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Scout  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Germany jkr

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey guys.
I'm looking for a team to play as a main scout.
My main language is german but I'm willing to try english, too. ;)

About me:
– div 5 skill – willing to improve
– good calls
– friendly guy
– no rage (soooommetimes rage)
– active
– RL!

– nice guys
– already a full team (one scout missing for sure)
– rage is ok – I like :P
– div 5


Atm i m playing for p7* – its ok for them.
I will play for them till they split up or till s 10 ends.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:43268517 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team 4 Friends Highlander [Highlander] fränk
Left Team 4 Friends [6v6] fränk
Joined Team 4 Friends Highlander [Highlander] car5ten
Left fuck off we party here! [Highlander] jkr
Joined Team 4 Friends [6v6] jkr
Left Haze eSports [6v6] jkr
Joined Haze eSports [6v6] wnk1ee
Joined fuck off we party here! [Highlander] jkr
Left plan-7 | Westside [6v6] jkr
Left 9guys1cup [Highlander] jkr
Joined plan-7 | Westside [6v6] Hakku
Left RageQuitters [6v6] Dr-GimpfeN
Joined 9guys1cup [Highlander] Wuestenfuchs
Joined RageQuitters [6v6] Dr-GimpfeN
Left Squirtle Squad! [Highlander] jkr
Joined Squirtle Squad! [Highlander] Rising
Left INDeleted [6v6] steli
Joined INDeleted [6v6] steli
Left propane NIghtmares [6v6] jkr
Joined propane NIghtmares [6v6] jkr

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View Low+ 0 239
View Low+ 0 698


  1. Elm0: LAME said:

    sauberer boi

  2. mettbroetchenstyle: TC.Pengcomp said:

    good nice guy, should give him a try. with a bit more playing as scout again, could fast addapt to div 4.

  3. 23: ]DAU[ said:

    Fun guy and decent scout.

  4. Qluimaxzu: vier ° - DMS:H said:

    rly nice guy ,no shit calls, pick him ;-) gl jkr

  5. jkr said:


  6. jkr said:

    puuuuuuuuuuuush !