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Scout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Finland tasKu

Posted: | Last Online:


I'm looking for a div4/3 team, stable! (English/Finnish)
I see too many teams folding straight away.

Can carry at times.
You can contact me from Steam or irc, #etf2l.
(Also a huge 600 hour pub spy experience!)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:8676534 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Drunken Unlockfags [Highlander] tasKu
Joined Drunken Unlockfags [Highlander] tasKu
Left Perilous Gaming: Community Highlander [Highlander] tasKu
Left wannabes [6v6 Fun Team] tasKu
Joined Perilous Gaming: Community Highlander [Highlander] tasKu
Left qkls clan [Highlander] tasKu
Joined qkls clan [Highlander] qkls
Joined wannabes [6v6 Fun Team] Rising
Joined e-famous [6v6] tasKu
Left Simon's Liver Casserole [6v6] tasKu
Joined Simon's Liver Casserole [6v6] Ramzzi
Joined DogFort [2v2] tasKu
Left Rest in peace, gentle Jedis. [6v6] djc
Joined Rest in peace, gentle Jedis. [6v6] Tapley ❤
Left Torvet Tyhjänä [Highlander] tasKu
Left Turbo Monkeys [6v6] tasKu
Joined Turbo Monkeys [6v6] лиса
Joined Torvet Tyhjänä [Highlander] madu
Left Team Colonslash: Dinosaurs [6v6] tasKu
Joined Team Colonslash: Dinosaurs [6v6] fliz
Left Omnomnom [6v6] tasKu
Joined Omnomnom [6v6] freakz
Left LagTastic Gaming [6v6] tasKu
Joined LagTastic Gaming [6v6] tasKu

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1/Div 2 10 682
View Div 2/Div 3 4 347
View Div 4 15 846
View Low+ 14 649


  1. yin said:

    snap this bro searching for a team :< thats a sad day.

    hes a great scout and also can switch to beasting sniper if needed :7.

    if you wanna make your team round about awesome pick him up

    gl wanka D:

  2. rarecandy said:

    more div 3/2 than 4/3 imo

    gl doggy

  3. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    srsly a s1ck scout/sniper/spy :D and also a nice guy to chat with! Get this laid back dude to ya team GL tasKuu ;) div3 scout easily

  4. Luzik: Suoli - moog said:


  5. buhu said:

    HES AN AWESOME NIGA and I heard he SHOOTS ppl

  6. Peksi said:

    ^ what junde said get him while you still can! 8)

    always fun to have him in mumble + sick skillz gl gl

  7. Raikubmx: STR said:

    There is only 2 words do say about this amazing player..


    Get him

  8. Kaa0s said:

    stypid finnish ES JONNE kid… ban him allready fucking fintroll!.. :<< okay okay sorry this dude easily mortherfucking ES top div3scoot like RARE SAID Div 3/2 scout probably PICK DIS CHICK NAOW! also hes pretty fun.. (even i tougth there wasnt fun finns) but tasku is fun and his fin WTF finfun funfin asdaiwaigaksgkas PRETTY KUWL MORTHERFUCKING CUNTFUCKER SATANIC BLASPHEMER 666 KVLT WARMETAL LOL NAWBS okay sorry GL TASKU YOURE AWESOME..NOOT

  9. tasKu: e-famous said:


  10. .rising: MAFIA said:

    ITS JUST tasKu DAWG!

    remove div4 from rec. post please. div3 for sure and
    a amaz1ng person <3

  11. Sisu: :id: said:

    Great spy and sniper, and a fun guy.
    Dont know about his scouting tho :D
    I just remember him from the days i used to play pubs with him ;D

  12. tasKu: e-famous said:

    I was a horrible scout back then. jesuus

  13. madu: sisu said:

    Cool guy! Div3 gay easily

  14. TReeTooN: Drunk said:

    tasku wears a hat so he must be AT LEAST div3

  15. Sekundaattori: OS! - OS! said:

    tasku “taisin ottaa pari liikaa” premium div

  16. tasKu: e-famous said:

    I’m in Team Spirit for back-uping.
    So, im still on recruit.

  17. tasKu: e-famous said:

    Lol i meant im playing for them a few officials since they need a scout.
    Still looking for a team tho!

  18. MInd: [hePPa] said:

    Friendly bump

  19. MajorPimpsa: on a horse said:

    Nice and polite guy, played against esl scout cup. Trial this guy :)