Season 17 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 6M

Week 2

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by >MF< (SnorrenBrigade)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A B C ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

European Patties for Fatties vs Netherlands SnorrenBrigade
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Patties for Fatties (6) Samy, baum, PdH, Bodobo, mkk, Sir!
SnorrenBrigade (6) Akasazh, Wiethoofd, Spawn!, Schweppes, >MF<, Eatable


  1. quell: UbeR | said:

    go snorren!

  2. Vlijm: UbeR | said:

    wiethood 2 strong

  3. >MF<: NICE - Fe | said:

    Wij kwamen, wij zagen, wij snorden.

    GG guys, good luck in the rest of the season!

  4. JohnnyBambo: #T4F said:

    Dear teams, please upload a higher resolution status screenshot. The one you provided cant be read and will not be accepted.

    You can add a better one here:

  5. >MF<: NICE - Fe | said:

    I’m sorry, I messed up…twice. Good one (C) should be up now. Do you think you can delete those other 2 for me?

  6. JohnnyBambo: #T4F said:

    The scoreboard screenshots are fine. We need a better status screenshot to parse the SteamIDs.

  7. >MF<: NICE - Fe | said:

    Kay, fixed.

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