Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai

Division 4b

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by The8thMusketeer (Fragmative )



3 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

European Fragmative vs International internecine
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A B


internecine (6) FADe, Spary, Bury., Traxantic, flushy, Hat
Fragmative (5) Agent 0, The8thMusketeer, Riddick, Stew, Nortan
Unrostered (2) Asset, Arctic Monkey


  1. The8thMusketeer: fm said:

    Hi, guys could you tell me who is your Wararranger so I can speak to him/her about the match.

  2. FADe said:

    we usually just get whoever to organise the games, but add me seens though I’m the first to see this.

    fuckkkkkkkk double fastlane :[

  3. Flush: P.O.P said:

    lololololol double fastlane… *sigh*

  4. Flush: P.O.P said:

    i must teach Traxantic how to airstrafe before we play this, so that he will be able to get on top of mid and kill shit : )

  5. FADe said:

    changed 1 map to badlands – both teams have agreed to this

  6. The8thMusketeer: fm said:

    Yes I confirm the date and the map change.

  7. Stew said:

    Flush, can i teach him pwease :{

  8. Flush: P.O.P said:

    no ive taught trax, but now i need to teach my other solly hat, AND my demo how to detonate stickies…

    P.S if someone could teach me how to use uber id be grateful, i seem to die with it alot

  9. Flush: P.O.P said:

    ETF2L League Server
    Player-PW: etf2l

  10. Flush: P.O.P said:

    some problems with that server given to me by the ETF2L admins. spoken to them hopefully will be fixed by this evening, otherwise we’ll have to find another

  11. FADe said:

    thanks for being so patient and waiting 40mins, gg wp

  12. Traxantic: TLR said:

    Good game!

    Thanks to Fragmative for waiting for our 5th/6th player, although we had problems in badlands bringing us down to 5 players, and even to 4 at a certain moment.

    But nonetheless, good game.

  13. Flush: P.O.P said:

    ty to fm for letting us use a ringer for fastlane. bury left because of net/pc/server problems. we used the sexy TurnerFace

  14. Flush: P.O.P said:

    gg best of luck for the rest of the season ; ) we’ll cya at the end

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