Instagib CTF Cup

Quarter Final

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by crz (impressive)



3 - 7

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6 - 3

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3 - 7

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International Failed Clan Name 4on4 vs Germany impressive
1 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A


Failed Clan Name 4on4 (4) NocturnO, Wuff, kaidus, Kanroook
impressive (4) shck, crz, atreides, zodiak


  1. Kanroook: swimp said:

    What dates are good for you guys? :)

    Most nights should be good for us.

  2. crz: T4F said:

    sounds good, im talking to the guys tonight and try to contact you then

  3. crz: T4F said:

    didnt reached my mates yesterday… trying to get talk to them this evening

  4. crz: T4F said:

    how about wednesday or thursday. i think we can play wed 21:30+ cet and thursday maybe 19+ cet

  5. Kanroook: swimp said:

    21:30 CET on thursday would be great I think.

    Ill add it for that time, if you have any problems with it just leave a message :)

  6. Kanroook: swimp said:

    Oh I just read your message properly, we can play later the better on thursday, maybe 21:00CET?

    Just add it to the website if that is ok.

  7. Kanroook: swimp said:

    Turns out we cant play tomorrow, what about next week?

  8. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Monday, 13 April 2009, 19:30 CET
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  9. crz: T4F said:

    default date works for us

  10. Kanroook: swimp said:

    We can’t play monday as we have a wireplay match then (or right after, but one of our members cant play intill later than 21:00CET, and thats when our match is anyway). So we could possibly play at 22:15CET on monday.

    Also what about Saturday 11th at 21:00CET, that works for us and weekend should be free.

  11. Kanroook: swimp said:

    After speaking to some of my members, it would have to be 22:00CET on Saturday 11th, or possibly 21:00CET on Friday 10th (tomorrow).

    We can still play at 22:15CET on Monday, possibly 21:15CET on tuesday.

    Later the better for us :(

  12. Kanroook: swimp said:

    Friday probably won’t work infact, find me on irc as “kanroook” on #etf2l or #fcn.l4d, will probably be easier.

  13. crz: T4F said:

    sry owned by eastern, i got you on steam now i think monday about 22cet should work though. i will talk to you later

  14. shock: internecine - nou said:

    99, wp :)

  15. crz: T4F said:

    gg wp guys

  16. Kanroook: swimp said:

    gg wp and gl :P

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