Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Prizes and Other Updates
June 17, 2014
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Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Prizes
We’ve kept you waiting anxiously for a while, but now we can officially announce the prizes for the Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS. If you have been keeping an eye on teamfortress.tv you might already know, but we are pleased to be able to offer a cash prize for this tournament.
In addition we have some top quality hardware prizes for the best Nation thanks to Tt eSPORTS. Please make sure you go and visit their website and Facebook Page to find out more about them!
Winner: €500 + 9x Tt eSPORTS Black Gaming Mice
Runner Up: €350
Third Place: €150
Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Map Update
Previously we did not know which version of cp_intermodal to use, however there is a stable version now which will be used. cp_intermodal_g1 can be downloaded here.
Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Captain Applications Still Open
The applications for captaincy of your nation are still open!
National teams are created and managed by Captains chosen out of submitted applications. Each Captain will pick the best possible roster from amongst their countrymen and lead their glorious squadron to victory. There are no restrictions on which players you can field in your team, so long as they are of your country’s nationality and are eligible to play in ETF2L.
To apply, send an email to [email protected], explaining why you should be your country’s captain and describe your planned national roster. Applicants who have experience leading successful ETF2L teams and a good reputation in the scene will be given priority. This should be self explanatory but you should include at least your nickname and your ETF2L profile link in the application letter.
Captain Applications will close on Friday, 20th of June at 23:59 CEST. Only approved Captains and their National Teams will be added to the competition.
So far, we have applications from the following countries. Please note none of these are approved as of yet.
- Austria
- Belgium (x2)
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- England (x2)
- Finland
- France
- Georgia
- Germany (x2)
- Hungary
- Israel
- Italy
- Lithuania
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal (x2)
- Romania
- Russia
- Scotland
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain (x2)
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Arab Emirates
- United States of America
If you don’t see your nation here, please consider applying! Nations without a captain will simply not take part in the tournament.
I need two of those mices. Nice prizes!
No Ireland :(
I am going to start a team for Petoria.
Ukraine, where are u? :(
no iceland? :s
Heuh belgium even got tf2 players so they apply 2 times :O
May i know who is the other Germany Team?
What happens if there are multiple captains for one team?
The captain is picked by: Experience (seasons played), Highest div played, if had any experience leading team (national team too), reputation.
so if 1st applicant for leader spot played(plays) in Prem and the other in Div 3, then Prem captain would be picked.
I guess thats how it works
No Latvian team. Rip
B33p ran out of Samsung Galaxy S5s to support Irish team
New applications:
Iceland, Ireland, Germany (x3)
So, I have a dual citizen now – I married a Canadian a year ago.
Anyways, as I am the only Swedish/Canadian playing in div1, does that mean I can
– theoretically – organize a Canadian team?
Kinda same problem with swedish santa.
I am a turkish citizen but also have a Swedish passport, any possibility for me to play for sweden? (not that they would pick me or anything atm)
As long as you never played for X national team, you can play for Y national team, otherwise you would be stuck with X national team forever.
Team Latvia?
Who else gonna crush Deox and Scotland?
Saltire’s gonna shite ah ower ur Kinder Milk Slice
Good atmosphere here at the portuguese headquarters :P http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=272544132
^ after defeated UAE.
ducky get another game, another mumble, another life please…
#san4captain #k4yzer4cheerleader #yoloswaggodsplanneversaytheNword
that’s more annoying than helpful
Holy shit this is actually retarded. You got all the community 12 year olds to spam hashtags for your cause
I am genuinely sad for our HL team, I hope you and your guys make the right choice permzilla.
I hope Portugal lose.
Bulow said it.
Did I? I am just watching this, and it seems that kiler fanboys started this. I don’t know the legal reality of your countries, but a manifestation to claim a right is common in the European Union countries.
Its not about being a fanboy, i just want to see my country well represented..
omfg san_alex, your response to 2 comments on a news page is gathering our personal army to spam a retarded hashtag?
I expressed my opinion to multiple people in our community and Im gonna sit out until the decision is made by the admins but I think everyone on this comment page acted childish. And when I meant I was sad for our HL team I was referring to this whole drama I didn’t actually meant about your team in particular.
I dont want to create problems or publicly declare preferences as I am close to many people on the team and I am still part of the team (as sub), but I dont agree with every choice for the team and I think all of you acted really immature on this comment section.
i want to play pls
I’m but 12 years old because I wrote “san4captain” but the way you play HL suggests you’re 12 years old kaneco
* I’m not (…)
itt people getting mad over nothing
Stop the arguing. Portugal has 2 possible captains. The admins will make the choice between Kiler4fun and San Alex. Its gonna be a tough decision…
+1 Rudd
cant we just play video games? :L
I always left myself out of the portuguese comunity because of all the bad envyroment that took place in mumble and what not, now that I am returning slowly to it, this happens, I love the community as it is right now. Super cool people. Now to create a war over this is really sad, it is undeniable after hearing what some people say about certain classes or the HL itself and I can go even further by including the calls/maincalls that some people are not as good at HL as they think they are. Sadly we still live in a time where beeing prem at 6v6 is beeing 100% right at everything, not understanding both game mods are completely diferent and beeing good at one doesnt make you good at the other.
isto é tudo inveja!!!!!
Vou escrever isto em Português para todos os portugueses consigam entender bem o que está a tentar ser transmitido em cada uma destas palavras e porque isto é uma coisa que é NOSSA e nao devia estar aqui em publico onde todos estão a ver e provavelmente até a rir-se!
Não faz sentido esta disputa de duas equipas, devia ser simplesmente criada uma equipa com os melhores jogadores da comunidade, egos à parte, envolve trinita, killer, kalhó, kaneco, stunz, concrete, scricptzon, rajadas, kriptz, fakemaster, limede, haunter, oupa, tiago, san alex, dois, stunz, fuxx etc.
Team Fortress 2 é e será sempre um jogo de equipa, é preciso portanto, jogar e praticar para obter resultados.
Tanta confusão e só há uma coisa que sai projudicada, é o nosso país que vai mal representado, acho que já chega de ver isso ultimamente sinceramente.
Está na altura de pararem todos para falar como adultos e de facto começarem a trabalhar a nossa selecção, temos o talento, bora mostrar!
Abraço a todos,
Am i missing out something?
itt portugesse circlejerking and fights.
tf2 is dead
tf2 is dead x2
New applications:
Bulgaria (x2), Portugal (x3), Belarus, Czech Republic, Poland (x2), Turkey
belgas desculpa lá mas eu não sei quem é o segundo stuntz na comunidade q:
x3 is three new aplications or 3 in total?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc8IgVWpdeo #acreditaemti #aforçaestaemnos #hlportugalteam
I wish sunday would come sooner :p
year ago: Loland
today: Loltugal