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ScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International TF2 With Friends

Posted by Jabba: | Last Online:

A div 6 team looking for scout or solly for a easy going team who dont want to take comp too srs

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  1. oz_revulsion: TF2wF said:


    Oz_revulsion here. I am an Aussie living in England. I played in a fairly successful TF2 team when I lived in Australia about two years ago. In the last 6 to 8 months I have gotten back into public play and I would like to re-enter competitive play. My best class is Soly and this was the class I played in my previous team I can also play backup Heavy if I have a decent medic with me. As an aside I also own a TF2 server with pretty good ping in England and I would happy for us to use this as a practice place if you were to recruit me. I look forward to hearing from you.


  2. Jabba: TF2wF - Pixie <3 said:

    add me in steam

  3. dougiie: CotC said:

    <3 these lads! all very friendly :) gl gl

  4. Gent: Team said:

    Safest lads around.

  5. totalrich said:

    would like to add you but cant find you on steam :/

  6. WATWAT: [ewe] said:

    Tried to add Jabba, got blocked, sadface. ‘Sup with that?

  7. Benvarmeren said:

    I added him and he accepted but then he deleted me?
    Sup? bro?

  8. Benvarmeren said:

    Added him and got accepted but was removed last day

  9. Jabba: TF2wF - Pixie <3 said:

    sorry guys we have filled the spot now. thanks too all who have applyed