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Scout  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International Peg

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Hello, I'm an average TF2 player. I play for fun and tend to get very competitive while I'm in pubs, I mainly play scout but i can play soldier and a bit of medic though i prefer playing scout, the only language i speak is English. I have Skype and will download Mumble so if you want to contact me I can add you, i mostly play on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays this doesn't mean i cant play on a weekday but i mostly play on weekends as i do have school and focus on my studies, though once it's the weekend i will be there no matter what time it is.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:44979059 Add Friend

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  1. K) SLiP said:

    I think I played you in a pub :O Saudinet server. You were top ranked as scout :) Very good scout, you dont want to miss. Get him now

  2. Peg said:

    Thanks mate :)

  3. kasabubu said:

    try div 6

  4. Peg said:

    i know Div 6 is where people start but i feel as if my skill is higher than that.

  5. Nagash: [CiC] - CiC said:

    do you have any 6v6 experience? like lobbies or mixes? cos if not, your just a pub player with no experience. Aim matters for nothing if you have no team work capabilities.

  6. Childish Gubbino said:

    I love this girl.

  7. Peg said:

    i have highlander experience, but it has been a long time so i guess i should start at Div 6

  8. Peg said:

    i have highlander experience, but it has been a long time so i guess i should start at Div 6