ said:


    it says circlejerk not team ;)

  13. Gazy: REMOVE said:


  14. hugo: wG said:


  15. shamu said:

    y u no let me play i want to trial pls

  16. Sauhistus: ᴹᵉᵉᴹ said:

    Dont really want to partake in this but did these virgins actually decide to bm someone as a group. lmao

  17. Vouri said:

    Sauhistus shut the fuck up. Calling us out for being a group when you’re literally rostered in the “meem” team, which associates you with Sprite’s lower-division circlejerk. Judging by the fact that your profile has a picture of Saul from Breaking Bad I can only assume you’ve just found out about the existence of narcotics, and thanks to your lack of originality in life you’ve decided to use a character from a fictitious TV show as a representative of your online persona. I don’t blame you too much for this, it is a good substitute for the likely complete lack of persona brought on by living in a Northern Finnish city, as there’s a good chance you have clinical depression from the lack of sunlight hours. Along with this, the fact that you have chosen friends within team’s with the wonderful names such as Erectin’ a Pootis would indicate that your maturity is not above the age of 16, which is the age of consent in Finland; which makes the fact that you insult me and the other people here as virgins laughable, due to the fact you are legally unable to consent to sexual relations.
    And also don’t say something like “dont really want to partake in this” as if you didn’t really want to, you wouldn’t have. You obviously felt the need to say something, but it would seem that all your limited imagination could come up with was to insult the fact that a group of friends actually do things together. Quite laughable that that is your main insult of choice in this situation, as the only people commenting in defense of Sprite are his own former teammates.

  18. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:

    this is getting a bit cringe now

  19. shamu said:

    Vouri shut the fuck up. Calling us out for being a group when you’re literally in the “ringo” group, which associates you with oJ’s lower-division circlejerk. Judging by the fact that your profile has a picture of a car I can only assume you’ve just found out about the existence of vehicular transportation, and thanks to your lack of originality in life you’ve decided to use a mode of transport as a representative of your online persona. I don’t blame you too much for this, it is a good substitute for the likely complete lack of persona brought on by living in a Danish city, as there’s a good chance you have clinical depression from the lack of adequate curry houses. Along with this, the fact that you have chosen friends within team’s with the wonderful names such as ‘Proper Halal’ would indicate that your maturity is not above the age of 16, which is the age of consent in Denmark; which makes the fact that you insult me and the other people here as virgins laughable, due to the fact you are legally unable to consent to sexual relations.
    And also don’t say something like “dont really want to partake in this” as if you didn’t really want to, you wouldn’t have. You obviously felt the need to say something, but it would seem that all your limited imagination could come up with was to insult the fact that a group of friends actually do things together. Quite laughable that that is your main insult of choice in this situation, as the only people commenting in defense of Ringo are its members.

  20. Sauhistus: ᴹᵉᵉᴹ said:

    Holy hell, get a job Vouri “:D” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztVMib1T4T4

  21. Sauhistus: ᴹᵉᵉᴹ said:

    or a girl

  22. hugo: wG said:


  23. Sauhistus: ᴹᵉᵉᴹ said:

    vouri lmao actually scratch the last part, my bad: http://imgur.com/a/7jhHO

    As I already partook I might as well give my input on sprite. He is a very dedicated player who deserves to be in a great team (though I think high is kinda optimistic). He has huge knowledge, and actually makes effort to learn every second he spends ingame. Give him a chance if you dont fear notorious accents. And take that from a guy that actually played with him and not some random people who I dont think have ever spoken to him.

  24. HarMala: ᴹᵉᵉᴹ said:

    It’s quite obvious that you’re trolling Vouri (you must be) ;)

    but I’ll still say this: you can call us out for circlejerking, but at least we can base our opinions about sprite on our experience playing with him (most of us have played with him for a year or so), unlike pretty much anyone from your circlejerk. I hope you realize that there is a big difference.

  25. Sprite said:

    these are some high tier memes guys keep it up :)

  26. hugo: wG said:

    The only meme here is this recruitment page

  27. hugo: wG said:


  28. Sauhistus: ᴹᵉᵉᴹ said:

    Youre welcome sprite :), have another one: http://store.steampowered.com/app/440/Team_Fortress_2/

  29. Gazy: REMOVE said:


  30. WRU said:

    ‘- hi i was lft medic for 4 seasons but finally pulled myself together and got a backup spot in high team’
    – and i played in low high once and then emoed out of another team on my second official after month of playing together, i also make personal insults based on avatars in steam profile

    and we are here to talk about whether a person deserves a div that we ‘play’ in or not’

  31. Dolly: tfc - TC said:

    Scrim me :)

  32. stepanex said:

    Stepanex: you lfp?
    36. Sprite LFP mid/high: not with u tho lmao
    36. Sprite LFP mid/high: ive seen u play


  33. h0rizoNN: BALLS said:

    added to discuss about team

  34. h0rizoNN: BALLS said:
