
{eXc} - Legendary Clan

Created 21st May 2009 @ 19:56

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I’m from the n!Gage clan. The clan who couldn’t join this league because our place was already taken by the {eXc} clan.

So I kindly asked if I could join them because I really wanted to play in this league.
They accepted, and today I played a clan war with them.

This was so fucking hilarious.

— Part 1 : Communication —

{eXc} uses no communication methods whatsoever.
Except in-game textual chat, which requires a huge amount of time to even say “omg spy behind you”.

When I talked to the leader about this he said: “division 6 clans use no communication”

— Part 2 : Organization —

At the start of the match, we all had a normal class. We had: “Scout, Pyro, Medic, Engi, Soldier, Soldier”.

“Fine”, I thought.

During the game, however, because of the lack of communication, we even had two Medics, 3 Pyros, no Medics, no Demo, etc…

Occasionally, the best member in the clan, who claims to have never been in another clan before, offered us some advices, which no-one ever listened to.

After 2 minutes I got bored and decided to play some only-revolver Spy.

— Part 3 : The messages —

Here’s a collection of the best messages that were said in-game.

{eXc}..Loh!gno_PyRo7.. : warnign snipaer
(TEAM) [eXc]$!lv3r : ca i take medic?
(TEAM) [eXc]Elmo{|:SwE:|}_PyroMaster66 : this is realy going shit
[eXc]$!lv3r : what is ur clas?
(TEAM) [eXc]$!lv3r : scout go take object
(TEAM) [eXc]$!lv3r : how mucj is medic limit?
{eXc}..Loh!gno_PyRo7.. : heyy eXc move on suad and not separate..
(TEAM) [eXc]$!lv3r : lohigno, can i take medic?
(TEAM) [eXc]$!lv3r : all exc come to objeckt
*DEAD* {eXc}..Loh!gno_PyRo7.. : hey 1 mediccc

(TEAM) [eXc]Elmo{|:SwE:|}_PyroMaster66 : this aint even funny anymore :(
Voicechat (someone) : competitive isn’t supposed to be fun

— Part 4 : My complaint —

My unique complaint is that my clan couldn’t play instead of these guys.
However, this was really funny, for 2 minutes.

I hope, I just HOPE, I’ve been trolled by the best trolls in internet history.
But this was a serious match.

— Part 5 : Addendum —

The first time my clan leader spoke to {eXc}’s clan leader it went something like this:
In italian (my clan leader) : “hello”
In italian (him): “oh sweet, another italian person on steam!”

Also, just look who {eXc} is looking for.

I’m also uploading a demo.



You shouldn’t get on the forum and make fun of a team that took you in. also they just might not have the cash to run their own server/VOIP. that’s a shame but hardly anything you can bash their head in for. bit of a nasty rant to a team that’s probably very new to TF2.


You shouldn’t get on the forum and make fun of a team that took you in. also they just might not have the cash to run their own server/VOIP. that’s a shame but hardly anything you can bash their head in for. bit of a nasty rant to a team that’s probably very new to TF2.

Man, I know, but I’m an asshole. I just couldn’t resist.

How can a team looking for MID SKILL players not even use a microphone?

And my real complaint is that my clan leader once asked if ETF2L could give us a chance to prove our skills in the league by replacing {eXc} with our serious team, but this didn’t happen and our serious clan couldn’t play because of this guys.





ok :D i will warn all people on steam ok?


ok :D i will warn all people on steam ok?

Warn the president of the USA.

You should’ve signed up to Season 5 earlier :(



Who’d have thunk that joining a clan for /no other reason/ than to play in a league was a bad idea.

Who would have thunk it.

edit: for the love of god someone call the skill police! Do you mean to say that there are clans in division 6 who WANT TO HAVE FUN!? HOW COULD WE HAVE LET THIS HAVE HAPPEN?



congratulations you’re a douchebag


(king of all rollouts)

we do the same, talking takes too long

As Jonni said, it isn’t nice to actually take the piss out of a clan that let you in.
But let’s all be completely honest with ourselves – it’s hilarious.


^ bag of douche



Wow, that was totally unecessay

What did you gain from doing this? Some kind of pathetic self satisfaction?

Just leave them alone, leave the team and let them get on with it.



Yes, it’s hilarious. But I fail to see how your team “deserves” a spot more.



I wonder how differently such a joke may have been received had it been from a popular player.

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