Staff changes, a ban

Date May 26, 2012

Staff Changes

Netherlands Spike Himself, our site coder, decided to quit the admin staff because he has lost interest in Team Fortress 2 (again) and with that also lost motivation to dedicate his spare time towards the league. We wish him all the best and are grateful for everything he did. You are welcome back at any time, buddy.

On the bright side, we are saying hello to no less than 3 (!) new admins:

  • UK Miek, who will take over as webmaster
  • Germany Phife, who will mainly support our 6v6 staff
  • England Maniac, who has joined as a highlander admin

The best way to contact them (or any other admin) is through IRC.


VAC has claimed another victim. As a result of general rule 6.5, Denmark Thalash is banned for 1 year. If the VAC ban turns out to be false, the ban will, of course, be lifted.


  1. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:


  2. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:


  3. vøid said:

    please explain me what is a “false” vac ban i dont get it

  4. Septique said:

    wtf :D

  5. . said:


  6. BELLSPROUT?!: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    i knew it ever since he was a hat scammer

    such a scammer of hats

  7. djc: d2f~ said:

    re: “false” vac bans, there have been a few times in steam history where they fucked up and accounts ended up flagged as VAC banned even though they weren’t meant to be. i spent about 2 days with my account listed as VAC’d before they fixed it. the first time it happened, everyone affected got a free copy of one of the left 4 dead games

  8. Hildreth: Bully - Pander said:

    Who will come back first, Spike or Thalash?

  9. cruZer: \V/ Gold - und Rasiert said:

    i guess a false ban would imo affect more players :/

  10. ashkan said:

    cruZer: There have been cases where false bans have not been on a mass scale. You don’t hear about those because they’re only addressed in person and in private, and generally no reason is given for the false ban. It happened to my friend once, and Steam Support didn’t do anything about it (“our system shows that the ban was applied correctly”). It wasn’t until I emailed someone there and vouched for my friend, that they investigated and lifted the ban.

  11. Setlet said:

    Thanks Spike Himself for everything you have done and good luck for the new admins. :)

    Btw what’s the possibility for a VAC ban to be false?

  12. WLL said:


  13. Vanilla_Mi: Bully said:

    Setlet: very very small.

    Reminds me of this mod lol, which made the game run on some weird mode or with some .dll that VAC didnt like, and you got VAC-banned for playing it online. Can’t remember the bloody name tho :/

    My guess is a mw3/mw2 ban or some silly (4fun) stuff, don’t think he would cheat at his main game, but what do I know.

  14. Vanilla_Mi: Bully said:

    Found it

    Here is the straight and narrow

    1) Paranoia uses a custom opengl32.dll

    They say so even in their Q&A, where they conveniently say ‘oh just delete the dll before playing another game’ which if you forget ONCE you get VAC banned.


    Q: Can the opengl32.dll file in Paranoia get me VAC banned
    A: YES

  15. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:

    batman failed

  16. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:

    to save the ones who needed his help :'(

  17. Pricee: has $w@G said:

    thalash got trashed

  18. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:

    ah so all those retarded quotes on thalash’s page actually have some substance now xD

  19. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:


  20. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    p.s congratz new admins :D

  21. Ununoctium said:

    It all makes sense now…

    *DEAD* Blackout! is ill : hax off pls
    *DEAD* aw.Thalash! : :(
    *DEAD* Blackout! is ill : ur like quad

    kp²/ konr: 38 damage on you at that close range? fuck off rate hacker

    <@huhy Tviq and Thalash

    SpiOor mix?: quit the hacking thalash, fucking idiot

    Mag ;): you have a good aim
    ♫Thalash: Thanks
    Mag ;): looks like triggerbot :)
    ♫Thalash: lol

    bìester |AA| : lol hacks
    Player bìester |AA| left the game (Disconnect by user.)

    nice rate hax Thalash..

    OAperator : Thalash!, couldn’t you play without hacks for once

  22. Setlet said:

    Will this ban affect SNSD’s results?

  23. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    wasnt he using that transparent weapon thing in his last frag clip?

    that could have got him the vac

  24. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    I got banned for transparent viewmodels :D

  25. myxomoR said:

    >I got banned for transparent viewmodels :D

    this was not a skins?

  26. tack: kp/ said:

    Gimme the transparent viewmodels, i’ll try it, we’ll see if i get vac ban too :D

  27. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    “I got banned for transparent viewmodels :D”…. thats absolutely bullshit sry faglash<3

  28. Thalash: wG - S-O said:


  29. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    What else should it be smzi?

  30. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    talk to me on steam thalash

  31. Mark: Phase said:

    “I got banned for transparent viewmodels :D”

    Come on man.

  32. Hat said:

    thalash you are a tremendous idiot

  33. Tardus: said:

    lool gg

  34. frix: LG said:

    n1 admins. best day in my life. bb qq fag

  35. Mik said:

    lol frix mad cuz bad

  36. frix: LG said:

    not as bad as you love

  37. h1: :3 - BM said:


  38. Gobby said:

    Gubbins gets VAC banned due to actual hacking But Its okay cuzz his an Admin

    Thalash ( a generally unliked memeber of this community ) gets a VAC banned and he is banned within a few days pfff etf2l ethics 101

  39. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    Well, there’s a huge difference between getting banned by vac from tf2 and from another random game like cod.

  40. konr said:

    Mould: I’ve been using that same plugin for quite a while now. I don’t actually use viewmodels but I use the plugin either way. We shall see if I get banned!

  41. Fishy said:

    6.5 VAC Bans

    As of March 15, 2012, any player with a VAC ban on the Source engine will be banned for 1 year. Players with VAC bans that do not apply to Team Fortress 2 will not be affected. Players receiving VAC bans before March 15, 2012 will not be affected.

    No idea if the ban is deserved or not, but it won’t (or at least shouldn’t) be for being VAC banned in another game. That is, if I understood that correctly.

  42. AnimaL said:

    used plugin that gives unfair advantage

    sounds fair enough to be deserved ban

  43. Fishy said:

    what is the difference between transparent viewmodels and no viewmodels? I mean, obviously transparent = see through, but how is that an unfair advantage over say no viewmodels, which is completely fine? Or am I missing something?

  44. konr said:

    You aren’t missing anything Fishy. You’re right. All the plugin does (iirc) is the following:
    Allows you to change your fov_desired value to 120 (not during a game)
    Allows you to have transparent viewmodels if you feel like it (no advantage what so ever)
    Allows you to change your name ingame without it affecting your Steam name.

    It used to allow you to change mat_picmip to 5 but that is no longer added to it I believe.

  45. Fishy said:

    Ah ok thanks :)

  46. cribbe: TC said:

    FREE THALASH <3 :((

  47. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    ahahahahaha fucking owned

  48. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

  49. Lateralus said:

    i’m dissapoint thalash. I will remove yer fragvids

  50. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    Fishy u nearly understand, Basically if ur banned in a source game like css then that WILL stop ur tf2 working on servers but there is no way to prove ur ban was due to css or tf2 so for that u will get the 1 year ban.
    If however u got vac banned in a seperate game like cs1.6 then ur tf2 will still work on servers so u wont get banned.

  51. Jakle said:

    Kids, don’t use plugins!

  52. AnimaL said:

    i thought it was clear when valve said it

    i guess not

  53. djc: d2f~ said:

    i’m not sure why you would lie and tell everyone you were only banned for transparent viewmodels after you had already told a bunch of people privately your VAC ban is from a non-TF2 game

    feels like you’d want to make your lie consistent, yknow?

  54. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    djc, I’m not sure where you got that info from, I sent a screenshot of my ban list to Crasp, at the time, it didnt show more than Kreedz Climbing Beta 4 and Hidden: Source Beta 4b on the ban list. As soon as it updated to all Source Games, I told 3-4 people that it had updated to all Source Games, and I updated my Steam Support ticket with the information.

    It amuses me that people actually think I hack.

  55. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Already screenshot the games I am banned from and sent them to smzi.

  56. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    drama detected, popcorn activate

  57. schocky: ist doof said:

    “oooooh watch out guys, we have a kreedz climbing hacker over here.” LOL

  58. schocky: ist doof said:

    you’re a liar. thats sure …

  59. Thalash: ‹Con› said:

    Relax guys. It was only a 2D radar.

  60. iNdx said:

    hold tight my nigga were gonna get you out

  61. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    schocky, I haven’t been lying about anything. I told Crasp that it was only those two games that were showing up on my ban list, so surely it hadn’t updated the whole list yet, and I told him I’d talk to him once it was updated. A couple of hours later, it was all source games. And the only bannable “thingie to a game” I’ve ever used, was the Plugin. Obviously I can sit here and tell you that with no real evidence, but I am hoping valve is going to make an exception and tell me what they banned me for.

    I was too shit to hack anyways, Tarkus told me that :(

    <3 indx

  62. snade: Suoli - moog said:


  63. basH: hf said:

    as long as i dont get banned….

  64. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    “drama detected, popcorn activate”


  65. Grimm said:

    It updated to all source games because you hacked on that engine

  66. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    @ thalash well tarkus and hax is a very special relationship

  67. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    I know Grimm.

  68. Aura said:

    you better get some ukranian lads to record you playing at lan before it’s too late thalash

  69. WARHURYEAH: GlueEater said:

    You’re either hacking or completely fucking retarded to use a plugin that Valve have said could get you VAC banned.

  70. caned: MEAT - LEGO said:

    I think Thalash is a pretty cool guy he transparent viewmodels and doesn’t afraid of VAC ban.

  71. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    War, I am as retarded as alot of other people using this plugin, yeah.

    I took a risk with it :)

  72. Bighomer: ƒusg said:

    and you payed for it :d

  73. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    thalash fanboys worse than rep fanboys

  74. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    cast him into the fiery pit where he belongs with all the other dammed hackers!

  75. BELLSPROUT?!: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    he scams people of their hats

    who cares if he is vac’d, hats are more important

  76. slate: (ETF2L Donator) - AMG said:

    no idea if you hacked in tf2, but generally spoken it is easy for people to blame “the” plugin now.
    You could have done anything with it, it was posted on this very forum how to get it do drawothersmodels. If you kept using it after Valve’s warning you’re really stupid/retarded and got what was bound to come.

  77. Gubbins: Op4 said:

    Ban Gubbins

  78. tweek\: said:

    free 2pac

  79. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Slate, I have never said that this ban was not applied legitimately, I took a risk and got banned, and I dealt with it.

    Also, who are you sheepy and why are you being a cunt?

  80. HurricaneR said:

    account sharing in cup = 1 year ban
    vac ban = 1 year ban

  81. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    you may be upset you got banned but there’s no need for mean words

  82. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    No not at all, I am just wondering why you’re being a cunt. The fact that you don’t even know me, makes it even more of a mystery.

  83. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    Im not. You cheated in a video game so you can’t really call me the “cunt”

  84. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    I give up, clearly you can’t read a simple sentence.

  85. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    “I give up, clearly you can’t read a simple sentence.” That’s a simple sentence and I can read it fine.

  86. konr said:

    I was going to stop using this plugin (even though it’s my own special version) because of this but now I think I’m actually going to just keep using it and if I get VAC banned then I’ll know if Thalash actually did anything else or not. I don’t care enough about playing in this league for me to give a shit if I get banned through a plugin like this. I really don’t understand why someone gets banned purely because of a VAC ban, when a plugin that was released on this very forum is the reason. Fair enough you might not believe him (not entirely sure I do either tbh) but the AC team should look at his demos and see if he actually did hack, rather than just see a VAC ban and instantly ban a guy from an entire league.

    Just my $0.02

  87. JohnnyAjax: sP. said:

    you cann’t get vac banned for using client plugin:
    Hi is using some shitty soft bytheway: the VAC system checks if any foreign processes are hooked into the player’s local game binaries. – thats it. noone is get vac banned for mumble overlay - hi is’a fucking cheater.

  88. Kvux: /./ - LEGO said:

    ‘all danes are hackers’ -Jukebox

    inb4 shitters crying cuz bad

  89. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

  90. JohnnyAjax: sP. said:

    I see no reason why div1 playes must download some shitty dll’s. And after reading the proud comments on your steam profile – vac is the right way for you.
    “I got banned for transparent viewmodels :D”
    Stop talkind about one and then go to some shitty dll’s you moron.

  91. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Getting hack accusations when you’re legit, feels good.

    Still wondering why noone believes I’m legit, yet I haven’t been asked for demos by the AC-Team.

    Your comment about the quotes on my steam profile, just lol.

  92. JohnnyAjax: sP. said:

    I’m a C++ programmer for 10+ years, and I can imagine (+ -) how the VAC works. So your post for me is pointless. If you get banned for transparent viwmodels plugin, then everyone should be vac banned for that, including me.

  93. Thalash: ‹Con› said:


    Or just download it – the less idiots on the game the better.”

  94. konr said:

    You can imagine? You’re wrong, Johnny. Sorry.

  95. agron: Relic said:

    good read

  96. Flippy: LEGO - DA! said:

    Thalash is 2 bad 2 cheat :\\

  97. Hohen: ? - [MC] said:

    The funny thing is, if it was some random div 3-5 shitter the comments would be: “nice job admin team, lol and so on”, and no one would even look at his case, but being Thalash there is some kind of controversial comments floating everywhere. I like how the community isn’t treating all of its players equally.

  98. Fishy said:

    Thanks kop, seems a kinda shit way to do it if you ask me, people can piss about on a game they don’t care about and get banned on all source games >.>

    If none of us really know for sure, surely the way to go forward is to find out with the best probability whether he was hacking or not, and one of the ways to do that is check his demos? Seems fairly simple

  99. Luzik: Suoli - moog said:

    Hohen, indeed, Thalash is getting more hate than someone else would get.

  100. Fishy said:

    Hohen do you seriously believe all players should be treated equally? There are so many div5 ‘shitters’ as you so nicely put it out there, and when one is banned more will take their place and no one will be any the wiser, but say a prem or div1 player is banned, who has made an impact on the community, and cannot just be replaced with a click of a button, ofcourse there will be a furore about it.

  101. Hohen: ? - [MC] said:

    What impact has any individual player from div1-prem made on the community?

  102. frix: LG said:

    “Hohen, indeed, Thalash is getting more hate than someone else would get.“ let me correct this for you buddy.

    Hohen, indeed, Thalash is getting more deserved hate than someone else would get.

  103. Hohen: ? - [MC] said:

    I’m not talking about the guys like Byte and Greg making helpful stuff on their youtube channels and such.

  104. Fishy said:

    There are at least 35-40 high level players who have made various instructive videos, I don’t know Thalash so I couldn’t talk about him specifically, however seeing as most of the comments are about the ban and from people that seemingly do know him, he seems to have made ‘some form’ of impact.

  105. freshmeatt: ‹Con› said:

    The amount of bullshit in this section amuses me and disgusts me simultaneously, and surprisingly, it hasn’t originated from Thalash.

  106. Hohen: ? - [MC] said:

    You clearly don’t know the meaning of the word “impact” and I’m not gonna argue in the news post anymore, so peace out.

  107. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    high level players getting banned will of course result in a bigger reaction, those players are the ones the community is respresented by. I don’t think there’s any hidden agenda here to bring Thalash down, most of the comments here are just trolling anyway.

  108. Thalash: wG - S-O said:


    Also Dis, why are you still called Thalash? :/

  109. pala4 said:

    good time to upload the screenshot

  110. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Lol, scroll up

  111. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    If Valve bans in waves
    and “alot of other people use this plugin in this community”
    how high are the chances you are the only one affected by this

  112. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    There’s about 2-3 people maximum with the same fov.dll file. Mine was apparently a shitty one, that’s about the only explanation I can give you.

    Feel free to ask for demos anyone who believes I hack :)

  113. FADe said:

  114. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    okay pls upload all your demos then

  115. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    *Anyone who believes I hack, feel free to ask for demos.

    There we go.

  116. Thalash: wG - S-O said:


  117. Hildreth: Bully - Pander said:

    Remember kids, don’t install dodgy plug-ins for video games.

  118. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    free fix

  119. Coffin Stuffer said:


  120. Tardus: said:

    +1 mightyme

  121. Aura said:

    *Anyone who believes I hack, feel free to ask for demos.*

    demos from this game please

  122. h1: :3 - BM said:

    this is entertaining as fuck!

  123. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Not gonna look through alot of demos to find a highlander demo, then give it to someone who isn’t even an AC-Admin

    Can send you my 10 latest 6v6 demos if you’d like. Or the demo from the Official vs ISIS

  124. Luzik: Suoli - moog said:

    “Anyone who believes I hack, feel free to ask for demos.”

    and you wont give them, now that’s interesting.

  125. Quik: vs - Fe | said:

    im using fov plugin since its release, sup Thalash?

  126. cruZer: \V/ Gold - und Rasiert said:


  127. silleh said:

    Think its a bit much considering it was transparent viewmodels, what kind of advantage does it give you rofl, when others can just disable the viewmodels. Reminds me of how stupid VALVe, GabeN etc is.

  128. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Luzik I will, but I am not gonna find a 1½ month old demo. I’ll give you all my recent ones, or the ones from my 6v6 official.

    I delete demos every month or two, simply because it helps me keep track of the important ones, or the ones I need to record frags in.

  129. Thalash: wG - S-O said:


    “Admins may request demos up to 14 days after the match was played. They can request as many demos as they require.”

    Plus, the season was over ages ago, no reason to keep old demos. So that’s why I’ll give you my latest demos.

  130. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    No offence Thalash but you are full of bullshit right now:

    “Feel free to ask for any demo”
    * someone asks for demo *
    “Oh sorry I don’t have that demo anymore”
    * says something about a rule where only admins can request demo’s 14 days after match can be played *

    Someone in your position should not really act this way, does not really help you in this situation.

  131. octochris: (0v0) said:

    silleh calling valve stupid is a bit pot and kettle really

  132. silleh said:

    har har I see what you did there

  133. Casual: prtyboiz - T⑨ said:

    I’m offended Thalash didn’t come to me for his fov fix :(

  134. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    I love how everyone misreads “feel free to ask for demos.”, to “feel free to ask for ANY demo”.

    I can provide whatever demo I still have.

    The rule I posted MightyMe, is simply an explanation to why I do not have some of my old demos.

  135. Belial: SNSD-jjang ♥ said:

    Free thalash Pl0x :(

  136. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    but when theres fragclipstuff!!! in an old demo he wont hesitate to find it :DDDD

  137. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    The second I get a clip in a demo, I save it to my secret folder!

  138. K3 said:

    Hi all

  139. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    Excellent read, thoroughly enjoyed it, wp thalash you moron :p getting banned without hacking what a genius you are haha.

  140. knuck: DA! said:

    Hi Thalash.

  141. rts: PrettyGay said:

    10/10 would read again

  142. h1: :3 - BM said:

    +1 mighty

  143. Wabbeh said:

    I don’t like the wording of the article, how it implies that thalash is a ‘victim’ of VAC banning. If he has indeed hacked, then everyone he’s played with and against are surely the victims?

  144. tay said:

    lol asif thalash hacks. Funniest thing ive read in a while.


  145. Genmix: bobs said:


  146. AnimaL said:

    2 months later, some team gets banned for playing with known hacker

  147. iNdx said:

    was goin through thalash demos and i found some suspicious moments

  148. flisko: atu??? - TWIN said:

    there was an ugly girl in one of his demos?

  149. Aura said:

    *Not gonna look through alot of demos to find a highlander demo, then give it to someone who isn’t even an AC-Admin*

    the match for played on Apr 9, 2012, 21:15 thus the demo starts with 201204092115. Is it that hard? Also do not try to brush me off by telling that you deleted it since you have already admitted that it’s somewhere on your hard disc.

  150. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Aura, my latest demo is from 16-05-2012 22:21

  151. konr said:

    Aura where the fuck did he admit that..? Get a grip.

  152. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    And as konr said, I never admitted to having the demo on my hard disc. Not sure where you got that from.

  153. Starkie: ulti? - sniper said:

    I’m not sure whether to despair at the drama or just accept it and find it hilarious

  154. schocky: ist doof said:

    pls thalash …

    “schocky, I haven’t been lying about anything [lie number one]. I told Crasp that it was only those two games [Hidden Source and Kreedz Climbing ; lie number two] that were showing up on my ban list, so surely it hadn’t updated the whole list yet [lie number three ; a source ban means a ban for every source-engine-game (tf2, css etc.) so why the list didnt contain tf2? cmon man …], and I told him I’d talk to him once it was updated. A couple of hours later, it was all source games [lie number four ; u scrolled down the list …]. And the only bannable “thingie to a game” I’ve ever used, was the Plugin [lie number five ; so why was tf2 not on the list? ].”


  155. quad said:

  156. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    xD wRecked idiot

  157. Dr Icecream said:

    I’m going to be so amused when the VAC ban turns out to be a false one and Thalash gets unbanned from the league. People who hopped on the band wagon will see their posts on this news post and realize how big an idiot they are.

    Welcome to the new admins btw =)

  158. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    more like banned wagon rofl rofl rofl

  159. Crazyman: BM Kappa - [T-A!] said:

    How can it be false? :/

    He admits to using the transparant viewmodels plugin, which is not allowed by Valve. It says so in the official thread on the Steam forums, and if I’m not mistaking there is a link to it on the forums of ETF2L. VACbannable offense ez proven kk.

  160. Dr Icecream said:

    Oh you Admirable. If i were gay, i’d fall in love with you for your sense of humour

  161. wrock: vier said:

    they didnt say its not allowed, they said they arent happy to see

  162. AnAkIn said:

    Crazyman: It’s not proven that he was banned by this plugin and there have been many VAC false positives in the past.

  163. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    “schocky, I haven’t been lying about anything [lie number one – nope, didnt lie about anything intentionally.]. I told Crasp that it was only those two games [Hidden Source and Kreedz Climbing ; lie number two – nope, those were the 2 games I could see on the ban list, I showed Crasp the screenshot and he didn’t question it.] that were showing up on my ban list, so surely it hadn’t updated the whole list yet [lie number three ; a source ban means a ban for every source-engine-game (tf2, css etc.) so why the list didnt contain tf2? cmon man … – as I said, it hadn’t updated the whole banlist yet.], and I told him I’d talk to him once it was updated. A couple of hours later, it was all source games [lie number four ; u scrolled down the list … – Yes, correct. I was able to scroll down and all source games were listed.]. And the only bannable “thingie to a game” I’ve ever used, was the Plugin [lie number five ; so why was tf2 not on the list? – Because it was added later on?].”

    If you think I’ve used anything else but the plugin, why don’t you ask me. Afterall you are in the AC-Team.

  164. Crazyman: BM Kappa - [T-A!] said:

    @AnAkIn: So I should take the chance of him being banned by hacking or a random VACban over the fact that he was using a plugin which an admin himself said that running the plugin “runs the risk of getting the user VAC banned” (

    Random VACbans mostly come in waves: The VACban forum on Steam suggests no such thing (

    So unless the plugin is now using another means of running it (ie without -insecure and in a way that isn’t VACbannable) then it’s likely that the plugin is what got Thalash banned.

  165. Bassie: epx^ - Üb said:


  166. schocky: ist doof said:

    — “And the only bannable “thingie to a game” I’ve ever used, was the Plugin [lie number five ; so why was tf2 not on the list? – Because it was added later on?.” —

    HAHA, makes sense…

  167. h1: :3 - BM said:

    even if you didn’t cheat, stop making you’re self look more of a mong.
    i don’t know you, but from what i’ve heard your massive doosch.

  168. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    h1, I’m simply explaining myself. Not gonna sit here and let people trash talk me. The least I am gonna do is explain myself.

    What you’ve heard is probably right, I’m a douche to people, but never without a reason.

  169. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    so why did you cheat?

  170. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    I think thalash is clean, but, I think he should stay banned. The concept is there, if thalash was to be unbanned, we’d never be able to get rid of the cheaters who DO get vac’d, because they’d always say they used the plug in etc.

  171. Trath said:

    lol Mould you don’t have to be politically correct – it’s obvious Thalash doesn’t cheat, there is no reason to ban him. You don’t have to ban him so you can stay cool with other guys that get VAC’d and then say it was a plug in, that is stupid.

    It is ok to say – “yes, Thalash gets unbanned because he is a known player and is known for not cheating, and you div 6 noob nobody heard of can go phuck yourself”.

  172. Aura said:

    Thalash: I delete my demos every month or two

    Me: Pls give me demo from this match .

    Thalash: Sorry bro, but you’re not an admin and I’m not gonna look through alot of demos to find a highlander demo.

    Me: But you said that you will give your demos to anyone! And is that hard to look up for a demo?

    Thalash: Sorry bro, my latest demo is only two weeks old and I never said that I have it lolol

    9/10 good one indeed

  173. Ace said:

    If he deletes his demos every month or two, there is a chance of him having deleted the demos he considered useless two weeks ago, what’s so strange about that?

  174. Selek: Dr. med. said:

    This commentary section is now about semantics and personal resentments.

  175. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Aura, request a demo that isn’t old and useless to me, and I’ll gladly hand it over to you.

    I don’t see why you want this specific demo. Since it’s old, and as I said I have no use for it whatsoever. Please though, explain to me why you want a demo of me playing scout in highlander, pretty much pushing a cart throughout the whole game (YES DROSO, CART CAN BE PUSHED <3)

    @MightyMe – I didn't cheat, unless you call using the transparent plugin a cheat. If that's the case, then yes I did "cheat".

  176. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    I never mentioned any specific game, I just asked you, why did you cheat?

    “@MightyMe – I didn’t cheat”

    Yes that is sure why you are banned from these games on steam and why you got vac banned, because you did nothing wrong and all of the sudden got banned in these games you send a screenshot of to an admin.

    So once again, why did you cheat?

  177. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Lol, are you even reading?

    I did do something wrong, I used transparent viewmodels which is a van-banable plugin.

  178. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Vac-banable even, lol.

  179. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    Well trath thats not the right way to go about it. There are plenty of people on here who are known who are eventually found cheating, like boomeh… what would you do if a prem player got vac’d, let them off because they’re known?

  180. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Are YOU even reading? I asked you WHY you cheated not WHAT did you do.

  181. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    I explained multiple times already, that I did not cheat. I don’t really care if you believe me or not, but atleast I told you the truth.

  182. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    I think mighty needs some attention again, skeej? anyone?

  183. Spike Himself: TC said:

    I think what Mighty is going for here is the implicit suggestion that using your plugin is equal to cheating. That, or he is impressively thick :)

  184. Trath said:

    “Well trath thats not the right way to go about it. There are plenty of people on here who are known who are eventually found cheating, like boomeh… what would you do if a prem player got vac’d, let them off because they’re known?”

    VAC ban != 100% Hacks/Cheats

    So I would say any1 that got a VAC ban should have to get his demos looked at by the AC team, and if anything is genuinely suspicious the ban is lifted.

    Thalash obviously didn’t cheat, so why should he be banned?

  185. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    nvm it’s like argueing with a woman, i give up

  186. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Self knowledge, I like it! :D

  187. dAGNER: duplo said:

    I agree with Trath. A VAC-ban should lead to further investigation.
    Also, if the AC team needs more resources I’d be glad to help. I have vast experience in detecting if a player is using a transparent viewmodels or not.

  188. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    The reason for the ETF2L ban was that he got a VAC ban for all source games which prevents him from playing TF2 on that account. We recently (well, about half a year ago) established a new rule that allows us to ban everyone who gets a VAC ban on his account that is registered at ETF2L.

  189. dAGNER: duplo said:

    That’s a flat out lie. He can still play TF2, just not on a VAC secured server. And i think everyone defending Thalash why he got banned. It’s the rule itself we have a problem with. I’m not telling you how to run your league, I just want to get my 2 cents out there. Don’t listen to me if you think I’m an idiot (obv) :)

  190. Trath said:

    MightyMe how can argue that transparent viewmodels is cheating if you can disable them with a command in-game so they don’t interfere with your line of sight?

    Being able to have a viewmodel and making it only half-interfere with your line of sight is an unfair advantage with the use of a 3rd-party program, ehh?

  191. octochris: (0v0) said:

    “I have vast experience in detecting if a player is using a transparent viewmodels or not.”

    fucking hilarious considering you can just turn them off

  192. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    chris, I think he was joking?

  193. Mark: Phase said:

    “I think mighty needs some attention again, skeej? anyone?”


  194. Aura said:

    so why you had to use the plugin. Was it that useful?

  195. mrwhizz said:

    No Aura, He used it because it was completely utter useless.

    What do you think..?

  196. dAGNER: duplo said:

    @Chris I can also detect if a player has taped stuff to his monitor to help him aim, if he’s taken performance enhancing drugs for the last 24 hours and if the player is under-aged or not. My talents would contribute greatly to the AC-team. PM me guys :)

  197. octochris: (0v0) said:

    my joke detector has failed me

  198. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    “I can also detect if a player has taped stuff to his monitor to help him aim, if he’s taken performance enhancing drugs for the last 24 hours and if the player is under-aged or not.”
    How the actual fuck is it possible to see if the player used drugs? HOW?

  199. etcetera said:

    You don’t exactly find this kind of information publicly.
    You realize heuristics is a well researched subject right? It can be applied perfectly in this case to assist admins to catch stoners.
    Maybe you are wondering if there is a specific drug that StonerBlocker catches, well there isn’t, it catches something that some junkies do (not going to go into details for obvious reasons).

  200. Hildreth: Bully - Pander said:

    200th comment \o/

    …my life is empty…

  201. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    lol poor chris :(

  202. Trath said:

    Wanting to keep this post’s drama, I come out with an announcement:

    I AM GAY

  203. dAGNER: duplo said:

    In this day and age it’s more shocking to be straight. How about this:

  204. baerbel: trick17 - trick17 said:

    since when is it okay to ban ppl because of a vac ban, wasnt this unacceptable 2 years ago?

  205. Ununoctium said:


    6.5 VAC Bans

    As of March 15, 2012, any player with a VAC ban on the Source engine will be banned for 1 year. Players with VAC bans that do not apply to Team Fortress 2 will not be affected. Players receiving VAC bans before March 15, 2012 will not be affected.

  206. konr said:


  207. Leif said:

    Totally worth reading this.

    I dont even know thalash but i’ve heard a lot of him (i think everyone did) and dunno if he cheated or not, according to some players I know who have seen him play/have played against him this ban is kind of “deserved”.
    And yes, slate tells nothing but the truth:

    “no idea if you hacked in tf2, but generally spoken it is easy for people to blame “the” plugin now.
    You could have done anything with it, it was posted on this very forum how to get it do drawothersmodels. If you kept using it after Valve’s warning you’re really stupid/retarded and got what was bound to come.”

    Also, Thalash, the impression you give people is that telling “I got banned for transparent viewmodels :D” and “I can provide you demos” and then “I don’t have anymore that demo” when you are asked to, is like mirror climbing. You could have told immediatly you don’t own demos older than 1 month anymore and avoid all that hate.

    There are no evidences of you getting Vac banned for transparent viewmodel but there is an evidence of you having modified something of the game you should have not. Just don’t modify games file and you wont get Vac-banned, seems easy to me.

  208. Fishy said:

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing isn’t it cunlico. How can a ban be ‘deserved’ just because someone has alledgedly been a douche to some people. He’s seemingly made some ‘enemies’ but how on earth does that mean he deserves a ban