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ScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Latvia Stranger

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, i'm stranger a little known 14yo guy from a 3d world country called Latvia. After half of my team decided to move on to wow:cataclysm and real life

I can say (and most who i'm known by will probably agree) that i'm:

*Mature (for my age that is ;)

*None rager.

*I've got Fine comns.

*Tons of div5-div4 experience in mixes and teams.

*Can play both solly and scout at a div5/div4 level.

*I consider myself as a more of a intelligent scout/solly, than all aim no brain kind of guy.

*At the moment I'm avalable most week days. Monday, wednesday and weekends(if i have no other plans for those days) from 18:00 – 22:00 cet, Tuesday/Thursday from 20:00-22:00 CET (REMEMBER that i won't play any longer than 21:30 unless there is a official going on)

What i want? ^^:

*I'd prefer english or latvian languages I can also speak russian and a bit german (just the basics etc.)

*I won't play in a team that practices less then 2 times a week.

*I also won't play in a team that hasn't got clean comns in-game.

*Don't really care about what goes on in between games, since i have my fun with the latvian community anyway, but a good company in the team would be a big +

*To get me playing properly as a solly/sniper you'll need to let me warm up properly @ mge/tr_aim_training (about 15 mins. max)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34784861 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined 2stronk [6v6] Stranger
Left 2STRONK V 2.0 [6v6] Stranger
Joined 2STRONK V 2.0 [6v6] Stranger
Left burn [6v6] Stranger
Joined burn [6v6] Stranger
Left burn [6v6] PineBerry High
Joined burn [6v6] Stranger
Left CIDO [6v6] monkye
Joined CIDO [6v6] monkye
Left 2stronk [6v6] Stranger
Joined 2stronk [6v6] onamons
Left The Bulgarists [6v6] Stranger
Left The Lords Of Gravel Pit [Highlander] Stranger
Joined The Bulgarists [6v6] Kaze
Left The Rent Is Too Damn High [6v6] Stranger
Joined The Rent Is Too Damn High [6v6] uuberis
Left Pointless [6v6] Stranger
Joined Pointless [6v6] Stranger
Left The Rent Is Too Damn High [6v6] uuberis
Joined The Rent Is Too Damn High [6v6] Stranger
Left Good at Last! [6v6] Stranger
Joined The Lords Of Gravel Pit [Highlander] DIEHARDD
Joined Good at Last! [6v6] Risky
Left atrox gaming [6v6] Дядя Миша
Joined atrox gaming [6v6] Stranger
Left atrox gaming [6v6] Stranger
Joined atrox gaming [6v6] Stranger
Left atrox gaming [6v6] Stranger
Joined atrox gaming [6v6] Stranger

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2/Div 3 4 337
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View Low 0 276


  1. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    Contact me trough steam :>

  2. Risky: Poo - Poo said:

    Sticking by what i said before, although its been a fair time since i last played with him so he’s probably improved a lot since i remember. Good smart scout, solid aim. Knows where to be and when. Had good teamwork when we played scout together. Plays soldier fairly well too. Doesnt rage at all and is a friendly guy in mumble etc, up for a laugh. Capable of Div4. Good Luck.

  3. Krabs said:

    Give him a sweet home, you won’t regret;)
    Cool guy, keen to improve;)

  4. onamons said:

    Great guy, no complains on personality,
    His capabilities actually depend on the mood he’s in, he can play whole with 10 kills and he can topfrag with sniper at the same day killing everyone on the last point and capping just like that.
    Really gonna miss playing with him :)

  5. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    Thanks for the comments : ) Keep em coming.

  6. Orchid: |=3 said:

    4:01 PM – Stranger lf team :): ello http://etf2l.org/recruitment/79665/

    Hes decent, could go div4 with the right team! :)

  7. croco said:

    can handle div4 without too many problems, i think. good aim.

  8. doks said:

    mature. calm. has game sense and nice aim. gl

  9. PedoBear: ppb:H: said:

    Don’t let your prejudice about age cloud your decision regarding this guy and give him a good home.

  10. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    Still up for more trials. Trialing for cooler as solly atm. Haven’t decided anything jet since it’s a new team. It hasn’t even got 2 stable players

  11. at0m1c* said:

    This guy play terribly…good,He can play in div4 without any problems,just dont waste ur chance,pick him up ;)

  12. Stranger: 2stronk said:

    bumpity bump

  13. Spike Himself: TC said:

    HUGE player in the highlander challenge team. Definitely knows what he’s doing and has potential to go far.