
Customize a standard HUD

Created 8th July 2010 @ 22:00

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Hi, i’d like to add last dmg dealt to my hud and when i move my crosshair over my teammate i’d like to have his HP displayed as a number. Can any1 help me with that?

Go to flames hud dload site, and you should find a guide how to customize huds there.


(ETF2L Donator)

You can achieve this like this:

HudDamageAccount.res file:

“fieldName” “CDamageAccountPanel”
“xpos” “312”
“ypos” “246”
“wide” “50”
“tall” “50”
“text_x” “0”
“text_y” “0”
“delta_item_end_y” “0”
“PositiveColor” “255 255 0 255”
“NegativeColor” “255 255 0 255”
“delta_lifetime” “0”
“delta_item_font” “visitorSmall”
“delta_item_font_big” “visitorSmall”
“ControlName” “CTFLabel”
“fieldName” “DamageAccountValue”
“xpos” “-6”
“ypos” “0”
“zpos” “2”
“wide” “20”
“tall” “6”
“visible” “1”
“enabled” “1”
“labelText” “%metal%”
“textAlignment” “left”
“fgcolor” “255 255 0 255”
“font” “visitorSmall”
“ControlName” “CTFLabel”
“fieldName” “DamageAccountValue”
“xpos” “-5”
“ypos” “1”
“zpos” “1”
“wide” “20”
“tall” “6”
“visible” “1”
“enabled” “1”
“labelText” “%metal%”
“textAlignment” “left”
“fgcolor” “0 0 0 255”
“font” “visitorSmall”

hudlayout.res file:

“fieldName” “CDamageAccountPanel”
“xpos” “0”
“ypos” “0”
“wide” “640”
“tall” “480”
“visible” “1”
“enabled” “1”
“PaintBackgroundType” “2”

ClientScheme.res file(under fonts):

“name” “Visitor TT2 BRK”
“tall” “9”
“additive” “0”
“antialias” “0”
“range” “0x0000 0x017F” // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
“outline” “0”

The last one is only necessary if you want a custom font. The font file needs to be installed (move the file to C:WINDOWSFonts), or loaded manually in ClientScheme.res. I did the former. Most custom huds already have this feature in some form. Check how they did it.

Last edited by ell,

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