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ScoutSoldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

France Dyde

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, I'm Dyde. :)

Contact: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dyde_
Class played: Scout, Soldier roaming.
Availability: 7 / 7, except sometimes Friday / Saturday.
Age: 20
Lanable: Yes, in France. ;)


Soldier: BYB (D5fr) ENG (D2fr)
Scout: PBP

Lan's done:

Galloween [1 amateur] (French)
Insalan [4th] (French)
Gamers Assembly (French)

I am looking for a scout or soldier in a team that wishes to advance Serius minimum level D4.
I think I have a level D4 Scout, but I know from experience that it is always good to integrate a team to the highest level, that is why I dare mark D3.

English level, I am not an expert, I do know and understand anounce, but to understand sentences is another problem.

I currently finished a season with a French team that I'm going to leave after.

I'm nice.
I know a config serv ….

My youtube :D http://www.youtube.com/user/Dydeful

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:29749400 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left for games on DESURA [Highlander] hamza
Left orKs eSport [6v6] hamza
Joined AutoDrop.exe [2v2] Dyde
Joined for games on DESURA [Highlander] Zikto
Joined orKs eSport [6v6] Lurius
Left Shogun'z [6v6] zOoleX
Joined Shogun'z [6v6] Dyde
Left TEZC | Angel Gaming [6v6] Lurius
Joined TEZC | Angel Gaming [6v6] Dyde
Left Wicked sick - Ultiduo [2v2] Dyde
Left JaJa-eSport TF2 [6v6] Dyde
Joined Wicked sick - Ultiduo [2v2] Dyde
Left Bob et Patrik [2v2] Dyde
Left Chobo Monkeys [Highlander] Dyde
Joined JaJa-eSport TF2 [6v6] Lurius
Left Warmaker [6v6] Dyde
Joined Warmaker [6v6] Dyde
Joined Bob et Patrik [2v2] Dyde
Left That's What We Want ! [6v6] Dyde
Joined That's What We Want ! [6v6] Clotaire
Left Plan B [6v6] Marik
Joined Plan B [6v6] Dyde
Left ENERGETIC [6v6] Dyde
Joined ENERGETIC [6v6] Wendigo
Left ENERGETIC [6v6] Spirito
Joined ENERGETIC [6v6] Dyde
Left insΛne Team [6v6] Dyde
Joined insΛne Team [6v6] Dyde
Left Ultime [6v6] Keizo
Joined Ultime [6v6] Keizo
Joined Chobo Monkeys [Highlander] Piet
Left I'll Break your bones [6v6] Dyde
Joined I'll Break your bones [6v6] Dyde

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2/Div 3 0 286
View Div 3 0 212
View Div 4/Div 5 2 348


  1. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    Un peu de surestimation par ici. :o

  2. Dyde said:

    Garde ton égo pour toi.
    Que je me souvienne le seul match joué contre toi, on a gagné. ;)

  3. Wanxe: freebaud - [B.I.F.L.E] said:

    good aim and brain gl !

  4. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    y u div 3 ?

  5. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    3 jours pour revenir avec une répartie aussi pourrie…
    T’as dû frôler la méningite.

    Je trouve juste que level auquel tu seek en scout est un peu présomptueux. En soldier, pourquoi pas, ma foi?

    PS: GG pour avoir battu la pire compo BLAST en 6 mois sur une seule map à 1h du mat’ un Samedi soir.

  6. Dyde said:

    Je répond juste pour remonter mon topic.

    J’ai marqué que je pensais être en d4, mais marqué d3 car c’est toujours bon d’intégrer une équipe plus forte.

    Je trouve ça fort dommage que tu n’est que ça à faire, venir me faire chier.

  7. Chris: (0v0) said:

    Mon aéroglisseur est plein d’anguilles.

  8. Dyde said:

    up! :)