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Medic  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European /ier // green

Posted by wampee: | Last Online:

yo,vier green are looking for a new MAIN medic.

You :
– div4~ skill.
– friendly.
– good ping in eu servs.
– fluent english.

We :
– div4~ skill.
– friendly.
– not raging.
– BEST COMMUNITY ( <3 vier )
– mumble server with 3 other squads.
– war server.

Contact wampee / equili @ steam friends or irc. ( idling @ #vier )


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  1. Jilex said:

    cool guys , gl with the sarching <3

  2. Jilex said:


  3. Jarva: Pinnacle said:

    Not being able of speaking Hebrew is a must <3

  4. Wampee said:

    Looking for a main medic now.

  5. rts: PrettyGay said:

    take http://etf2l.org/forum/user/42054/ or the world is coming to an end

  6. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    taek sornazz

  7. omR1 said:

    will kick you after one bad game… jk :)
    cool guys with good skills.
    gl <3

  8. zT said:

    Take Sornaz.Zjbs ciotka

  9. Wampee said:


  10. NeuTronas said:

    Good Team. Free bump, because we stole some players from you.

  11. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:


  12. biester said:

    cool guys
    give them a medic now :D

  13. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    nice vier!
    Join them!

  14. Wampee said:


  15. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    all jew viers dropped really fast -> free bumb <3 vier

  16. rts: PrettyGay said:

    div4 rofl :DD
    reiko carries you, you aren’t div4

  17. Wampee said:

    yeah , rts , won Hmmm twice 5-0
    stop crying you lil bitch

  18. rts: PrettyGay said:

    want a rematch?
    I’m also more mature than you :)

  19. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    wayyyy mature

  20. Jarva: Pinnacle said:

    Mature..? Derp!

  21. rts: PrettyGay said:

    yeah you probally better know me than most of my friends :(

  22. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    rts don’t skill police pls ;)

  23. Wampee said:

    yeye rts,


    TC searched for div5.

  24. Wampee said:

    another one,
    so gg bb mate

  25. Jarva: Pinnacle said:

    eeehm.. thats not your team is it wampee?

  26. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    was talkin bout rts not vier gryn

  27. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    also TC is better than div 5 now so

  28. Wampee said:

    not my team jarva,TC searched for 5.
    we won div4s
    and tc won Hmmmm

  29. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    are you some kinda TC mananger or what . we plaid vs TC and it was such an awesome game . TC easy div 4 . bump TC

  30. rts: PrettyGay said:

    wampee, tc are far far better than you and your team, well apart reiko maybe.
    gl folding though

  31. Wampee said:

    LOLOL we won TC 5-0 with no offence tc.
    <3 oxy :D

  32. Wampee said:

    and we won HMMM twice 5-0 SO PLEASE STFU AND GET OFF MY REC POST

  33. rts: PrettyGay said:

    nah man, I want a rematch

  34. rts: PrettyGay said:

    also you won 2-7 one time, the other time you just left lol

  35. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    yeah, reiko is the man, be online 19 cest today man :D

  36. xTimeE: Doj. said:

    rts you are doing this shit to everyteam that better than yours??

  37. Wampee said:

    WE LEFT?

  38. Kortz: .:ne:. said:

    Cappz be my friend?

  39. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    cappz <3

  40. rts: PrettyGay said:

    rofl u funny
    yes you did, we stayed. You just left rofl,
    yes xtime, I’m doing this to every team who pretends to be good

  41. xTimeE: Doj. said:

    RTS plz stop to cry you lose 2 times im not going to waste anytime to play with lowbobs

  42. rts: PrettyGay said:

    i’m not crying though. :(
    as I said before I want a rematch. cu on

  43. xTimeE: Doj. said:

    :D and im not going to play with you any more becuase just waste of time wwith team that we allready kicked her ass NOT fun to play with lower skill D:

  44. rts: PrettyGay said:

    nice english there,
    You are afraid. Gj.

  45. Jarva: Pinnacle said:

    cappz <3