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Scout  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Germany dave

Posted: | Last Online:

Don't know for sure if Team Hoppi will prevail, but i certainly hope so.
Anyhow, looking for alternatives for season 10 if things should indeed go south.

Exp in div3 scouting. Gamesense available. Bloodlust only on rare occasions.

Won't play below div3. I'd also prefer german teams, but in the end i don't really care.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:44203539 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] dave
Left /ier // white [6v6] Silverstone33
Joined /ier // white [6v6] dave
Left Winter is coming [6v6] dave
Joined Team Stony goes Highlander (und Hoppi) [Highlander] dave
Left FDM Weinkeller [Highlander] dave
Joined Winter is coming [6v6] Ghostface
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] dave
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] dave
Left DAKKA.iceland [6v6] dave
Joined DAKKA.iceland [6v6] lolage
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] dave
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] Vladi
Left Triple A [6v6] dave
Joined Triple A [6v6] dave
Left Ficksahne! [6v6] dave
Joined Ficksahne! [6v6] dave
Left Triple A [6v6] dave
Joined FDM Weinkeller [Highlander] dave
Joined Auto Aggressive Aiming [KOTH] [6v6 Fun Team] dave
Joined Triple A [6v6] dave

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  1. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    most polite guy in tf2 i ever met!

    gl thrawn

  2. Vladi: TIDS said:

    a friendly, ambitioned and very intelligent person, who keeps his promises, works on himself and is one of the most empathic persons i know.
    all these qualities introduce theirselves into his gameplay, which makes him a very smart scout, with a great overview and a great teamplayer.

    plus he will fix all your computer problems.

  3. IPZIE: SUAVE said:


  4. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    a friendly, ambitioned and very intelligent person, who keeps his promises, works on himself and is one of the most empathic persons i know.
    all these qualities introduce theirselves into his gameplay, which makes him a very smart scout, with a great overview and a great teamplayer.

    plus he will fix all your computer problems.

  5. huhystah said:

    Very nice and friendly guy, also good at tf2

  6. rge said:

    beside his good scoutskills he is, as mentioned above, one of nicest guys i’ve met in this game.

  7. ouch said:


  8. hoppi: TIDS said:


  9. sweiny: trick17 said:

    one of the coolest ppl i met online and a decent scout. gl

  10. Manu: 50829 said:

    a great scout and probably the friendliest and nicest guy i ever met online.
    he is allways trying to improve and a great teamplayer with a very intelligent playstyle, so pick him up!

    plus he will fix all your computer problems.

  11. Hyde S: maksa said:

    i would definitely recommend him