Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.


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Season 40 : Clash of Clans : doing the deed
Season 41 : Ultimatum (Keeping Up with the Middies)
oKo(bad)/Silence/Aelkyr/Turbo/enrk/Lowa (Sentry Gun placement expert : Starkie)


  • None

Registered Players

ire's avatar
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vocey's avatar
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Starkie's avatar
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Upcoming Fixtures

Date Competition Round Team 1 Team 2
No fixtures for this team.


Date Round Team 1 Team 2 Result
6v6 Season 41 Powered by Copenhagen Games [Archives]
Week 5 (Mid) 0 - 6
Week 4 (Mid) 0 - 6
Week 3 (Mid) 0 - 6
Week 2 (Mid) 3 - 3
Week 1 (Mid) 3 - 3
6v6 Season 40 Sponsored by Mannco.store [Archives]
Week 7 (Mid) 3 - 3
Week 6 (Mid) 3 - 3
Week 5 (Mid) 1 - 5
Week 4 (Mid) 2 - 4
Week 3 (Mid) 6 - 0
Week 2 (Mid) 6 - 0
Week 1 (Mid) 6 - 0


Date DL POV Competition Round Team 1 Team 2
49 First Person 6v6 Season 41 Powered by Copenhagen Games Week 1
Aware Ultimatum
28 First Person 6v6 Season 41 Powered by Copenhagen Games Week 1
Aware Ultimatum

Team Name History

Date Old Name New Name
Clash Of Clans : doing the deed Ultimatum
Clash Of Clans Clash Of Clans : doing the deed
project Clash Of Clans

Player History

Action Player By Date
Left Aelkyr Aelkyr
Joined Aelkyr Kaylus
Left BrannMolvik Norway BrannMolvik Norway
Left ZeroS ZeroS
Left Mankind Mankind
Left Lowa Lowa
Left pew pew pew pew
Left Aelkyr Aelkyr
Left Turbo Turbo
Left Silence Silence
Left yakalelo yakalelo
Left oKo oKo
Joined Starkie Aelkyr
Left Five baz Aelkyr
Joined Silence Aelkyr
Joined Turbo Aelkyr
Joined oKo Aelkyr
Joined Lowa Aelkyr
Joined yakalelo Aelkyr
Left Jortand Jortand
Left yusef yusef
Left Tosi Tosi
Left KO KO
Left cori cori
Joined KO Aelkyr
Joined pew pew Aelkyr
Left KO KO
Joined Tosi yusef
Joined ire Aelkyr
Left RNTenant RNTenant
Joined KO Aelkyr
Joined vocey Aelkyr
Joined Jortand Aelkyr
Joined cori Aelkyr
Joined BrannMolvik Norway Aelkyr
Joined ZeroS yusef
Joined Five baz yusef
Joined RNTenant yusef
Joined Mankind yusef
Joined Aelkyr yusef
Joined yusef yusef