Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 6g

Week 7

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by punct (Green Syndicate)



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International Funky Bear Pie - Team Pie vs Romania Green Syndicate
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Funky Bear Pie - Team Pie (5) Juan, Cap'n JABBA, xwolfiex, Sneakeh, h1
Green Syndicate (5) Cake, zFn, punct, NyLLaH, durolan
Unrostered (2) Adam_, Raizen88


  1. Juan said:

    Can you play Wednesday 1st Dec? Start either 20:00 or 21:00 CET?

  2. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Wednesday, 01 December 2010, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  3. Cake: -gS- said:

    Hey how about friday 20 cet ?

  4. Juan said:

    Friday is no good because at the moment we only have 4 stable players and one of them works on Fridays.

    I’m guessing the default date is no good for you. Can you do any Mondays or Wednesdays? A bit tight I know but I’m working on it.

  5. Cake: -gS- said:

    weekdays are kind of hard to do because people can’t play

    how about sunday?

  6. Juan said:

    One of ours is working Sunday night :(

    How many players would you miss on a weekday? Don’t worry, we’re not like the others and will probably allow any merc (nothing ridiculous though of course), afterall we’ll likely need some ourselves.

  7. Cake: -gS- said:

    we miss 2 players from monday to thursday usually

    i’ll see if we can play monday

  8. waize: eX. said:

    GL -gS- WIN FOR US!

  9. Juan said:

    I don’t think we can play at the moment untill after the 19th.

  10. Cake: -gS- said:

    no worries

  11. Juan said:

    How is tuesday 21st? 20:00 CET and after?

  12. Juan said:

    Scratch that, EC! can’t play Monday (20th), so providing they can play Tuesday (21st), our last free day will be Monday 20th instead.

    Hopefully that’s better.

  13. Juan said:

    ok, another switch up from the other teams that do get in contact. We’re gonna play GFM:WM on Monday. So we have Wednesday 22nd free. Can you play on that day?

  14. Cake: -gS- said:

    fine by us

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