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Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership quarter final: dd + 5 abs vs. Publiclir & High tier quarter finals: BackGet Foolery vs. Professional Disney Fangirls

Date March 16, 2016

Premiership quarterfinal dd + 5 abs vs. publiclir As this surprising season is drawing to a close we present to you the quarter final where the 3rd and 4th seed will duke it out for continued survival. If you somehow missed it the two teams are grabbing 3rd seed with a single point margin. The […]

Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership Week 6 Triple Header: Publiclir vs. Team Infused & dd + 5 abs vs. Lego & Planet Express vs. nerdRage

Date March 3, 2016

One man’s loss is another one’s gain, as the saying goes. In this case the loss is on the side of team as they forfeit their match against due to missing players. The gain then, well it’s in the continued legacy of teamfortress.tv‘s unbroken coverage of  every Premiership game since season 20. So let’s get […]

Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership Week 5 Triple Header: Full Tilt vs. Lego & Foreskings vs. Planet Express & dd + 5 abs vs. Publiclir

Date February 24, 2016

Would a season of Prem be complete without a triple header? Some would say of course not, other would not say that. Regardless here we stand with three games and three streams once again. Full Tilt vs. Lego First out we have have the schedule vendetta to end all schedule vendettas when take on without […]

Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership Week 4: dd + 5 abs vs. Team Infused

Date February 21, 2016

In a comparatively undramatic turn decided to change their roster by switching out for in the Pocket role. This will be the first official game since said change. were slung abs first into a baptism by fire, being faced with the two top teams and in Week 1 and 3 respectively. Despite that they have […]

Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership Week 3 Double Bill: Planet Express vs. Publiclir & Foreskings vs. Team Infused

Date February 11, 2016

Publiclir vs. Planet Express Put your phones away, unless it’s what you use to watch twitch, because here is the P party. Two teams with the same first letter will be put to the test to see which team will perform the best and bring glory to the P. Will it be the offspring from […]