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ScoutSniper  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Maniac

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Hi new to TF2 competitive scene. I have played for a long time and pubs have started to bore me, i want a more competitive atmosphere so where else is better than the competitive scene?

So i'm 16 live in London, i'm available every evening during the week from around 5pm-11pm (GMT) and on weekends it could be the whole day or just the evening, or just the day depending on how much of a life i have at that time :D (i'll admit i don't have much of one)

So i mainly play scout but i've been off classing a lot as sniper recently as well (due to the fact i've been playing more CSS recently i think). I have watched a lot of competetive matches and demos about the scouts role in 6v6 and i think i would be good for the job. As for my skill level, to be honest i have no idea how good i am compared to competitive players. I do however generally dominate pubs but i don't know what that counts for, if you want to trial me out for a game or something don't hesitate to add me on steam (ID = lalu4 Community name = Lozza Maniac)

As for what i'm looking for, a english speaking (preferably natively for LANs etc.) team with a friendly atmosphere but also a nice competitive drive. Also a more experienced scout would be nice as then they could help me improve and get used to the 6v6 scene.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:57716696 Add Friend

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Joined mid high [6v6] Maniac
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Joined Team Colonslash [6v6 Fun Team] Maniac
Joined Team Colonslash: Pengcompetent [6v6] Maniac
Left Team Colonslash: Penguins [6v6] Maniac
Left We Want Fun [Highlander] Maniac
Joined Team Colonslash: Penguins [6v6] Maniac
Left Lethal-Zone Insomnia [6v6] Maniac
Joined Lethal-Zone Insomnia [6v6] Maniac
Left Endurance [6v6] Maniac
Joined We Want Fun [Highlander] Atomicus
Joined Endurance [6v6] Maffis
Left Bidoof [6v6] Maniac
Joined Bidoof [6v6] Moophie

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