Season 18 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 2B

Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by 4star (SUPER CREW)



5 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

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Norway Lapskaus sponset av NAV elSport vs Morocco SUPER CREW
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


Lapskaus sponset av NAV elSport (6) UberLoFF, Rudey, Issun, fanny_filth, Pistolvania, onerule
SUPER CREW (5) Gez, 4star, BOOM, Enj, superkopo
Unrostered (1) ZooZ



  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 29 June 2014, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    Can’t play Sunday. Want to play Tuesday 1st or Thursday 3rd

  3. 4star: MONSOON - GvG said:

    Just wildcard it and propose it, i’ll accept it.

  4. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Uberloff to beat everyone who is not uberloff

  5. 4star: MONSOON - GvG said:

    Zooz accepted as merc:

    4star: but i’ll have to ask you a medic merc
    4star: :|
    Issun @ laptop: should be fine if he is div2, just send me a link when you know who
    4star: well he has a strong xp but im the maincaller so
    4star: tell me if you refuse (:
    Issun @ laptop: he is fine :p

    HF o/

  6. UberLoFF: bobs said:


  7. 4star: MONSOON - GvG said:

    gg guys (:

  8. Pistolvania said:

    GG, quite the comeback

  9. BOOM: sB said:

    Nice games, see you soon

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