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ScoutSniper  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Bl4ck

Posted: | Last Online:

I am:
Very good aim.
Perfect English.
Good Comms.
Competent Sniper offclass.
Got a TF2 and Mumble Server
Looking for:
Dedicated team.
Div 5, and will consider some Div 6 teams.
Friendly Bunch, using mumble for more than just games.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:73982368 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Deficiency6 [6v6] Bl4ck
Joined Deficiency6 [6v6] Bl4ck
Left Tyrannosaurus Regs [Highlander] Bl4ck
Left Deficiency6 [6v6] Bl4ck
Joined Deficiency6 [6v6] Bl4ck
Left Deficiency [6v6] Bl4ck
Joined Deficiency [6v6] Bl4ck
Left Deficiency [6v6] Bl4ck
Joined Deficiency [6v6] Bl4ck
Left Deficiency [6v6] Bl4ck
Joined Deficiency [6v6] Phrozen
Left Fry That Spy [6v6] Bl4ck
Joined Fry That Spy [6v6] Bl4ck
Joined Tyrannosaurus Regs [Highlander] Bl4ck

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  1. Phroz3n: ? said:

    Aim is epic and a really really great sniper at scout he beats the shit out of me needs more experience possiblt :) would recommend a good div 5/4 team give him a home it’s cold in England right now ;3

  2. Orchid: |=3 said:

    from what i`ve seen in a recent mix – dodgy as fuck. Next cookye!

  3. poxie said:

    in my opinion – is a blatant cheater, beware if you trial him.