ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Belgium Woody

Posted: | Last Online:

Well starting to get somewhere in TF2, I play a lot on the LZ-servers, if u want to have a look.

It would be great to be part of a little team:D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:41330900 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Lethal-Zone.eu Community Highlander Team [Highlander] Killvion
Left tetris [6v6] Woody
Joined tetris [6v6] Woody

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  1. dr icecream said:

    Voeg mij toe op Steam, een team beloof ik u ni, maar kan er wel voor zorgen da ge wa mixes etc kunt doen, zodat ‘t makkelijker wordt om een team te vinden :)

  2. woody. said:

    this guy must be good ;D

  3. lolage: TSPAG said:

    He even has an extra D. Definetely must be ok.

  4. NoJu: 8D said:

    Is almost definitely more intelligent than his English counterpart

  5. Jakle said:

    Another one? Oh dear.