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Scout  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom kuma

Posted: | Last Online:

I have more time to commit regularly, so I would love to join a good team I can tryhard with and go pro!

Got experience playing vs teams in the current div 1/prem for etf2l, and feel I can step my game up further in the right environment.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:64883 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Auto Anime [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Auto Anime [6v6] Dendocror
Left bEARFORCE1 [Highlander] kuma
Left Fierce! [6v6] kuma
Joined Fierce! [6v6] kuma
Left Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] kuma
Joined bEARFORCE1 [Highlander] demsii
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] JvanW
Left Dyslexics Untied [6v6] kuma
Joined Dyslexics Untied [6v6] Wlkr
Left brocode [6v6] kuma
Joined brocode [6v6] kuma
Left nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] kuma
Joined nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] Monkeh
Left TwistedPlay. [6v6] kuma
Joined TwistedPlay. [6v6] Menace
Left brocode [6v6] kuma
Joined brocode [6v6] kuma
Left Insane Dutch Killers [Highlander] kuma
Left Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] kuma
Joined GAME OF DRONES [1v1] kuma
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [Highlander] kuma
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] kuma
Left Special Air Service Rainbow [6v6] kuma
Joined Special Air Service Rainbow [6v6] Rele
Left PIRATES [6v6] kuma
Joined PIRATES [6v6] Rele
Left Team epx^ [6v6] kuma
Joined Team epx^ [6v6] albert
Left nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] kuma
Joined nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] Monkeh

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1/Div 2 2 519
View Div 2 10 707
View Div 2/Div 3 0 310
View Div 1 1 456
View Div 1 16 1132
View Div 1 12 1199
View Prem/Div 1 22 1732
View Div 2 19 1334
View High 3 772
View Mid 10 687
View Mid- 4 482
View Mid- 0 376


  1. SfynX: T2P said:

    Very capable scout and a wovewy guy!

    GL ^^

  2. huhystah said:

    fucking japanese! Nice scoot gl

  3. Dummy said:

    nice scout, has some beef with matt or something :D

  4. kuma said:

    I do? Sorry Matt if I offended you in any way!

  5. Dummy said:

    dunno, he was madding at you last night in and after our game
    he mads a lot though so it might just matt mad

  6. r7an: -9w- said:

    defo div1 if you go by some of the other scouts looking for div1.

    gl man

  7. evokje: WiK? said:

    super awesome scout, get him fast !

  8. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Div2 scout, not going to call him div1 cause others also overrate themselves.

  9. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    I was not madding! =(

    Would skill police but that just makes me a hypocrite, Good luck Kuma.

  10. sickless: fnx.simrai said:

    so sexy

  11. Van1lla: F! said:

    You say kuma.
    I say yes.

  12. Ghostface: spire said:

    Funny guy who always makes me laugh.

    inb4 chris and that kuma.jpg

  13. Alfa said:

    Awesome scout, will be a good addition for any team that wants to get stronger!

  14. JvanW: =[IDK]= - =[IDK]= said:

    2 words:

    Come home

  15. kuma said:


  16. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Hate to piss on your bonfire Jvan, but technically nervousENERGY would be regarded as Kuma’s ‘home’! :p

    We’re in need of a backup scout Kuma, so if you could handle the horror of Div 4, let me/us know.

    Good luck whatever, nice guy, good player.

  17. Demourge: EPA said:

    gud skootski, nais guy

    gl kuma!

  18. kuma said:


  19. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:


  20. kuma said:

    r7an your disgusting

  21. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:

    Recruitment Haiku
    A Very nice guy
    Can play to a high standard
    Capable Player

  22. SfynX: T2P said:

    so he filthy

  23. kuma said:

    chin stroking

  24. Alfa said:

    He beat panda so hard in the Tekken series that he had to come in another game and kick people’s ass.

    Awesome scout, gl!

  25. kuma said:


  26. kuma said:


  27. kuma said:

    get your boys

  28. Alfa said:

    You’re Not Sorry.

  29. Hat said:

    gave me lots of FG and works at scee!

    what more could you ask for in a man?

  30. kuma said:
