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Scout  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Canada alfa

Posted: | Last Online:


Decided to play again in the euro scene so here we go.

Mostly played pug2 and merced from time to time when needed, nothing more. Been playing in the NA scene for a season and a half (or more likely almost 2 seasons) in ESEA for THPS (now Check Six) and Area 51 (http://esea.net/teams/45930).

Due to NA – EU times, I'm looking to BACKUP for a div1 team. I do not care about playtime, I am a dedicated backup who won't drop when needed.

Thank you.

Can find me on irc, pickup2 or #etf2l, or add me on steam

Im bi-winning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QS0q3mGPGg

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:38625038 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Canada [National Highlander Team] Sodium
Left Canada [National 6v6 Team] Sodium
Left Alfred [1v1] Sodium
Left Epsilon eSports [6v6] Sodium
Left Pop like a Cherry [2v2] Sodium
Joined Epsilon eSports [6v6] Mike
Left flamingo gaming esports club [6v6] alfa
Joined flamingo gaming esports club [6v6] kaidus
Left Team Infused [6v6] alfa
Joined Team Infused [6v6] alfa
Left 6v6 wouldbegoodifitwassoldiersonly [6v6] alfa
Joined Canada [National 6v6 Team] alfa
Left Romania [National 6v6 Team] alfa
Joined Canada [National Highlander Team] alfa
Joined 6v6 wouldbegoodifitwassoldiersonly [6v6] alfa
Left 6v6 wouldbegoodifitwassoldiersonly [6v6] longas
Joined 6v6 wouldbegoodifitwassoldiersonly [6v6] alfa
Left Ich liebe dich [6v6 Fun Team] alfa
Joined Ich liebe dich [6v6 Fun Team] Thalash
Left Bad News - Si^ Edition [6v6] alfa
Joined Bad News - Si^ Edition [6v6] Ghostface
Left Wait for it [6v6] alfa
Joined Wait for it [6v6] AnimaL
Left Noname yet [6v6] AnimaL
Joined Noname yet [6v6] AnimaL
Left Paradigm [6v6] alfa
Joined Paradigm [6v6] ThePledge
Left Team Vertex - RIP Youngblood [6v6] ThePledge
Joined Team Vertex - RIP Youngblood [6v6] alfa
Left Okay, Thanks. [6v6] alfa
Joined Okay, Thanks. [6v6] alfa
Left Team Vertex - RIP Youngblood [6v6] alfa
Joined Team Vertex - RIP Youngblood [6v6] alfa
Left Paradigm [6v6] alfa
Left Green Syndicate [Highlander] Cake
Joined Green Syndicate [Highlander] alfa
Joined Romania [National 6v6 Team] Winter20
Joined Paradigm [6v6] ThePledge
Left InstaShit [6v6 Fun Team] alfa
Left Paradigm [6v6] alfa
Left Morrpølse [Highlander] huhystah
Joined Paradigm [6v6] ThePledge
Left Paradigm [6v6] ThePledge
Joined InstaShit [6v6 Fun Team] alfa
Joined Pop like a Cherry [2v2] alfa
Joined Paradigm [6v6] ThePledge
Joined Morrpølse [Highlander] alfa
Left WARNING TF2 [6v6] alfa
Joined Alfred [1v1] alfa
Joined WARNING TF2 [6v6] noidy
Left Monkey-Gamers [6v6] alfa
Joined Monkey-Gamers [6v6] Dirt
Left Proletarians [6v6] Blazer
Joined Proletarians [6v6] alfa
Left Last Men Left [6v6] alfa
Joined Last Men Left [6v6] alfa
Left Matrix-Allies [6v6] alfa
Joined Matrix-Allies [6v6] alfa

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 8 901
View Prem/Div 1 5 794
View Prem/Div 1 19 1172
View Mid 12 669


  1. SfynX: T2P said:

    Always been a good scout to play with/against, reliable aim and gamesense makes him a great option as backup!


  2. Mike: TEZC said:

    nice guy good scout

  3. baerbel: trick17 - trick17 said:

    (Last 2 weeks)
    Number of pickups: 5 (0.4/day)

  4. Alfa said:

    I wonder how many were there per day for Christmas and New Year.

  5. Demourge: EPA said:

    Cool guy, reliable scout. And he sounds like Spary strangely enough! ;D

    gl Alfa :3

  6. KLar?: okie said:

    best fake romanian yank ever,div 1 for sure

  7. Sir Remix: frø - DANMARK said:

    Awesome guy and a good scout.

    Good luck Alfa! :)

  8. punct: Do be - Rambase.ro said:

    Good luck, mate!

  9. Peligrino said:

    Hey, I’m looking to start a team, and I’m Canadian as well, so if I get around to it i’ll definitely keep you in mind!

  10. Alfa said:

    I see you are a highlander player, no I am not looking for new teams (specially highlander ones). I suggest you look for a team on Gotfrag and learn the ropes of 6v6 (way different than highlanders).

    Also im not canadian, I just live there

  11. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    good @ scout

    bad @ sniper

    div5 ez

  12. yin said:

    great guy :D and always says the truth. can push your team to best performance

    gl alfa

  13. Sebb: IsF said:

    Awesome guy. Enoth sayed.

  14. helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:


  15. LUPUS said:

    Not div1 :\ GL though.

  16. Alfa said:

    You make it sound like you have played with me since I moved to the NA scene

    P.S: Did getting drunk payed of better than playing tf2?

  17. 1mpuls: IsF said:

    Cool guy with alot of skillz! gl bud <3 :)

  18. Dusty: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Yay Lupus you’re still around :D

    Good luck alfa, was awesome to have played with you for so long

  19. kuma said:


  20. LUPUS said:

    I didn’t know roster riding made you div1. Yes, getting drunk did pay off better. :D

  21. LUPUS said:

    Forgot to mention kissing ass, yeah…How does that make you div1? :o

  22. Dummy said:

    judging by pugna and pugna only, not the best measure, he’s far from div 1, at best a decent div 2

  23. Ghostface: spire said:

    Haters starting to hate.

    I have no idea how the guy plays, but he was pretty chillax and funny in mumble. He’s prolly around that div2/1 margin anyway.

    Also needs to stop stalking Nightbox or any other person and flame them.

  24. Alfa said:

    All I can say is haters are welcome, got the hang of it after 3 years of tf2.

    If any of you haters think you can do a better job than me on any class I welcome you to try

  25. Alfa said:

    And if I kiss ass, you should see your chatlogs mate… never saw anyone so deep into bytes rectum before

  26. LUPUS said:

    I don’t see anything of the sort :o. Dude, you’re horrid. You aren’t div1. Should I remind you of “Can I go sniper?”. Damn those days were sad, you really need to stop kissing ass and sucking dick though, its pathetic.

  27. LUPUS said:

    inb4 telling some they’re bad at a video game is pathetic.

  28. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    I think we can all agree that both LUPUS and Alfa are both dog shit.

  29. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:


  30. LUPUS said:

    +1 Koeitje. I don’t play the game too much, bar the odd pub or pug.

  31. Alfa said:

    Yes lupus I remember you getting replaced by d2m and you begging me to vote you to stay in the team was so dramatic I wanted to cry a tear for you.

    If you are one of those pathetic losers that can’t accept the reality, you are welcome to spec me playing tonight with the condition to shut the fuck up and just watch.

    And I thought Gofrag was bad, looking at this thread beats some of the most retarded people there

  32. Dummy said:

    being an absolute spaz on your own rec post certainly isnt helping
    neither is thinking youre right in everything too
    but in-game hes actually nice, i already commented on his skill, so dont judge him before you play with him

  33. Alfa said:

    Im sorry, I’ve been like this on Christmas as well. Im usually in this mood after I read Maddox, his articles make me become an internet pirate.

    Thanks though dummy.

  34. LUPUS said:

    hahaha You begged Pledge to let you play every night, and he refused almost every time. Wonder why.

  35. Alfa said:

    Yeah a year ago I was eager to play every night as I had time

  36. Mike: TEZC said:

    lupus is irish and poor, the judge of recruitment threads had SPOKEN

  37. Ghostface: spire said:

    H8rs be h8in. Let them do what they do best and ignore their poopoo eating.

  38. rts: PrettyGay said:

    yeah ghostface, start ignoring your poopoo eating.

  39. Dauk said:

    please more

  40. Alfa said:

    It might look like me and lupus hate each other, but on steam we are actually pretty friendly.

    I miss the days when lupus and sparkle were in the same IRC channel, those logs were gold.

  41. FADe said:

    ^^ If he wasn’t so damn ugly I’d of been able to put up with his incessant dribbling, good times though man! Haven’t played with you at all since then so really can’t comment, and when you do dmix you’re forced to demo :[ Really nice guy, gl with the search x

  42. Van1lla: F! said:

    is annoying
    to play against.

    You want him, you know you want to.

  43. Moreg: dc. said:

    if you play a game, he will be there spectaing. All the time.

  44. Alfa said:

    bump, thx for all the comments!

  45. LUPUS said:

    “It might look like me and lupus hate each other, but on steam we are actually pretty friendly.

    I miss the days when lupus and sparkle were in the same IRC channel, those logs were gold.”

    He speaks the truth, we actually are pretty friendly and play SC2 the odd time…Too bad he’s low- at that too.

  46. ShadowG: IsF - LoEG said:

    A filthy yank but a good scout. Yo, good luck bro.

  47. djshrew said:

    He has always been a div 1 rager when i played agaist him, so best of luck. ;)

  48. link: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Nice guy and a good player. Allways there when you need him…and otherwise as well. Has some perculiar yankee moves.

  49. kuma said:

    Oh god you play sc2 with lupus? i feel for you…

    One of the few scouts i dread when he’s in the zone and doesn’t miss a shot. the high ping helps his already sick sniping to make him an unstoppable juggernaut. Haven’t spoke to him that much but he was pretty friendly whenever we did. Definitely can play in any div 1 team right now.

  50. Alfa said:


  51. punct: Do be - Rambase.ro said:

    Friendly bump. :)

  52. Alfa said:
