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Soldier  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Germany MOOGLE

Posted: | Last Online:

a bit aim and no brain

MoO > Hat

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:6459441 Add Friend

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  1. Loco: Mayo said:

    :D awesome solly

  2. reCon said:

    right description! : D

  3. R1sinG!: MAFIA said:

    GREAT SOLDIER , Unbeatable Aiming and a cool guy.

    Top Div2 for sure and i think 1st Divison is possible for him too. :D

    GL m8! :D

  4. Foster: -9m- - Pixie <3 said:

    but if he’s better than hat then he’s prem?

    Just saying might wanna change your post to prem mate pretty much there just keep workin on the airkicks.

  5. Cooki: rhs said:

    Good soldier.

    Pick him up.

  6. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    good soldier, nice guy, but changing every month his clan.
    anyway good luck.:)

  7. Ski11Letti said:

    Awesome in team, have awesome aim and a bit brain :D

  8. sweiny: trick17 said:

    where’s all the flame?
    sux at aiming but has huge gamesense

  9. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    Should do fine in div2, maybe even top div2.
    Ain’t div1 though :f
    Good luck

  10. MoO said:

    who are you retsh0ck?

  11. poxie said:

    someone who played in div1 I’m pretty sure :0

  12. mvp.: marco - ¤_¤ said:

    good soldier, could compete in div1 as roaming soldier.

    if he would listen to me more often, he could be very good. he has talent, no doubt.

  13. mvp.: marco - ¤_¤ said:

    stop the spam.

  14. mineral: [kpwr] said:

    Last time I played with him I didn’t feel he could handle the decision making and the pace of div1 games. Div2 perhaps. GL

  15. Mike: TEZC said:

    <3 you moo ! :D
    hes going beat ppl up for me at the lan

  16. LinKin said:

    I like him ;)
    Good Luck Moo

  17. Arcadizz1e: PwR - Pixie <3 said:

    steam avatar always makes me think he must be some massive homosexual internet predator.


  18. Hat said:

    div 2 at best

    but i will admit, i would fuck you, you sexy bastard

  19. Blackout said:

    aimmonsta and very good solly ! <3

  20. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    I wasnt trying to flame or anything m00, but since you commented like that:
    I am Retsh0ck, playing in div1 atm as demoman and one of the solys that beat you @ bball cup ( you probably remember :D ).
    And was just giving my opinion, I doubt you’ll do good in div1, and I said you should be doing fine in div2.
    viel gluck

  21. antyy: 2ne1 said:

    if he wasnt such a massive mong to everyone he could probably do very well.

    obviously sick aim, and if he can figure out what gamesense is he could be a very good sol.

  22. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    lol at mvp :D ” If he would listen to me more often, he could be very good. he has talent, no doubt.”

    wait this thread is not about me, i will change that…!

    i love you ♥

    division moo! recommended

  23. MoO said:

    hmhmmm yes, im sometimes a bit.. ehmm.. bitchy kiddy sluty fucky ;) and drunk right now.. so. lol retsh0ck, its just kiddy talking with a bit “flame” which makes the game more intresting.. provocations make the game more intresting and are funny also ;)

    so dont be mad about shittalk in past retsh0ck and thx to every1 for the nice words.. especially to mvp who knows that im a mongo :D

  24. Taimou said:

    a man with massive ego
    fucking good at airkicks tho.

  25. Brego: O-O said:

    Lovely guy with huge gamesense

    Pick him up fast!

  26. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    Shave his anus at i42!

  27. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    this isnt a soap opera, no one is trying to make provocations or w/e, was giving my genuine and honest opinion about you, didn’t try or want to flame or troll.
    and for the last time in this thread, good luck.

  28. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Div2 gamesense, prem aim.

    (I’d go as far as saying Mike is actually better :P)

  29. medfoo: trick17 said:

    Div8 gamesense actually :> luv yo!

  30. electrizzity said:

    M00 viel Erfolg wünsche Ich dir !

  31. sweiny: trick17 said:

    you little man, im clapping full of respect when i see you till my little fingers hurt, i will enjoy you

  32. Chris: (0v0) said:


  33. sKaz: KP said:

    ich habe einan orgasmus just from looking at your avatar.
    how come you don’t listen to marco!?

  34. algiosh said:

    funny guy with awesome deathmatch skills

  35. hoppi: TIDS said:

    huge aim, gl

  36. MoO said:

    thx for all comments and specially to the nice comments from “haters”.. thx hoppi ;)

    and to every1 a nice new year.. yes its a bit late but has to be said. <3

  37. n0va: T2P said:

    i like hat.

  38. phy said:


  39. phy said:

    AIRKICK! PS: Don’t threat people with breaking their pinkies, sounds really dumb.
    Good luck moO

  40. MoO said:

    bumpy bump

  41. ZeyOrk said:

    5cm hardzoooonnn! good player, but has mike-syndrom, acts like a cunt, but i know there is good in this fuhrer. JAWOHL!

    div 2

  42. Mike: TEZC said:

    at least he doesn’t have zeyork-syndrome where he is a cunt all of the time :D

  43. Jay |: TFPortal.de said:

    rly good player DIV 1,2 sure, pick him fast dudes..

    gl moo

  44. MoO said:


  45. Mucka: trick17 - [1o+] said:

    gl Moo

  46. algiosh said:

    Oh he’s really nice and talkactive guyyy with sexy body, girls take him faster!!
    and also good soldier div1 for sure, fuck what are you waiting for take him ;D

  47. Afle said:

    What algiosh said, div1 irl for sure, girls pick him fast! Might improve into a prem husband

  48. sweiny: trick17 said:


  49. MoO said:


  50. mvp.: marco - ¤_¤ said:

    bim bam bino.

  51. Knuck: DA! said:

    Mein Fotze is the best ! Take him now, he beats people on MGE 20:1 !
    Ich liebe dich :D !
    Good luck MoO !

  52. Black_Bob: [DA] said:

    Yep just played him on ammo mod scary stuff!