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Medic  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Wales Yetin the Cretin

Posted: | Last Online:

Mature (in age at least) TF2'r who has been playing and loving TF2 for years. Most people hate the medic, I actually adore playing medic and have played the class to the tune of over 1100 hours. Im available to play most nights. My current team is on the brink of promotion but unfortunately we are going our seperate ways at the end of the season so I'm looking for a new team. Add me on steam and trial me. I am completely in love with this game (sad I know) hence my >3000 hours played (even more sad) and I am confident I could step up to div 4 as soon as I get to know the teams style of play. Enthusiastic medic mains are surely not a dime a dozen. Hook me up and lets kick some ass!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:22902945 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Chad Cool S [6v6] B R O W N
Joined Chad Cool S [6v6] Melon
Left Erectin' a POOTIS [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Left ANGLO 2024 [Highlander] blayze
Joined ANGLO 2024 [Highlander] blayze
Joined Erectin' a POOTIS [6v6] Sprite
Left HOMEBOIS [2v2] Yetin the Cretin
Left I Freaking Love Haggis [Highlander] Yetin the Cretin
Left Drowning Kangaroos [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Joined Drowning Kangaroos [6v6] D3DICATION
Left The Hard 6 [6v6] selsper
Joined The Hard 6 [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Left The Enigma Zone Crew 2 [6v6] SmAsH
Joined The Enigma Zone Crew 2 [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Left Fruit Shop Ownersv2 [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Joined Fruit Shop Ownersv2 [6v6] LoRdy
Left Fruit Shop Owners (version 1) [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Joined I Freaking Love Haggis [Highlander] Tearmisu
Joined Fruit Shop Owners (version 1) [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Left CiC Solar [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Left fak u guys [Highlander] mimu
Joined fak u guys [Highlander] Yetin the Cretin
Left PeskyPubbers [Highlander] Yetin the Cretin
Joined HOMEBOIS [2v2] mimu
Joined CiC Solar [6v6] emmz
Left Xample [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Joined Xample [6v6] r1k
Left noname yet [6v6] Yetin the Cretin
Joined noname yet [6v6] hz
Left Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Oxy
Joined Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Oxy
Left to be named [6v6] hz
Joined to be named [6v6] Arthur
Joined PeskyPubbers [Highlander] Yetin the Cretin

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3/Div 4 13 808


  1. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    I’ve played against this guy way too many times :)) give him a try

  2. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    It’s a shame IDK are folding, but Yetin is a good medic and a nice guy too. Pick him up! :D

  3. LimeyFTW: Üb - PP^ said:

    Yetin is a good medic and a nice guy with good game sense and knows what he’s doing; Give him a try. :]

  4. Arthur: WM said:

    I think it will be good for most members of the team, to play in a different team for a while, it was getting a little stir crazy. Yetin has all the base skills you need from a medic, the deciding factor should be if he fits with the players you already have, highly recommended.

  5. Yetin the Cretin said:

    ty guys. U legends. Make sure we still mix ffs!

  6. Biohazard: IDK said:

    Yetin from what I’ve seen is a nice guy and with the right team and guidance he will go far too, just give him a chance.

    Gl mate

  7. hz said:

    GL Yetin.

    Hope you find a team to click with. He’s a good healer. Try him.

  8. Sneaky Little Penguin: doggo said:

    Great guy, mixed with him lots and he’s a very good medic, just a shame he’s leaving IDK :(

    Oh, and he’ll only occasionally go smoke some weed :P

  9. JvanW: =[IDK]= - =[IDK]= said:

    Great lad, good comms, and knows what he is doing!!

    Theres always a time to move on.

    GL with your search m8!!

  10. atrox_: WaAS? said:

    well that backfired didn’t it

  11. n0va: T2P said:

    welsh medics are the best in tf2. GL mate

  12. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Welsh! A nice guy anyways!

  13. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Gl Yetin!