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MedicPyroScoutSniper  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Greece f0am

Posted: | Last Online:

f0am here div 6/5 medic-scout looking for english speaking team.
What could be useful to know about me1: i live in cyprus that means GMT+2 and thats like 2 hours ahead of everything in eft2l so that sucks. Can play like 19:00-10:30 (CET)
2:I like to hang around in mumble alot
3:Can't play on fridays or saturdays mostly
4:Dedicated medic-scout
Expecting from you: Have a voice server
Dont really care about warserver
Be active!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:549700 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Colonslash: Pokemon [6v6] Zealos
Joined Team Colonslash: Pokemon [6v6] Zealos
Left fold [6v6] Bonkers
Joined fold [6v6] f0am
Left We touched Sasha [6v6] Tornf4lk
Joined We touched Sasha [6v6] f0am
Left U MAD? [6v6] silleh
Joined U MAD? [6v6] Not here
Left Infected [6v6] f0am
Joined Infected [6v6] f0am
Left The Generic Bunch [6v6] f0am
Joined The Generic Bunch [6v6] Lauflaufa
Left Hippies [6v6] f0am
Joined Hippies [6v6] f0am

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Low+ 15 470


  1. Bonkers said:

    Good guy, he deserves a good team, he tends to ghost mumble a bit, by being there and not saying anything =P but otherwise gr8 guy gr8 skill and you should nap him quick =P

  2. fakado said:

    Nice guy, good clear comms. Was a good experience playing with him in a mix.

  3. Zuidi: [9mm] - HHH said:

    He deserves a good team. Fun to talk to and play with.

  4. mimzyy: (è_é) - Otter said:

    Really good scout and sniper with good aim and tactical sense ;)…. Smart medic, good callings.

    Pick him, i advise it.

  5. Tornf4lk: cc// said:

    Great scout, though I might remark on a special occasion of sniper on granary mid :3 but hes a great player nevertheless, great medic as soon as he gets a wee bit of experience with the team, pick him up, and good luck foam :)

  6. Reaction: Team - 8===D said:

    really good medic and scout good at calling also his aim is pretty good as scout can definiatly handle div 6 good luck mate

  7. Armofdiarrhoea said:

    Really nice guy and always fun to play with. Haven’t seen him scout but is a more than capable medic. Goodluck foam :)