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DemomanMedic  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European team moved to other page.

Posted by NeuTronas: | Last Online:

Okay. We really need good backup demoman now. And medic :)
Looking for players who want to play at summer!

We are:
Div 4 skill
Got Mumble and WAR server

We want from you:
That you are nolifer (at least in the evening)
Good skill

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View Div 4 50 1869
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View Div 4/Div 5 1 257


  1. rts: PrettyGay said:

    aaaaaaaackyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy <3333333333333

  2. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    need a medic naooooo

  3. DIEVAS1 said:

    Neutronai reikiejo iskarto rasyt kad imt nenori o ne tai kad radai

  4. `vathoreD: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    Prozein is very good at polish.

    Nice bunch of guys, gl.

  5. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    you have two medics who are both active, but you’re looking for more? :D

  6. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    slipp decided to change his class to scout ;]

  7. Slippeh said:

    Yep so we need a medic because I got my aim back :)

  8. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    oh i see. well, good luck!

  9. BlinkBoy: GFM said:

    lmao slipp!AGAIN!

  10. NeuTronas said:

    Bump. Updated. We need almost full team now.

  11. rts: PrettyGay said:

    Also it is very good that you would come from higher division and carry us ;)

  12. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Wouldnt rate them more than div 5 tbh.


  13. J0KER said:

    if you dont have a demoman yet, i can trial for you guys if you want

  14. konata59 said:

    no joker , you are a noob :D

  15. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    just add me @ steam

  16. J0KER said:

    omg is you konata xD why do :P

  17. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    we’re starting to play from tomorrow. So remember to add me on steam for trials

  18. Mel said:

    still need a med?

  19. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    bump scouts,solies,demos,medics catch me up @ steam

  20. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    bumppp , also we need a medic for OE today

  21. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    * EO

  22. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    bump, still looking for a demoman

  23. knife crime: -IFLH- said:

    these are not div4. div6.

  24. Rho said:

    lol, is that a joke or deadly srs?

  25. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    we will ask admins to create div7 special for us. were even too bad for div6

  26. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    now stop maddin you baddie