
LFPs new to comp!

Created 13th July 2014 @ 20:41

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We’re a group of people interested in comp, but with little experience, and we’re looking for people like us!
We started out as a HLO team, but felt outclassed in every lobby/scrim we played because we had players with 10x more experience stacked against us, and I’m pretty sure we’re not the only ones.

While there’s nothing wrong with a challenge, we felt that you couldn’t learn a whole lot if you could never get out of spawn or win a midfight.
So to that end we’re opening up our group, so people with less game experience but with an interest in comp can find a pool of players with similar skill levels to play with and against on a regular basis.

We have our own server and Mumble, and a small group of players/admins. I’ll rent another dedicated server if there’s need for it.

Join the group ( or add me on Steam if you’re interested, and either message me or post on the group with your preferred mains and availabilities if you’d like to be added to the roster.
This is open to everybody, so even if you’re interested and would like to help out as a buddy let me know!



You should post this on Reddit too.

That’s a great idea! Thanks :)


great idea, brings back the old memories when my team coudnt win any midfights and it felt rly stupid. if needed i can add you and we could discuss about a buddy slot (pyro main with d4 and 3 experience) alltho i cant join into your etf2l team im afraid since im already in one.

Last edited by Jaakarhu,

Even just advice would be really appreciated! :)

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