ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European Colin McRae Pro Amateur Hour

Posted by aaaaa: | Last Online:

Our carry machine soldier is retiring from tf2 to pursue his life's dream of going prem in BLC, travelling the world and avoiding getting a job by going to uni.

We play Sun – Weds between 20-23CET. We also play thurs/fri/sat if people are around but nothing is set in stone, because some of us do have some social life occasionally

So about us~
– we've finished 2nd place in our div 6 group for s9
– we have a mix of people who have played at div 4/5/6 and a couple of americanos on backup who play at IM or I or something
– we've been together as a team for about 6 months now, with some of the team having been friends for 2+ years
– server and mumble, with a small but active community (although its not solely tf2 :>)
– we're going to TRY for div 4 in s10 but at the very minimum we're going to div 5

What we want from you~
– We're looking for a roamer, but *ideally* we'd like someone who can roam and pocket
– Good english and comms
– Active over summer, no 3 month holidays planned
– At least one season's experience at div5/top div6
– No clan hoppers, we're in this for the long term
– Somebody who is willing to hang in mumble and join in with the community inside and outside of the team

add north or prayer for any trials

Team Profile

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View Div 3/Div 4 9 545
View Div 3/Div 4 16 638
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View Div 6 2 155
View Div 6 0 201


  1. TheB055: FOLDEDLOL - [BF1] said:

    By “Trials”, North means a LiveCam Chat Roulette session so he can inspect your package.

  2. northhhhhh said:

    yeah if you don’t have a big enough dick then you’re not in

    also no ugly nerds please, only good looking boys or girls in this team thanks xx

  3. Silleh said:

    north just keep going up the dick spectrum, you’ll get to high eventually

  4. . said:

    north likes little boyz.


  5. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    take silleh he’s looking for a clan

  6. raappana: KoP!? said:

    I met north long time ago, and it’s still very trustworthy person for me. I like his voice, I like his character as a person. Dedicated guy and I saw that they’re playing very often (everytime I’m asking him to merc for us, He is playing atm :D) Can’t say nothing much about rest of this team, but I’m more than sure that They are awesome guys.

    GL northi with searchin :)

  7. . said:


    north likes this song very much:D