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Saturday Banpost!

Date October 12, 2013

The following players has been found to be guilty of cheating by our AC staff and are now banned from all ETF2L competitions:

Any games in open competitions that these players participated in will be changed to default losses.


  1. Bery: Seizs - LoL said:

    ggwp <3

  2. Izzy57 said:

    YES !!!
    TY we are fixed now !

  3. atmo said:

    Phew, I survived my first AC demo request.

  4. Reservoir dog: TC.Express said:

    So… one Frenchie. Maybe two if Thoner is in the French part of Belgium. :D

  5. Thoner said:


  6. Starkie: ulti? - sniper said:


  7. Night said:

    After the new cheat they invented for baud “aim assist”, here is a new ban of 6 months especially made for NiCO “script abuse”.

  8. Starkie: ulti? - sniper said:

    the best part about banning frenchies is the broken english brigade coming to the rescue to complain

  9. Night said:

    Stfu asshole i wrote that in like 5 seconds, try to speak french as good as i speak english before saying that.

  10. atmo said:

    Night Terror, comme on dit en anglais, “quit while you’re still ahead”.

  11. Ghent: Team said:

    it isn’t sunday what is this?

  12. Dennia: FAINT said:

    noob down

  13. knuck: DA! said:

    Hello Stark, I’m happy to meet you.

  14. Goat_: bobs said:

    thanks for protecting us from French people ac team

  15. atmo said:

    knuck, we all know you’re Coleman’s little brother. Quit with the French hipster act – you’re Welsh through and through.

  16. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    i like this

  17. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

  18. Droidster: tavi said:

    French as usual, Germans are still being hidden by our overlords though

  19. Starkie: ulti? - sniper said:

    “Night Terror, comme on dit en anglais, “quit while you’re still ahead”.”

  20. bsh: who is? said:

    ah the stereotypes of the ignorant brit and the hacking frenchie :D i like

  21. emb: (Legend) - ciortai said:

    After the new cheat they invented for baud “aim assist”, here is a new ban of 6 months especially made for NiCO “script abuse”.

    This rule actually was inspired by the script NiCO used during Season 15. We did not have a rule against it, so after the Season ended, we added one and announced it in a newspost – http://etf2l.org/2013/08/27/scripts-rule-update-bans/

    From the rules page ( http://etf2l.org/rules/general-rules/ ) :

    6.3 Scripts

    Scripts that allow a player to perform an action in-game that he would not be able to execute without the script, or scripts that purposefully disrupt the player hitbox are banned and may be classified as cheating. Scripts that freeze or glitch the player model (e.g. in mid-air to be less predictable) to make it harder to hit are also banned.

    Examples of banned scripts:

    • Chargeturn script (this includes the use of other peripherals to achieve sharper turn angles)

    Examples of allowed scripts:

    If you are unsure about the legality of a particular script, please contact an admin to clarify the situation before using the script in an official match.

  22. PuzZle: Boys - GG said:


  23. Night said:

    This rule should apply to player who actually uses scripts, which isen’t the case of NiCO.

  24. Zelking said:

    What are the proof for Thoner = Kayziix ?

  25. Guzzler said:

    nico nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  26. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    1000 APM

    nothing to add :D

  27. Gero: [NoL] said:

    Dis gonna be gud’

  28. Night said:

    So hard to get 1000 apm by pressing the 2 same keys ><

  29. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    omg guys he has proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky6EjSR3_k8

    Viva la France!

  30. Kemor said:


  31. Kaneco said:

    Wasn’t NiCO using a Null-cancelling movement script anyway? Thats not bannable from what I know

  32. Flippy: LEGO - DA! said:

    Bah bravo Moret !

  33. Dr Cooper: |Bds| said:

    can we ban all corean on starcraft 2 pls ? they have so many APM

  34. Opti: REMOVE said:

    Too much Nico’s semen in Night and Cooper’s mouth.

  35. rtslol: PrettyGay said:

    the french whiteknight squad is here

  36. sickless: fnx.simrai said:

    where the fuck are stefan and bash?

  37. Melheck: eskimo said:

    More like french circlejerk. As always, when someone get banned, their friends will be coming as well to protest.

    That’s why I don’t cheat, i’m afraid that nobody would come and protest for me :(

  38. Dr Cooper: |Bds| said:

    i would love spread my shit on your face opti :)

  39. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Stark + Sideshow’s Banpost.

    Never forget.

  40. Gero: [NoL] said:

    Oh, it’s been a while that we got a drama !

  41. Gero: [NoL] said:

    bis : I while protest for you my dear Melheck <3

  42. Ombrack: Top5rocket said:

    l2speak english pls

  43. Melheck: eskimo said:

    I’m teaching him but he’s not doing well… :(
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, who’s next?

  44. Flipmode: (ETF2L Donator) - eN said:

    hello the international people the france love you since forever and au-delà !

  45. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    Decerto.Ozone EEPY (Score:20) defeats ϟ NiCO POSEY (Score:15) in duel to 20 on Granary Last
    Decerto.Ozone EEPY : lel
    ϟ NiCO POSEY : get good
    ϟ NiCO POSEY : noob

    I don’t understand how he is still so incredibly shit

  46. IcEE said:


  47. atmo said:

    What do you mean, sickless?

  48. rtslol: PrettyGay said:

    Dr Cooper woah man calm down no need to be so upset

  49. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    Broken Engrish

  50. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    bonjour, oui oui baguette pls no ban. French is good people make skill team.

  51. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    “i would love spread my shit on your face opti :)”

    dying here

  52. Blitzo said:

    Coucou NiCO

  53. beach: [DA] - [DA] said:

    there won’t be many frenchies left on etf2l at this rate

  54. Tuto: 8-) said:

    must suck for ones team to get defeault loss all games gg

  55. Etienne: frigide.eZizi said:

    Sorry. I’m French.

  56. Aephage said:

    I’m so fucking happy about that ban post hahahahha

  57. kna said:

    Opti: ♣ said:
    October 12th, 2013 at 16:32

    Too much Nico’s semen in Night and Cooper’s mouth.

    ahah so true. Cooper, btw, a PGM at sc2 makes 300 APM, there we have over 2000 APM ! 2 fukin 000 !! OK ?

  58. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    Park Sung-Joon is noted for the record APM of 818

  59. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    PS: @ night who said that it was 2 keys? :)

  60. Night said:

    Give me the fking tick and I’ll proove u’re wrong.

  61. lacrimosa said:

    Alta ipz, dein yt-clip dazu ist ja mal geil XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  62. lacrimosa said:

    NiCO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky6EjSR3_k8

    Ipz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GvB6HjoFVs

  63. Zarix said:


  64. Spudd: (´・ω・`) - bobs said:

    au revoir :^)

  65. Opti: REMOVE said:

    It’s not 2 keys, It’s one button on the mouse.

  66. Starkie: ulti? - sniper said:

    i donut like what they did for nico because he is not hack I know we went to lan

  67. Opti: REMOVE said:

    Also, I guess Nico won’t attend lan now huh?

  68. Opti: REMOVE said:

    Shit stark posteed before me :>

  69. Zarix said:


    WH ?

  70. Falcon0408 said:


  71. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    What script was he banned for?

  72. Flipmode: (ETF2L Donator) - eN said:


  73. rtslol: PrettyGay said:

    Kim Jong Un has 3000 rpm

  74. rtslol: PrettyGay said:


  75. spherefs said:

    Nico, biggest mge tryhard eu, banned lel.

  76. ilosu: srsly ? - Dn. said:

    For all who don’t speak french:

  77. Padow: d! said:

    Cheater spotted!!


  78. toogyboogy: (ETF2L Donator) - SOFT - bobs said:

    holy french brigade

  79. Swedish Santa: 105 said:

    Need more popcorn!

  80. Mike: TEZC said:

    stfu night

  81. Bery: Seizs - LoL said:

    ipz-s version was too damn awesome :D

  82. Nafve: Pyroishard - `(OvO)´ said:

    Oh my god so good more please

  83. easyGame said:

    So he didn’t suffer from Parkinson disease?

  84. Kaneco said:

    To be honest I would also be interested in knowing what did he use. It would prevent other players from using it as well…

    Because I was fairly convinced it was a null movement script he was using.

  85. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    More drama please I’m bored

  86. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:


  87. Hallow: P.O.P said:

    just wanna point out that if he was using a null-canceling movement script he really only has to press one key and hold the other. it’s a lot of effort and probably hurts your hand, but unless the admins have evidence that shows something else than him just pressing keys really fast it’s bullshit. i mean he palys like 3 hours of mge a day so he has the time to practise pressing keys at parkinson rate.

  88. Marmite: 9 ☆ said:


  89. atmo said:

    kaneco is not an AC admin

  90. lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    He wasn’t using the null-canceling movement script

  91. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    “He wasn’t using the null-canceling movement script”

    He obviously was using it?????

  92. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    The null cancelling script is fine. He played highlander so it was probably a demo charge turn script.

  93. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    the null cancelling script is completely allowed.

  94. Falcon0408 said:

    any tf2mate generated config comes with the null-cancelling script anyway, so i bet a lot of people are using it and have no idea.

  95. Hallow: P.O.P said:

    i was arguing that what he’s doing is not impossible since the null-cancelling movement script makes it significantly easier. add that to the fact that he practises so much i think people should lay off with the “omg i knew it was so obvious” because presumably the admins have more proof than him spamming his arrow keys.

  96. Night said:

    From what i’ve heard, they don’t have way more than that. And NiCO doesn’t use the nul-cancelling script, I know it cause I made his cfg and it contains the strict minimum (net settings and lerp 500 for scout, 15.2 for other class <== (I know this is completely dumb but he asked me to do that ^^))

  97. Hallow: P.O.P said:

    so cl_interp .5? Or .05?

  98. Frowny: TLG - peace said:

    Anyone else thought he was having a seizure at first?

  99. Night said:

    cl_interp 0.5

  100. Kaneco said:

    I am not an AC admin but what does that have to do with it Atmo? Obviously I am curious on what got him banned, and since he plays a retarded amount of mge daily it would be possible for him to have some decent practise at pressing keys.

    I am not frenchie nor defending him but I am curious.

  101. vøid said:

    free baud

  102. Limp.: EPA said:

    Took your time..

  103. payard: mLm said:
