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Medic  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Latvia doks

Posted: | Last Online:

Last try to get back into this:)

Can play every day if its arranged on time. Sunday – Thursday preffered though.
Can maincall but you would have to follow the calls and the tactics dead on – even if you find them wrong or wierd. If you start to argue mid game with me – you can take over the calling. Keep it to yourself till the end of the game.
Would love if you have a main caller so its easier for me and i can just enjoy playing medic.
I guess i can start to play around 20 cet.

Hmm what else? Well i will let the comments speak for me. That is if i get any :D

Add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/doksisthebest/ – i wont bite [unless you want me to]

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:69368560 Add Friend

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  1. The Man with many Faces: spire said:

    Poor poor natijs. Forever alone.

  2. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:


  3. Lukas: ti. said:

    Nice medic and great person :) Gl

  4. menerke.: maksa said:

    very good guy. Played with him for 1 year. Good medic, good man, and also a good caller.

  5. nova: T2P said:

    try perilous

  6. Hyde.: maksa said:

    played with him several time, and i can only recommend him. Pick him up, as soon as possible.

  7. Natijs :>) said:


  8. ups said:

    Heard about this guy a lot, and not in a good way.

    The guy literally ragequited and basically folded his team (Defiant Gaming) because they lost one single game. I highly recommend not to recruit this guy if you’re planning to create a stable team, take a look at other medics instead.

    Just my opinion.

  9. doks said:

    Kinda harsh to create an opinion about me just from what you have heard from people who were mad at me dont you think ?
    I created the team and pushed it to its limits. Have been in 1 team since i started out @ competitive TF2 and you talk about not being stable? It became way too much work for me and i didnt have fun at all playing tf2. Thats why i was on the edge of leaving it – not just the team – the game itself. Thats why this is my last try and thats why i would preffer a team with an astablished leader/main caller so i can enjoy the game again.

  10. Josh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    Should’nt have folded DG but i couldn’t help but smile a bit when u folded in div2 no offence.

  11. doks said:

    I feel sorry for what happened with the team but please do not talk about it if you have no idea what actually happened. thanks.

  12. Daniel: Team Effort - tfortress.no said:

    What actually happened?

  13. Natijs :>) said:

    shit just got real

  14. doks said:

    As i said above – It was too much work for me and TF2 didnt make any fun. I put so much time in the team and was so exhausted.. i was on the edge of leaving tf2. So i left the team. Left them the mgo, servers and everything in the hope they can find a new medic who can do a better job then me i guess. After a few games with different teams i realized it will be hard for me to addapt to a new team and i asked the guys if they would agree to contuine on playing and forget what happened but they had decided to look for a new medic and i understand that. Unfortunatly they couldnt find a replacement and they decided to drop from the season and reform for S11. But Lill left the team for a Chaotech and they folded.

  15. ups said:

    My opinion was based partially on rumors, and on your ex-teammate’s stories. This is why I feel my opinion is justified enough to say what I did. And I would repeat myself given the chance.

    I was in a similar situation, but instead of dissing people that rely on me, I continued with whatever I could do for my team at that time until the end of the season and tried to work things out. This is one of the reasons I heavily dislike people such as yourself.

    My opinion remains.

  16. Crab said:

    lawl, like someone would give a fuck, [u]get a life[/u], stop listening to rumors and doing some researches to post dumb comments:DD but w/e, everyone has their own ideas on how to spend their lifetime, hihih
    no offense:D peace

  17. doks said:

    I respect your opinion.

  18. IPZIE: SUAVE said:


  19. howdeh: Perilous - WUL said:

    Its all your fault doks, all your fault you never left it until someone else threw in the towel instead of yourself!!! (c) ups (Maybe slightly over exaggerated but its my interpretation of the dribble you have posted throughout)

    Nobody could give two fucks whether you chose to stay in a team you had troubles with because you had no issue staying in your team until somebody else gave up, please keep your useless opinions to yourself.


    doks is a great guy, mature and cheerful, and definitely at the level he has stated. Very smart and vocal, makes relevant calls and is very calm in-game. Would recommend to any team searching for a player who only has interest in his team, very worthy of division 2!

    Good luck!

  20. stvv: WUL said:

    Doks is a great medic, nice guy, has good comms and would do perfect for a team searching in division2, good luck ._.


  21. stvv: WUL said:

    test post roflcopter

  22. stvv: WUL said:

    pretty sure crasp edited my post whilst fixing my forum rights so i’ll repeat

    @Ups: So you form your opinion of others based on opinions from others? thats pretty herpyderpy. You cant justify your opinion because you heard this from someone and this from someone else – i dont even.. Does your mother still choochoo train the soup into your mouth?

    gl againdoks)

  23. v1c: Abm. - LAME said:

    with doks it’s simple:

    your team already has a maincaller = take him instant, great medic

    your team does NOT have a maincaller and you exspect your medic to do it = just no.

    been playing with him in a team for a long time so i think i can make this assumption

    also the fold wasnt his fault dno why you would blame a 6v6 team folding on only 1 person.
    gl doks

  24. Rudi: Team Effort - tfortress.no said:

    Played like crap in one match, QQ-ed and folded his team. Now, two weeks later, he wants into the div he was to bad for.

    Wouldn’t have this cunt in my team if someone payed me.

  25. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    ^ haha :D

  26. konr said:

    stvv: “So you form your opinion of others based on opinions from others? that’s pretty herpyderpy”

    Rofl after your little fit in Will’s thread I can’t believe you actually just said that.

  27. konr said:

    Also good luck doks!

  28. stvv: WUL said:

    @konr, yeah; i may of gone overboard in defending will – but how is this funny? – You based your opinion off of what other people said in the thread, which is similar to ups; +you based an opinion after playing with him when you were div4 or what ever and try to use that experience as a way to judge him @ div2. qwl

    GL Again doks – i’ll stop derailing your recruitment thread;-( sowwy

  29. konr said:

    You based YOUR opinion on me purely off of what you gathered from what others said about me, and one post that you made up reasoning for. I posted after watching 3 STV games of Perilous and playing versus you guys and I watched Will make the same stupid mistakes he made in my old team.

    tl;dr You’re a massive hypocrite.

  30. stvv: WUL said:

    Actually in my post i stated that this is what others have said about you which could lead me to believe that, but, that’s not my opinion of you. I don’t have an opinion on you yet, since, as i said in my post in wills thread i havent spoken with or played with you. I cant base my opinion off of you from these posts since they’re just arguments.

  31. Dummy said:

    konr i thought you learnt when to shut up, NOBODY cares if you or stvv are right, seriously, there’s no need to argue about everything with everyone EVEN if you’re right.

    on another note Doks ubersaw’d me when I played against him so I don’t like him. boo.

  32. konr said:

    I’m just bored lol

  33. Dummy said:

    not a vaild reason brohein and you know it youre better than this (not stvv rofl what a chav<33)

  34. stvv: WUL said:

    you know some thing is wrong when dummy is taking the high ground

    fuk u muddy

  35. Dummy said:

    yh tbh it feels unnatural i shud be the one being immature
    but w8 this is coming from stvv so
    u chav
    (u culd like drown already baby or smthing you know x <33?)

  36. Trent: ‹Con› said:

    was nice of you to fold DG before giving me a trial for backup medic so I could have taken over, after I’d been waiting for over a month after responding to your request. you left a lot of my friends disillusioned and teamless.

    Won’t argue that you’re a very tactical and committed player regarding playing the game itself however.

  37. doks said:


    Also – we were way to busy to trial backups and you can ask the guys if by that time they would actually want to play with a backup med. Couz i know they didnt. The season was about to start and we didnt have a full roster – which would interest us more – finding a backup which none of the guys want to play with or actually get 6 main players ? Im sorry i wasted your time but i didnt promise you the spot or anything.

  38. jaskey said:

    doks is right, he didnt fold DG at all. We just had a lot of problems around that time and it all got to him, we did actually try to rebuild the team after he left but without success. even so hes a sick medic and a very good caller. was good whyle it lasted mate. gl with teamsearch!

  39. The Man with many Faces: spire said:

    Trent you’re a retard now shut up.

    GL doks, sick medic even though you were a total dick last summer.

    21:07 – Ghostface #octotf2.pickup: let’s remake d7p
    21:07 – Ghostface #octotf2.pickup: )))))
    21:07 – Ghostface #octotf2.pickup: me, you, doks,
    21:07 – Ghostface #octotf2.pickup: uhm
    21:07 – Bernards: I’m ok with this.

  40. Humby said:

    Not div2

  41. tasKu: e-famous said:

    thanks for folding DG, now we have Lill ! :)

  42. tasKu: e-famous said:

    jk, heard hes a pretty good medic.

  43. doks said:
