Highlander Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by NoNoice (Special Attack Bèta Bunnies)



4 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

European Special Attack Bèta Bunnies vs UnitedStates Victory Pit
2 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Special Attack Bèta Bunnies (9) Repel, CherryRed, Amyl, Tha Slayer, ProtectMyBalls, NoNoice, Gzeus, Johnny, Disparate
Victory Pit (9) HGNStray, Albinojesus, Galileo Figaro, Uncle SlippyFist, ghandimcfarland, Goerge Lopez, The everlasting prin, Andy03, PIK4CHU


  1. NoNoice: [SpA-b] said:

    Thank you for accepting our challenge:
    We would like to play the Group round 2 maps: 1. Gravelpit 2. Freight

    I see you guys are an American team . We have a Eu server located in the Netherlands.
    With an average Ping to the US of 100 ms.

    I’ll contact your TL for details

  2. NoNoice: [SpA-b] said:

    I added miracle max to my steam friends list.

  3. Miracle_Max said:

    And I accepted the invite.

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