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Scout  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Finland rarecandy

Posted: | Last Online:

A lot of scouts looking it seems, might as well post my recruitment up anyways. :|

Hi I'm rarecandy and I like to play Teams and Fortresses 2. Was scouting in Flai Gaming about a month back – been since helping out Team Transition. Would like a friendly team (either finnish or english speaking) that are competitive enough to play and progress but also laid back enough not to rage or fold after few losses. Don't really care for people who've lost the "spark" of playing either. Prefer to play sun-thurs at 19-21.30cet due to schoolwork and in summer would like to take it easier.

I've got solid dm, good enough gamesense to play at this level (can't be your tactical mastermind though) and chances are I improve a lot when I get a stable team again. Not a clanhopper, stayed in Flai from the day it was started to the day we decided to fold. Can backup if the offer is good, would like a spot in main lineup though.

Please don't judge me by merely two maps played with or against me.

tl;dr can play tf2 somewhat well, don't want a team full of morons

Contact me via steam, not really using IRC atm. =)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:30064125 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left i played runescape in 2007 [6v6 Fun Team] rarecandy
Left Fortress Wizards [6v6] rarecandy
Joined Fortress Wizards [6v6] op
Left Voitolla Yöhön [6v6] rarecandy
Joined Voitolla Yöhön [6v6] BAITO
Joined i played runescape in 2007 [6v6 Fun Team] Hallow
Left i played runescape in 2007 [6v6 Fun Team] Hallow
Joined i played runescape in 2007 [6v6 Fun Team] Hallow
Left Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] rarecandy
Left Kebab Warriors! [Highlander] rarecandy
Joined Kebab Warriors! [Highlander] inferius
Left Sisuprkl [Highlander] rarecandy
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] inferius
Left RIP [6v6] rarecandy
Joined RIP [6v6] rarecandy
Left jimmie rustlers [6v6] rarecandy
Joined jimmie rustlers [6v6] rarecandy
Left SOLAR [6v6] rarecandy
Joined SOLAR [6v6] rarecandy
Left foldbitten [6v6] rarecandy
Joined foldbitten [6v6] rarecandy
Left Simon's Liver Casserole [6v6] rarecandy
Joined Sisuprkl [Highlander] FunKi
Joined Simon's Liver Casserole [6v6] rarecandy
Left Online Predators [6v6] rarecandy
Joined Online Predators [6v6] rarecandy
Left Team Transition [6v6] rarecandy
Joined Team Transition [6v6] rarecandy
Left foldbitten [6v6] rarecandy
Joined DogFort [2v2] rarecandy
Left Kings of the beavers [6v6 Fun Team] rarecandy
Left Feline Rights League [Highlander] Panic of the Undead
Joined foldbitten [6v6] Jundeey
Left Zombies Ate My Neighbors [6v6] rarecandy
Joined Zombies Ate My Neighbors [6v6] Panic of the Undead
Joined Feline Rights League [Highlander] Panic of the Undead
Left Problems? [6v6] rarecandy
Joined Kings of the beavers [6v6 Fun Team] rarecandy
Joined Problems? [6v6] rarecandy
Left GameBank.tf2 [6v6] rarecandy
Joined GameBank.tf2 [6v6] madu

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 4 658
View Div 2/Div 3 4 509
View Div 1/Div 2 5 692
View Div 1/Div 2 7 892
View Div 2 14 870
View Div 4 19 929
View Div 2/Div 3 0 268
View Low+ 2 563
View Low 0 241
View Low 3 414


  1. Ramzzi said:

    Eats premier players for breakfast. Will rape anyone comes against him.

  2. Menace said:

    Seriously under-rated, has unbelievable aim, and his gamesense ain’t too bad either :)

    div1-2 pick him up srsly :)

  3. Poppis: zamn! said:

    He played in Zombies Ate My Neighbors so he must be good! Prem scout because of that! 8)

  4. tasKu: e-famous said:

    my doggy.
    get this super idiot aim guy

  5. murje: sirkkels - [hePPa] said:

    chill scout. homogay?

  6. Ryssen: re# - Chive said:

    “Hi I’m rarecandy and I like to play Teams and Fortresses 2” Fortressed? That seems like a good game!.

    No but srsly this guy is awesome. <3 him (no homo)

  7. sieppox said:

    div1 without any doubts

  8. Genmix: bobs said:

    incredible aim

  9. caned: MEAT - LEGO said:

    merc’d for us the other day and i was like holy shit this guys good

  10. tomzi said:

    incredible aim and a VERY VERY nice guy :) there are not many uys like this one out there so pick him up for real !

  11. rarecandy said:

    thanks for the nice comments.

    still available tho not really on my best form right now

  12. madu: sisu said:

    Div1 easily