Experimental Highlander Cup #5 Highlander Experimental Cup #5 features three largely untested maps, koth_fuel_a4, cp_intermodal_rc3a and pl_rust_b7. The Cup will be held on one night – Thursday June 5th with the final of each bracket played by Thursday June 12th. We invite Fun Teams and Highlander teams of all skill levels to sign up! Teams will be grouped into brackets of similar […]
Announcing Experimental Highlander Cup #5 – Signups OPEN!
May 30, 2014
Announcing Experimental Highlander Cup #4!
March 14, 2013
Banner by accless Experimental Highlander Cup #4 Wrangled sentries are a key part of any A/D’s map defense, and overcoming them has been a challenge every Highlander team had to learn to deal with. Some believe it to be a true test of teamwork, others would like nothing more than see it banned from every […]