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No idea what skill to put, haven't played in ages and etf2l divs have changed too.
Not sure how active I'm gonna be over the next few months, but wanted to see if there's anything on offer.
Looking for a backup spot for respective classes:
Medic: div2+ , havent played medic seriously for ages, but once back into it I can easily handle (old) div 3 , so I guess thats div 2 now?
Solly: 3/4, once I get some pcws in, I should improve fairly quickly since the gamesense is there.
Demo: div 4, same as solly.
Can offclass as spy to a sub-par level.
I don't fancy playing medic any lower than current div 2, others are up for w/e. Would rather help a low team out until a better team comes along, than not play at all.
You: Keen(ish) – just be willing to improve, dont be too mad nor too foreign. A sense of humour would be a plus.
inb4 not div 2/3/4 :D
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:23873993Team History
Previous Recruitment Posts
View | Skill | Classes | Views | Added | |
View | Div 2/Div 3 | 6 | 362 | ||
View | Div 3 | 5 | 336 | ||
View | Div 2/Div 3 | 6 | 475 | ||
View | Div 5/Div 6 | 15 | 523 | ||
View | Low+ | 26 | 661 |
prem spy
div2 medic. prem spy. general bossssssssssssss :DD
Nice lad, best of luck
best spy eu
fantastic guy who is amazingly annoying at spy =D in a good way. Personally taught him how to play medic which means he is at least div 1 med on the cereal! =D. great guy but dont recruit cause dont want him to spend less time on my mumble. best of luke martin florey
<3 :D
14:04 – E² fainT! mix/merc: bump my recruitment plzzzzz <3
great spy based off of the 4 hours of doublemixes we played the other day :)
awesome spy
prem spy and awesome med, also puts up with woody which is an achievement in itself! gl :D
Love this guy!!
Know him from he played TF2 in his first days and played with us in IDK!!
Nice, comms lovable, enjoying the the game, rapes as spy. Did i forgot something there??
GL with your search m8!!!
div 1 demo :D
awesome guy and a great spy as others have mentioned
bump etc.