ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Sweden Bagdub

Posted by MusclePants: | Last Online:

Hit there.
we are searching for a Swedish player that can play all those or just one of them.


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  1. tramsig: -><- said:

    Needs a player with some league experience, can improve a lot with the right player.
    Nice guys that doesnt rage, gl with your search!

  2. Runningz: tfortress.no said:

    Hi. I would like to apply as either (not medic). Although I am not Swedish, I’m very familiar with it and know the language (I live along the border). I don’t really have any league experiences, but I have mixed with Norwegian div 1 players such as Leon or Macisum for some time at mid+ level, so I should be quite capable of handling the task of low-. I have played tf2 since launch, and have about 2500+ hours played.

  3. Defur said:

    Det finns många svenskar som söker nu, Runningz verkar inte vara dålig heller!

    Ni är barnen, and the candyshop is open.. gogogo!