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DemomanSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European billtf2

Posted: | Last Online:

Bill here (=

Low skill, wants a team that will play for fun and not get serious!

Won't rage or do anything that would bring your team into disrepute.

Would prefer to play Soldier, however Demo is fine.

From UK.

Thanks for your time.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:87996848 Add Friend

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  1. BonkerS said:

    not get srs? tf2 is srs business

  2. billtf2 said:

    hehe ^^ bump

  3. Mansl said:

    Would love to join, new at ETF2L!

  4. The Man with many Faces: spire said:

    Believes in God too much.

    Also needs to learn the demoman rollouts properly.

  5. billtf2 said:

    Au contraire.

    I assert that there are several ways by which a Demoman can reach the Middle point. Any differences aren’t relevant to lobby, nor to somebody who plays for fun.

    There is, however, only one way by which You may be saved [: