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Scout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

England Orchid

Posted: | Last Online:

Gonna make a proper rec. thread, cus I haven't for some time.
First things first. I dont like to clan hop, I really do want to settle down with a decent team. All the teams I have had were either not serious about playing, inactive, or just didn't get enough members. Every single time I started/joined up with somebody, we had great hopes and potential, but after a month or so everybody usually leaves, goes inactive. I have bad luck. Even Waebi screwed me over and went inactive, so did Triobot.

/!\ /!\ >>>>>>>> IF UR LAZY, START READING HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /!\ /!\
A bit `bout me!
-17yo (turn 18th 1st of June)
-Might be attending i43.
-Mature. I do not rage. I occasionally shout out "f*ck you / thats bullsh*t" if I`m getting raped by enemy scouts, but thats it.
-Could handle div3 as a scout on a good day ( http://min.us/mv1Qnd#1 ) , will go for div4 teams without hesitation, same goes for div5 if you actually are a cool bunch.
-Div 4/5 at medic, div5 solly/demo, but my main goal is to improve myself as a scout right now.
-A sense of humor and good English skills. I dont sound like a bloody russki.
-Available most nights. Will go out on Friday OR Saturday every other week. Might go out on some weekdays cus of my gf, but I would let you know earlier if I would. tl;dr – I`ll be here 4/5 days a week. Starting from 18-23/24 cet!

What I want from you guys
-Mostly looking for a bunch who can actually talk proper english. Not a bunch who "Has enough English can comm ingame trololol". < That is a must
-Hang around mumble, so I dont need to be a stalker on the Smack Mumble anymore. Play other games, not just TF2 (for fun, not comp.)
-Be keen on improving

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:70090787 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Going huge [1v1] Orchid
Left Fair Enough [Highlander] Flood
Joined Fair Enough [Highlander] Orchid
Left Fair Enough [Highlander] .
Joined Fair Enough [Highlander] .
Joined JinVillains [6v6] Orchid
Left JinVillains [6v6] Orchid
Joined JinVillains [6v6] Orchid
Left The Dandy Lions [6v6] Orchid
Joined Tummy Rubbing [2v2] Orchid
Joined The Dandy Lions [6v6] Danzeru
Left waebi dropped us. [6v6] Orchid
Joined waebi dropped us. [6v6] Orchid
Left failed box3 squad [6v6] Orchid
Joined failed box3 squad [6v6] Orchid
Left Whats in the boX? Squad 3 [6v6] Orchid
Joined Whats in the boX? Squad 3 [6v6] Orchid
Joined Going huge [1v1] Orchid
Left CiC KAP [6v6] Orchid
Joined CiC KAP [6v6] thaldarin
Left CiC KAP [6v6] thaldarin
Joined CiC KAP [6v6] Teach
Left CiC KAP [6v6] Nagash
Joined CiC KAP [6v6] Orchid
Left Ambidextrous Introductions [6v6] konr
Joined Ambidextrous Introductions [6v6] konr
Left HOMOZ [6v6] Orchid
Joined HOMOZ [6v6] Orchid
Left The Dope Boys [6v6] Orchid
Joined The Dope Boys [6v6] Orchid
Left Team Wat? [6v6] Orchid
Joined Team Wat? [6v6] CheeseW01f
Left Are You Lost?! [6v6] Orchid
Joined Are You Lost?! [6v6] Orchid
Left Necrosis [6v6] Orchid
Joined Necrosis [6v6] Orchid
Left Good at Last! [6v6] Orchid
Joined Good at Last! [6v6] Orchid

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3/Div 4 3 413
View Div 3 9 521
View Div 4 9 440
View Div 3 9 654
View Div 3 24 12310
View Div 3 16 972
View Div 4 10 619
View Div 5/Div 6 20 1015
View Div 4/Div 5 41 1470
View Div 4 3 460
View Div 4/Div 5 3 476
View Low+ 14 551
View Low 5 393
View Low 30 685
View Low 0 394
View Low 7 520
View Low 2 493
View Low 0 285
View Low- 7 406
View Low 0 350
View Low 0 218
View Low 0 231
View Low 0 236
View Low- 0 201
View Low 0 353
View Low 0 278
View Low- 0 238
View Low- 0 251


  1. konr said:

    Oh God. Good luck mate. Shame Eye Scream fucked up.

  2. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Might still get it going. I know trio is back for good, and we talked yesterday. We just need peeps, but I haven’t talked to anyone decent.

  3. Orchid: |=3 said:

    bump. Gimme trialz

  4. Martn said:

    Good guy, give him a try!

  5. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Just to piss sidey off!

    1:18 – Side|Effect: but from what I saw
    1:19 – Side|Effect: you could play in div 3
    1:19 – Orchid.trialz: I would search div3/4, but im afraid of the local skill police :(((
    1:19 – Orchid.trialz: would rape me in minutes
    1:19 – Side|Effect: you know your skill best
    1:20 – Side|Effect: forget the haterzzz
    1:20 – Orchid.trialz: true, but i know how people act if they see somebody not-british / new
    1:20 – Orchid.trialz: looking for div4+
    1:20 – Side|Effect: put div 3/4 in your thread then

  6. Clark: SDCK! said:

    Skill police is right over.
    Hands up.

  7. Krabs said:

    O makaka! Yo pro! Again here to rate someone?:D

  8. wndr: TEZC - MONSTERFRAGGEN said:

    Good scout, nice guy.

  9. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Thanks :)

  10. Orchid: |=3 said:

    remade the op. More info in it now, cus Im dropping Eye Scream for sure. Tired of waebi/triobot screwing me over :(

  11. medfoo: trick17 said:

    met him when he started playing competitive and saw him improving very fast and in huge steps. get him as soon as possible, he will improve even more with a stable team.
    i love him <3

  12. hal: blah said:

    a different interpretation would be that you screwed waebi over first by recruiting another scout (one he never played with before and who also kind of has a rep of being a bad teamplayer) without consulting with him

    too many excuses, too much blame if you ask me

    nonetheless..best of luck, somebody give him a div 4 spot

  13. fallen said:

    Will do fine in div3 :)

  14. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Meeq, please do not talk if you know nothing. At that time I was unsure if I wanted to play tf2 anymore, so I played medic for the team, I got Knuck so waebi would have a decent scout partner, cus knuck was better then me.
    Waebi went inactive because he has rather big exams coming up, not because he didnt have a spot on the team, so please, i beg you, do not post if you do not know shit about it ;)

  15. hal: blah said:

    you didn’t get my point (and there was no speculation in my post, it’s just my impression).
    just bc a scout is better than you in dm doesn’t mean he will be a good scout partner for waebi.
    I never said he went inactive bc he didn’t have a spot.

    and his exams are hardly a sudden surprise for him, so I can’t really believe that’s the whole reason.

  16. Orchid: |=3 said:

    I knew how waebi played, so I looked for a scout that would fit him. Played with knuck for over a week and he seemed to fit every criteria to be a good partner for waebi. Waebi at that time was in egypt and we really needed members so i just took knuck in.

    Also – Waebi thought he could play because on an earlier post on etf2l it was said that S9 will start mid january, which it obviously did not. He could still play with me/us for a month or so, but he would not be here when the actual season9 starts.

    Me saying waebi screwed me was a joke / sarcasm. I do realize that real life comes first and I myself play less then I used to because I have real life stuff going on (i know how to balance both).

    I just dont get why all of a sudden you pick on me.

    also Tay is hattin` skillpolice!

    0:07 – JapaneeseSushiVendingMachine: whysodiv4?
    0:07 – Orchid: afraid of skillpolice to go div3
    0:07 – JapaneeseSushiVendingMachine: fuck the skill police
    0:08 – JapaneeseSushiVendingMachine: madcosmeatshots

  17. hal: blah said:

    I just didn’t get the joke then. That whole “bad luck, screwed over” sounded like “poor me” to me. Never mind then.

  18. Will said:

    got confused between what classes you’ve been playin lately =D, but i do remember your a quality scout, should do fine top div4 (havent played with you often enough to say div3 but i think its definately possible, no skill police here :P) GL

  19. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Yeah there was a moment where i was upset with tf2 and didnt want to play scout anymore!

  20. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    Pretty cool guy. I used to play a lot with him back when he was div5. He seems to have improved. guess he could be div3 if he topfraged in a game vs prem player mix. Give him a shot ;) You won’t be dissapointed.

  21. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Bump. Gimme trialz

  22. doks said:

    havent seen him play for a long time but i guess he has improved a lot. hope you finaly find the right team for you orchid! gl mate :>

  23. Krabs said:

    Dedicated and social guy, gl! :)

  24. Orchid: |=3 said:


  25. Knuck: DA! said:

    About what Meeq said : Orchid was looking for a scout, I asked to be trialed, I was, then I joined the team. Where is the problem if they took a scout whereas they didn’t need ? It’s up to them to do what they want about the roster and stuff.
    And also the fact that you say that I’m a bad teamplayer is quite strange, cause first you’ve never played with me, and also you just deleted me when I joined Eye Scream because I told you that I’d be glad to join your new team. So why willing to take me in your team since I’m a bad teamplayer ? Nice.

    Anyway that’s cool, I’m a bad teamplayer, so I’ll work on it so as not to be a teamplayer.

    Orchid is a nice guy, just needs someone to lead him a bit and he’ll be great to handle D4 for sure. Besides that, good comms & aim.

    Best of luck, under-developed guy <3.

  26. hal: blah said:

    maaaan I’m such a nerd, browsing rec forums at this time…
    also, I’m sorry for offtopic

    Dear Sir Knuck,

    please accept the following explanations regarding your concerns:

    – ofc it’s a team leader’s decision to recruit a new scout, I just think that scouts need to have good chemistry with each other (as well as the rest of the team ofc), so it might be a good idea to include the existing scout partner in the process; I know I wouldn’t have been happy in waebi’s position and that’s basically all I wanted to say there; I only talked about that stuff bc I thought orchid appeared to be pointing fingers though; as it seems, he was joking or sth, so it really doesn’t matter anyhow

    – I didn’t say you are a bad team player, I said you kind of have the reputation (e.g. your old team members that have played with you for quite some time thought so, if I remember correctly); I personally can’t say one way or the other;

    – I remembered you from playing on the old USK public server and I have a warm fuzzy feeling between the legs for everyone I know from there, that’s why I approached you;

    – I deleted you, because you assured me that you would be able to play on two days that I requested (for trial, my plan was to find ppl who will fit together, that’s also what I discussed with you at length); one day later you joined another team without giving me the heads up, so I had no interest in playing with you again; water under the bridge though since I gave up on that idea anyway

    on topic: BUMP :D

    under-developed? don’t be harsh now :p

  27. JimTheMagicJumper: ! said:

    dirty latvian homo

  28. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Meeq, about the “under-developed” thing, we used to fool around mumble. I used to make fun of him cus he is french, he used to make fun of me cus im latvian – under developed country, lololol

  29. Hbeat: BfG said:

    he’s sick scout !
    Don’t be late to pick him up !
    Gl mate !

  30. Orchid: |=3 said:


  31. konr said:


  32. Orchid: |=3 said:


  33. Orchid: |=3 said:
